Harry Reid Vows To Use Gonzales Resignation To Start More Hearings!

August 27th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The Dems have decided that Congress is now just a set from which to broadcast propagnada infomercials - that’s the point of their endless hearings. It’s no longer a place to pass laws.

“This resignation is not the end of the story,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Monday in a statement that forecast Democrats’ intent to continue probing Gonzales’ tenure. “Congress must get to the bottom of this mess and follow the facts where they lead, into the White House.”

- LA Times

More on more hearings from The Washington Times - “Democarts Insist Probes Will Continue”

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23 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    You, Harry, are at the bottom of the mess.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Bottom of the mess? You got your nerve Harry Weed. You’re the mess that needs ending…And how come it was OK for Clinton to fire 93 federal prosecutors…but it is not OK for Gonzales or GW to fire 8 prosecutors. For your information Harry, those prosecutors serve at the behest of the President…and he free….lawfully…to fire those employees any time that he likes…

    And speaking of firing, I got a steak dinner bet that come election time, you will be an unemployed member of Congress.

    Save your blatant hypocracy Harry. Get back to the people’s business and stop wasting the tax payers time and money with your endless, baseless non-investigations.

    Your numbers much like the rest of Congress are at historic lows. And all you ever do is justify those numbers. And this is the Dhimocratic strategy to win back the WH?

    Guess you forgot what happened in 1994?

    In all honesty I’d like to fire you and all of your contemporaries in Congress and start all over again.

    Maybe then, Congress will get back to doing what we pay them to do. Remember Harry, you work for us…we don’t work for you…Either represent all of the people or go back to Nevada and stay there…..

  3. LftBhndAgn

    Umm This might be a dumb question but how much am I paying for every one of these damn hearings that proves NOTHING?

  4. sullly

    King of the Dumbfounded Dipshits

  5. Greg M

    This guy is such a damn fool.

  6. Lamplighter

    Harry Reid is a dispicable chump. Looking at him and Nancy from my perch here in Paris, he looks like an even bigger chump. From this perspective, the American media looks like the leftie activists they are. They do not reflect reality. I suggest they get out more in the world and really see how things are. They might come away with a better perspective. Instead, they only use their media jobs to aggitate for their Socialist fantasies. Come here to Paris and see the reality! It’s not pretty. See the French in Paris kissing Arab behind and treating Americans and frankly, other visitors, like hell (at least in the eating establishments). You can get a better meal on average at your local Chili’s. It’s sad, and most Parisians don’t seem very happy. I am hoping it gets better once I get out of Paris. This is not my first visit, but it might be my last. Having doubts about invading Iraq, I now feel like it’s a rare and wonderful opportunity to expedite as many jihadi’s transit to the purported 72 virgins as possible!

  7. B.A. Hokom

    I think there is more validity if congress investigates Harry’s land deals and ventures congressional funding has made to his son’s law firm. This is his last straw and moment in congressional power, he will not be re-elected.

  8. GBU43

    Harry the magician. He’s artfully deploying something called slight of hand.

    The more investigations he can toss out, the more he diverts the rightful attention that he should be getting.

    I’d call him Dirty Harry but it would insult the fictional character. Corruption, bribery, deceit, arrogance; these would be the first four commandments adhered to by the likes of harry or any other big lib in power today.

  9. Doug

    He will get to the bottom of this mess after he is done being at the bottom of the approval ratings.

  10. Eric

    When a president takes office, they typically fire the attorneys they want to get rid of and hire the ones they want as replacements early on in their first term. After this, any further meddling by the president can be interpreted as politically motivated. Basically he brought this mess on himself by firing his own appointees in the middle of a term. What possible reason could he or Gonzales have to replace them so abruptly, especially when can so easily be viewed by many as foul-smelling?

    Well, as we have all seen, Gonzales doesn’t have the best memory of events leading up to these historical mid-term firings of one’s OWN APPOINTEES!! It is easy to imagine circumstances that would warrant such firings: corruption, taking bribes, criminal activity, whatever. But the fact is, there has not been any evidence given by the DOJ as to why the firings took place, and in fact many of the fired attorneys were viewed by the legal community as the being best in the country.

