Hillary: I’m The Dems’ Rambo

August 24th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



Some puzzled buzz among Democrats about remarks Sen. Clinton made at what the AP’s Holly Ramer calls “a backyard gathering of supporters” in Concord, N.H., on Thursday. According to the AP’s story, Clinton said she also would be better than rivals at handling the unexpected, including a terrorist attack. “It’s a horrible prospect to ask yourself, ‘What if? What if?’ But if certain things happen between now and the election, particularly with respect to terrorism, that will automatically give the Republicans an advantage again, no matter how badly they have mishandled it, no matter how much more dangerous they have made the world. So I think I’m the best of the Democrats to deal with that, as well.”

Whoa. Was she playing the terror card? Isn’t that the other team’s playbook? From Washington, the New York Post’s Geoff Earle writes up the AP quotes with the headline, “HILL: TERROR WOULD BE GOP BOOST.”

A little bird with an elephant’s memory reminds us that in the past, Clinton has maintained, as she did in The Washington Post in April, that terrorism “shouldn’t be a Democratic fight or a Republican fight.”

Back in 2005, the Albany Times-Union wrote that she had told the newspaper’s editorial board that the Bush administration had used the war on terror as a “political tool” to frighten Americans into submission.

And last year, speaking to a United Auto Workers legislative policy conference in Washington, she lambasted Republicans by saying: “Contrary to Franklin Roosevelt, who had nothing to fear but fear itself, this crowd is, ‘All we got is fear and we’re going to keep playing the fear card.’”

It turns out to be a card that both sides can deal.

Some Democrats contend this is a point Clinton has long made — and that Republican fear-mongering proves her right just about every day.

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10 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    rancid c*nt

  2. PhilNBlanx

    “It turns out to be a card that both sides can deal.”

    This is news? Herself has been playing the fear card ever since Bubba left his “evidence” on a blue dress. It’s just a damn shame she fears some mythological VRWC more than the all-too-real terrorists.
    Please. As if playing the fear card is something new for this self-serving political hack. Hell, Hillary’s more paranoid than a suicide-vest-wearing-jihadist that mistakenly stumbled into a barbeque joint in Muscogee.

  3. boots

    she can fund the GWOT by renting out the whitehouse and selling the silver and china ….white trash

  4. Tim Roesch

    Greetings (back from the internet Gulag of summer camp);

    I am thinking Hilary might be the best choice for president of ‘merika because she might bring into sharp contrast what it means to be American and a citizen on the world stage. Sometimes you need a shot to the head to wake up.

    Sadly, people will die but the blood of patriots is the Tree of Liberty’s natural manure, right?

    I say, vote for Hilary. It’ll hurt but maybe ‘no pain, no gain’.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major
    (insert witty rejoinder here)

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Tim Roesch:

    Vote for Hillary? What are you a fucking idiot? I wouldn’t fuck that bitch with your dick dumbass….let alone…vote for her….

    Command Private Major….yeah that’s the kind of thinking that I would expect from “Tommy Tentpeg”.

  6. azbastard

    tim you need a shot to the head, but not to wake you up..the blood of patriots is not manure you ungratefull bastard

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    And here are the dunmmycratz calling the kettle black once again. I’m telling you people these idiots are so fucking retarded that all they have to do to lose the next election is keep running their mouths.

    The Dems are a house divided. Against this country and against theirselves: Spin, baby, spin….


  8. Tim Roesch


    Dan and azbastard…I see my sarcasm is lost upon you.
    1. As to The Tree of Liberty’s natural manure being the blood of patriots…might I suggest reading some Thomas Jefferson?
    2. Tommy tentpeg? After your beautifully described sexual foray into necrophilia, I was hoping for something more pithy. Don’t strain yourself. Take the thinking part slow until you are used to it.

    Maybe if people stopped spouting off on boards such as this and, I don’t know…did something cosntructive…we wouldn’t need Hilary Clinton to remind us that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

    How about asking me to defend my point? Threatening to sexually assault Hilary with my ‘dick’ isn’t the beginning to the journey of reuniting this divided country. It isn’t even the beginning to real bad porn. Open your mind not your zipper.

    Every day I ask liberals what they think and…dear me, I am getting an intellectual erection…defend their thoughts. I think I get more people to really think about their positions on important topics then you do by threatening people with ‘dicks’. I have changed hearts and minds with facts not dicks.

    Spin, baby, spin? You want real Americans to use the tools that are going to destroy the democrats? Why don’t you just as everyone to drink out of their toilet.

    Spin won’t win this. Thinking and courage and soul and heart will. Read some of what our Founding Fathers wrote and engage brain before engaging fingers.

    I’ll be waiting by my tent peg for when the real conversation starts, not locker room vomit by barely pubescent teens.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major
    How many AIDS patient samples did you work up in a lab at Fort Dix Hospital when none of the civilian Lab Techs would touch ‘em?

    Didn’t think so…

  9. Brian H

    Her warning is vague, and I think she knows that significant progress, with a brightening victory-light at the end of the tunnel, is an even greater danger to the Democrats in ‘08.

    And it looks almost inevitable. All the horses hitched to the defeat-cart are going over the cliff with it. Sayonara!

  10. Tim Roesch

    Brian H writes…

    Her warning is vague, and I think she knows that significant progress, with a brightening victory-light at the end of the tunnel, is an even greater danger to the Democrats in ‘08.

    And it looks almost inevitable. All the horses hitched to the defeat-cart are going over the cliff with it. Sayonara!

    Giving up? Quitting?

    One way to stop a ‘cart’ from going over the cliff is to leap aboard the lead horses and change their direction.

    If, as you say, Hillary is going to win then how do we change her views? How do we get her to think her through all of this? How do we bring her to the truth?

    I once asked an anti-war rally (all twenty or so of them) why they thought there should be no more war.

    Simple question…sparked a spittle flying tirade let me tell you. For antiwar protesters they went to war real fast.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major
    What’s in your head?

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