Blackwater Buying Attack Aircraft

August 27th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

,n m

Uh, oh. Blackwater, the merc outfit private security contractor, that some people seem to love to hate is in the market for an attack aircraft…

Story at Wired

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10 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Those familiar with counter-insurgency ops as evidenced by the success of organizations like Global Security in Africa, should not be surprised by this development.

    Don’t count on the support of the Dhimis in Congress or the UN. Congress and the UN would rather see a people slaughtered, than see them saved by such groups as Global Security or Blackwater.

    I mean, there’s no money in it for orgs like the UN to line their pockets with, no women to take advantage of…you know…eseentially, this development cuts into their ops?


  2. D_Mac

    thats a cool lookin little plane, I want one. :beer:

  3. tom

    Looks like a neutered A-1 Skyraider. That being said, probably quite lethal, esp. in the hands of professionals.

  4. A. S. Wise- Commonwealth of Virginia

    Looks like Blackwater is bring back the “Sandies”, I say let them have kick some ass!

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    We can use all the help we can get..they’re already over there..might as well let them have attack airplanes

  6. Mark Tanberg

    Can you spell FLYING TIGERS? how ever I don’t think this effort quite matches with CBI theater where the skies were free for the mercs to roam, what if they shoot at our guys by mistake, is there coordination with our forces? or is this just a way to get things done unofficially that are outside rules of engagement?

  7. Jerry

    Get the Burt Rutan ground attack model (Buy American!) And to echo the others, outfits like Executive Outcomes, out of South Africa, did an excellent job in the 90’s in place of a plus 20,000 UN Force that was for all parts ineffective in defeating RUFF.

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    Yeah, I was thinking it looks much like an A-1 also. We use helicopyers that are slower than Sandy was. I wonder why we never briught it back? Great aircraft for counter-insurgency ops…and for air rescue cover.

  9. Ranger

    I love Blackwater. My dream was to start my own merc company oneday (read too much by Frederick Forsyth?) but I guess I’ll have to just let Blackwater have all the fun. Hopefully they’ll get some tanks soon and can be a regular RCT.

  10. Wolfpack

    I like the Pucara better you can carry more stuff/LOL

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