    It’s completely understandable that Gonzalez may not remember some or all of the reasons why the attorneys were fired, or attending related meetings, or even anything important at all about these firings- he is probably a busy man.

    But surely somebody must know? And what about a few million emails that first went missing , then were found, but are now in a legal limbo refusing to be handed over? What about the constant subpoena snubs by the Bush admin?

    What kind of important secret can there possibly be that would make cooperation with congress (both republicans and democrats) such a drag?

    If nothing is getting done in congress right now except these damned investigations, would it be in everyone’s best interst to simply present and address all of the evidence, make a judgement, and then move on to more important things? Apparently the Republicans aren’t going to tip their hand or reveal any info and this is only making the democrats more suspicious and aggressive in their pursuit of answers.

  11. danielle

    I hate Harry Reid. He is so useless! He should just not exist or somethng.

  12. Mark Tanberg

    Eric my boy, Discretion is discretion end of line. THE CHOICE IS BUSH’S, anytime, any judge, thats the way it is. The only reason Gonzales is going is, he serves at the discretion too.

  13. One-Shot

    Eric…no offense man…but, are you stoned?

    Any guess as to how many attornies that Clinton fired at his midterm?

    Does the number 93 ring a bell by any chance?

  14. jam

    Well, well. The bitch Harry Reid finally stuck his head out of his spider hole, just to make a fucking jackass out of himself (again).

  15. ssgduke54

    Gee Harry! Haven’t you embarrass your State of Nevada long enough? Oh well! When you get voted out of office Harry you can always run for Senator in my State!! The Peoples Republic of Socialist Kalifornia!!!! (Not a misspell on California he he he)

  16. Dr D Semper FI

    I’d like to probe harry,but I’m not a proctologist

  17. Dan (The Infidel)


    “When a president takes office, they typically fire the attorneys they want to get rid of and hire the ones they want as replacements early on in their first term. After this, any further meddling by the president can be interpreted as politically motivated. Basically he brought this mess on himself by firing his own appointees in the middle of a term. What possible reason could he or Gonzales have to replace them so abruptly, especially when can so easily be viewed by many as foul-smelling? ”

    A president can fire any of his employees any time that he wants. It’s only “smelly” as you say when GW does it. Not when your party does it? Ain’t that right Eric?

    That privelege to hire and fire also extends to the AG or any other Department that has Presidential appointees.

    It’s his right under the law to hire and fire whenever he wants to.

    Lose the double standard Eric…

  18. jam


    Let’s make this real simple: The democrats need to go fuck themselves and quit harassing the administration for every undotted i and uncrossed t.

    There are Muslim fanatics out there that want to cut your throat.

    Any questions?

  19. Eric

    There is no double standard, you just don’t get it. The firing is not the issue, it is the timing and circumstances of the firings that is the issue. If Clinton would have canned 8 of the 93 attorneys he appointed in the MIDDLE of a term, with no justification for doing so, it is quite probable that people would want to take a closer look at why, especially if they ARE TOP NOTCH ATTORNEYS! What the hell is the point of firing a bunch of YOUR OWN APPOINTEES if nobody can put forth a reason for doing so?

    Of course the president has EVERY RIGHT to do so, but when he refuses to provided any evidence for WHY they were fired, people get understandably suspicious.

  20. lwssdd

    There are two very important names being forgotten when it comes to these political witch hunts. Henry Waxman and Chuck Schumer are synonymous with congressional hearings for as far back as I can remember. Of course they play the worst kind of political destruction game while giving fellow dems a pass. If there is one person I wish to be voted out, that would be Waxman.

  21. jam

    I’d like to see this discussion elevated just a bit. Try this: Henry Waxman is pissed off at the world because God gave him a face that looks like a baboon’s ass.

  22. Dan (The Infidel)


    Oh we get it all right Eric> We understand that you Dummycratz have a double standard when irt comes to your own.It’s ok for your party to do as they please. But for the other side to do even that which is lawful…

    It’s you Eric that doesn’t get it. You’re double standards are so obvious. It’s like I keep saying…your party is nothing because it has nothing…

    You can go back to your crackpipe now..

  23. jack douglas

    These folks have done nothing short of treason…and hold hearings. Nevada should be embaressed to claim this POS and calif., well what can I say…

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