Warner Smokes Crack

August 23rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


…and starts rambling about vaguely thought through ideas. Like randomly “pulling out some troops” to “make a point” without any serious and studied regard for the actual tactical circumstances of any unit that might be “randomly” chosen for exit. If he can’t identify the “unnecessary” units first, he shouldn’t be suggesting that any leave. John Warner is not a military commander, and does not face, let alone understand, the actual challenges of this battlefield. No, John, it is not time to use our troops as political tools.


WASHINGTON (CNN) — The influential former chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee has called on President Bush to start bringing U.S. troops home from Iraq by Christmas.

Sen. John Warner, a Virginia Republican, said Thursday that a pullout was needed to spur Iraqi leaders to action.

He has recommended that Bush announce the beginning of a U.S. withdrawal in mid-September, after a report is released from the top U.S. officials in Iraq, and that those troops should be back in the U.S. by Christmas.

“In my humble judgment, that would get everyone’s attention that is not being paid at this time,” said Warner.

Warner opposed Bush’s January decision to send nearly 30,000 additional U.S. troops to Iraq.

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17 Responses

  1. dad 3/7

    weiner warner also said that he is against the dummycrats legislation that calls for a date to withdraw, and then said that the pres. should start with drawing by Xmas. WHAT?… sounds like a typical politician to me,,,,

  2. Bashman

    This guy is an example of how blind, ignorant, and motivated by sheer stupidity the Left truly is.

    All Warner is good for is telling us about Liz…

  3. Gary in Midwest

    It’s time for this guy to retire! When you can’t think past the knee jerk, hang it up!!!

  4. JerryC

    Why wouldn’t he call the Commander In Chief to disucss this first, instead of running to a microphone?

  5. James Hooker

    Shit! Just when I thought the dems were getting funny, up pops this surrender weasel.

    In fact, I have no words. No wonder Liz left the cunt - she got tired of being on top all the time.

  6. Jim

    Warner shut the f*** up, YOU SON OF A BITCH!

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    I already told Warner that I ain’t voting for his ass anymore. I suggested that he retire before the people of my state do it for him, come next election cycle.

    He keeps writing back with his liberal Rhino dribble, and I keep shooting his ass down.

    I advise every person who stops in here to vote against this useless pinhead…and get your Republican friends to do likewise. Fuck him.

    Hell he couldn’t even keep Liz happy. Maybe much like his brain, his dick don’t work either?

  8. Irish Gal

    Yeah, you tell him John. You pick the troops too. You decide it all while you sit your fat ass in your leather chair. How is it that politicians from a Congress with an 18% approval rating (14% in some polls) have the balls and with a straight face condemn a brand new country (for all practical purposes)on how their politics are ineffective. Lights on, nobody’s home. I am not sure how Bush can keep from just punching their f___ing faces in.

  9. 0311inohio

    :twisted: Senile old son of bitch. A good example of the Wahsington DC Al Qaeda.. :evil:

  10. A. S. Wise- Commonwealth of Virginia

    I can testify to what Dan has said, and it’s time for some new blood in his seat. How bout Oliver North; the ultimate form of political revenge for Warner shafting him in ‘94!

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Send John Warner a “love note”.
    Contact info:
    202) 224-2023
    (202) 224-6295 FAX

  12. Dan (The Infidel)

    A.S Wise:

    I’ll drink to that!! :beer:

  13. Grumpy

    I am asking Pat to retract his statement about Turner smoking crack. I think that this is a huge insult to crackheads! I personally know a lot of crackheads and none of them are as flippin stupid as this guy.

  14. Grumpy

    Sorry, type-o, “Warner.”

  15. MarineDoc


    Warner - Turner…not much difference if you ask me!

  16. John Cunningham

    The operative word “randomly”, like randomly pulling things out of his ass.

  17. Jewish Odysseus

    “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt.”–the late great Fred Blassie, anticipating this senile bastard Warner.

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