GOP: “We Love Hillary!”
From Politico:
He may be on his way out the door at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in coming days. But the party Karl Rove has labored to build over the past eight years seems to have picked up his talking points on next year’s presidential race: Hillary Rodham Clinton is going to be the Democratic nominee and that could be the GOP’s saving grace in an otherwise uphill battle.
Asked if Clinton being the nominee would improve his party’s chances both nationally and in Indiana, Howard County (Ind.) GOP Chair Craig Dunn got excited. “Absolutely, absolutely!” he exclaimed animatedly, grinning widely. “We’ve never elected a president of the United States who started off with 45 percent unfavorable ratings!”
ROFLMAO at that pic……The face of evil…..
Well now, I’m not the only one that recognizes the fact that America has never elected a President with the kind of unfavorable ratings that Her Ugliness has.
August 26th, 2007 at 8:05 amI AM TOO… LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!
I can’t wait to put this one on my desk even if for just one day. I may get fired! LOLOLOL, I don’t care though. LOLOLOL
August 26th, 2007 at 8:11 amCould she really be an easier beat than Obama? Assuming she doesn’t look like that half pinocchio mongrel above.
August 26th, 2007 at 8:18 amthis picture is cracking me up..But yeah I hope she wins, there is so much dirt on the Clintons..I cant wait until she wins and the GOP can start the all out barrage on her..Im sure they could really nail Obamalamadingdong too though
August 26th, 2007 at 8:43 amWhy do I keep coming back to look at that f***** picture? I think people would crap at work if I had it as a screensaver.
August 26th, 2007 at 8:49 amthe only slack I ever cut bill clinton was is need to get some outside of marriage, I mean, damn, not enough viagra and cialis and ether cocktails to get the deed done
still fear that bitch, not confident at all that she will lose, seen too many idiots elected before
there is no I.Q. test for a voter card
August 26th, 2007 at 10:16 amShe reminds me of Gollum in this pic……hee hee hee!
August 26th, 2007 at 12:35 pmHOLY FUCK…. LOL. A face only a mother could love.. Still laughing. Bitch!
August 26th, 2007 at 4:17 pmThis woman (or whatever it is) cannot be President!
August 26th, 2007 at 5:43 pmI will either have to move to Iceland and have no modern communications at all so I won’t have to hear about what it’s doing to my country or….commit harikari.
I just won’t be able to take it. Seriously.
ok this is why the bitch may win, in today’s Charlotte Observer there is an article about the how residents are worried about the future of the economy, but they also said in the poll that they personally were doing better and felt secure and that believed that their future was bright.
So why would they be worried? Because they are reading that ass fuck of a leftist rag, and sitting in front of tv and having that nice man brian williams tell them how everything is shit.
Tonight on Drudge is a link to the UK guardian where former US treasury secretary larry summers proudly proclaims that he thinks the US is headed to a recession. He is a clintonite, so he is just adding to the drumbeat of negativity to get the population to look to a change next election and the media whores just love to carry their water. They dovetail together nicely don’t they?
hillary is going to try to seem tough enough on security to satisfy concerns while being the choice to lead the economy out of a growing failure, she will be presented as the lesser of negatives and many will fall for that shit
clinton beat the GOP twice, so I have no quarter for confidence in her defeat until Wednesday November 5, 2008
August 26th, 2007 at 7:06 pmLet’s get Cynthia to sing us a chorus of “I wanna be like Hillary….LOL
Oh c’mon…it’s funny….Cynthia is brilliant to boot….
August 26th, 2007 at 7:30 pm