Airing Now - Ken Lamb’s: “The Two John Edwards”

August 25th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Alright readers, it’s time to become Vloggers. This is a new Contest Feature encouraging everyone to participate actively as a creative contributor to the community. I’d like anyone and everyone who has something to express, in words, pictures, music, whatever…to make a video, upload it to youtube and pop me a notifying email. I’ll check it out for posting here on the front page. I will hold a vote on the last two days of the month, and the winner will receive $100.00 and a Jihadikiller t-shirt.

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15 Responses

  1. Randy Anderson, GySgt

    A typical commie bastard liar.

  2. azbastard

    deaf, dumb, and blind moron..what an embarassment to America

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    The Breck girl: Voted Most Sexiest Women in America by Esquire magazine….ROFLMAO.

    How can anyone with working grey matter, take this rich-ass people-fucker seriously?

    And did you hear that the Voice Of Two Americas has a company that is foreclosing on poor people’s homes in New Orleans? Yeah he’s a paid liar all right. Perhaps he’s channeling spirits again?

  4. Laura (no longer liberal)

    Absolutely hilarious. I laughed so hard I nearly cried… Come to think of it, maybe crying is a more sane response!

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    Im sitting here watching this pussy combing his hair and i start to laugh, until I realized that there are actually some people in this country who take this asshole seriously..Now that says alot about this country, that a small block, howerever marganilized still believes he would make a viable leader in this dangerous time in our

  6. Dan (The Infidel)


    Welcome to “Team Infidel” :beer:

  7. mshatto

    I can think of no other word to describe this guy than “douchebag.”

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah i second that, Welcome to the team Laura

  9. Mike

    He’s just another liberal fool, and traitor to his country and to his own words

  10. Bashman

    LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING…about the character of John Edwards.

    Hiw wife gets told her cancer has returned, and he doesn’t bow out of the race to stay with her.

    Fuck him, I don’t need to hear anything else this puke has to say.

    “Oh, but his wife told him to continue on…”

    Please. That shows HER character.

    I’m talking about his.

    But thats just the tip of the shitpile with this…coward.

  11. Laura (no longer liberal)

    Hi Infidels Dan and Kurt! Thanks for the welcome.

  12. Steve in NC

    opportunistic piece of human debris, bash is right, I bet is first reaction to his wifes illness was how it would affect his campaign.

    That bitches bedmate, geoffrey fieger just got hit with an indictment for illegal campaign money to that prissy bitch

  13. Kurt(the infidel)

    Damn Bashman, i never even thought of it like that..great point! I dont like the guy for a million other reasons and the point you made is a huge reason not to have any respect for him

  14. Sandy K.

    Dude is pathetic. All great comments about the maggot.
    The Breck Girl title is well deserved.

    Bash the points you raised about him tell his whole story for sure.

    Welcome to the group Laura. :smile:

    No matter how bad things get in this world at least I know I can check in here and the guys and gals that are here alot will have an exceptional bead on reality, humor me when spirits are low - and nail the looney left and their traitorous leaders for what they really are.

  15. Mess

    Now that’s a man with no balls.

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