Iran Vows to Use ‘Smart’ Bomb On Enemies

August 26th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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TEHRAN, Iran - Iran vowed Sunday to use a new 2,000-pound “smart” bomb against its enemies and unveiled mass production of the new weapon, state television reported.

The government first announced development of the long-range guided bomb Thursday, saying it could be deployed by the country’s aging U.S.-made F-4 and F-5 fighter jets.

“We will use these (bombs) against our enemies when the time comes,” Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said on state television Sunday.

Iran often announces new weapons for its arsenal, but the United States maintains that while the Islamic Republic has made some strides, many of these statements are exaggerations.

The broadcast included a brief clip of a fighter jet apparently dropping one of the bombs, which destroyed a target on the ground.

The defense minister continued his threats as state television showed him unveiling a mass production line for the weapon in Tehran.

“We will use this weapon where we want to … hit enemy’s strategic and defense targets,” Najjar said. “This will be used against our enemies, against those who violate our land and air space.”

Israel said the claim underlines its concerns over Iran’s arms buildup.

“All countries of the Middle East, Israel included, are concerned about expansionist Iranian policies, and about their aggressive military arms buildup,” Israel’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said. “There is no doubt that the regime in Tehran poses a very real threat to the peace and security of the region as a whole.”

The United States and Israel accuse Iran of developing nuclear bombs, a charge Tehran denies. Iran’s president has said Israel should be wiped off the map and Israel considers Iran its main enemy.

Emanuel Winston, a Middle East analyst at the Houston-based Freeman Center for Strategic Studies, said Thursday that Iran’s smart bomb claim sounded “plausible” but said that it would be less dangerous than a missile development program given the limited range of the country’s aircraft.

Najjar was more aggressive, saying the bomb “remarkably increases Iran’s defense capabilities.”

Iran launched its own arms development program during its 1980-88 war with Iraq in response to a U.S.-led arms embargo. Since 1992, the country has produced its own tanks, armored personnel carriers, and missiles.

Earlier this month, Iran said it had started industrial-scale production of its own fighter jet, known as Azarakhsh or Lightning, to upgrade its elderly air force, much of which dates from before the 1979 revolution.

Iran last year test-fired a “ultra-horizon” missile, two powerful torpedoes and a Fajr-e Darya missile capable of avoiding radars and hitting several targets simultaneously using multiple warheads during large military maneuvers in the Persian Gulf.


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24 Responses

  1. Laura (no longer liberal)

    Soooo is anyone going to take out their nuclear facilities before they produce enough enriched uranium to terrorise the rest of the world or not?

    Does anyone think Bush will do it before his term ends? After that, it’s pretty much too late.

  2. John Goodrow

    I doubt they are a serious threat but even so, why don’t we fuck em up before they become one?

  3. TBinSTL

    That shit is beyond funny. Of course, we are talking about the Middle East(generally) and that means that any idea will take hold because they live in this alternate reallity where “dark powers” beyond their control are running everything. They would treat the Weekly World News as an authorative source(I hear Batboy is retiring to Isfahan). When we do invade we need to fill every open well in Iran with concrete just to see the looks on their faces. That should be good for a full on ROFLCOPTER.

  4. tedders

    F-4 and F-5 Iranian jets took off today and flew sorties averaging 300 meters before they were hit by American missiles and destroyed.

    Oh, the Iranians also found a cure for AIDS and homosexuality! Boy, are they ever smart!!

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    The whole point of using “smart weapons” in the West is to reduce the possibility of collateral damage. That western military philosphy doesn’t match up with the Iranian military view of war. They kill indescriminately and claim “Inshallah” when collateral damge occurs.

    So what are we to read from this? That Iran has developed MIRV conventional warheads? Wow….And what about targeting accuracy? Inshallah perhaps?

  6. Bill

    This is about at threatening as that ancient Soviet era turbo prop bomber the Russians were flying around the other day. Once our F-22’s and other weaponry knock their pathetic aircraft out the sky this weapon becomes completely irrelevant. I suppose they could strap it to a truck chasis or perhaps a team of donkeys could deploy it. :lol:

  7. GeorgeH

    Nice paint job, in a tacky sorta way :shock:
    Why do our bombs all have to be so dull?

  8. Infidel

    I can’t help but imagine Gary and Ace (from SnL) taking a ride on that thing.

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    These dumbasses would be crazy to try to outmatch us while flying f-4 aircraft :lol:

  10. Steve in NC

    I heard it screams allah akbar as it misses it’s target.

    To be sure that they are not a strong threat we have to bomb the productions factories, all aircraft, and then kill anyone involved in the programs, and also everyone that knows anyone in the programs and then we need to glass that hell hole of a nation of women beating, subhuman, pig loving goat fuckers.

    Peace on their terms is our submission, so fuck ‘em now, before we lose anymore citizens and service members.

    The best defense is a good offense.

    tehran=hiroshima=peace in our time

  11. Birdddog

    Oh no oh no oh no!!!!! :shock:

  12. Birdddog

    Bowling pin bombs.

  13. Grumpy

    Here it is along with the Launcher:

    Caution: for children 12 years old and up :smile:

  14. Sandy K.

    No words. Can’t comment after reading all the posts :!:

    :lol: :beer:

  15. Irish Gal

    I would say they don’t really know what a smart bomb is. They probably think it’s something they can fire and it hits the target automatically. Well, if an American smart bomb, okay… But not Iranian. Idiots. Yawn……..

  16. 0311inohio

    Great posts… :smile: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  17. A. S. Wise- Commonwealth of Virginia

    Praise Allah! We have developed a guided bomb, albeit 40 years late!

  18. Dan (The Infidel)


    “Caution: for children 12 years old and up”.

    Damn that’s funny…. :beer: :beer:

  19. Fight4TheRight

    Wondering if someone can give me a hand - i’m looking for that Slo Mo video of the moron blowing himself up with the mortar - anyone remember the name of the clip so I can search for it?


  20. Buck Hoff

    Come on , how smart could bombs from a bunch of crazed dumb asses really be .

  21. Grumpy

    Thanks Dan :beer:

    -Grumpy (the Infidel)

  22. Mark Tanberg

    But look, it’s up with the clouds and stuff. How do you keep your turbin on while taking the pic?

  23. Dr D Semper FI


  24. Brad W(the infidel)

    At least give the ragheads credit for doing a better job at photoshopping…

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