Video Replay: “They Cut Him Open And Put Bombs Inside”
By the way, the line at the end about “Most of these raids…” is bullshit. I’ve been on hundreds, and they’re not about engendering bad feelings. Most aren’t even “raids”, but spontaneous knocks and searches. But the clip is a great look inside the horror and mechanics of the global jihad machine as it operates in Iraq, as well as the tactics of Al Qaeda…
the one thing I hate about so many islamic war documentaries is the insistance of the filmers to film these murderers praying , while they show american soldiers as cold and irreverant. other muslims see them praying and they begin to sympathize more due to the years of brainwashing they have had. the speaker referred to them as a religious people, this should be distinguished from holy, unfortunately many equate the 2. Muhammed was religious as is osama bin laden et al, but none of these is remorely holy. Notice the muj who are between nationalists and insurgents who say that killing innocence is murder, yet they distinguish between those Innocent muslims and those who aid the americans. in other words, if the iraqi is muslim working with americans and happens to work in the market then his murder is OK. the translations are nevr explained on these things, and that is key to truly understanding islam and what it implies for those who adhere to its principles.
Innocence must be defined, kafir must be defined, infidel must be defined because determining such things rests completely on the individual. Hamas is notorious at killing fellow palestinians who they deem to be working with the zionists. How these fascists determine who is working with the enemy is key to knowing whether they really belive that killing innocent people is wrong. for islam , a child of a suspected traitor is fair game. this is the reality that makes me agree with Dr. wafa sultan, the syrian -american psychiatrist, who debates clerics, that their is no distinction to be made between fundementalist islam and mainstream islam. they are the same in so far as beliefs are concerned, the differenc only lies in the heart of those muslims who have the zeal to actually carry out the dastardley acts that islam requires of its adherents.
August 28th, 2007 at 8:59 pm[…] Video Replay: “They Cut Him Open And Put Bombs Inside” – Pat Dollard […]
August 28th, 2007 at 9:08 pmI have seen some of the videos of Dr. Wafa Sultan and she is right on. She has a great deal of wisdom and courage to speak out the way she does.
“… their is no distinction to be made between fundementalist islam and mainstream islam. they are the same in so far as beliefs are concerned, the difference only lies in the heart of those muslims who have the zeal to actually carry out the dastardley acts that islam requires of its adherents.”
That really does sum up this situation with islam.
TJ you have made excellent points.
It is also very true that our soldiers get cast in a more hard and cold manner in stuff like this compared to the twisted mix of religion of these radical groups - as it is portrayed as “justified” or “noble” terror. It always makes them seem like the victim. I don’t think I ever made that full connection with how things have been filmed. I just know how it feels to watch stuff like that and know how messed up it really is. I am glad you mentioned that too.
August 28th, 2007 at 10:34 pm“The horror, the horror”
August 29th, 2007 at 3:20 amTo paraphrase, as with the OJ jury one came away with the impression that the jury was saying, “he may be a murderer, but, he’s our murderer”. With islam one comes away with the impression that by their actions they’re saying, “they may be terrorists, but, they’re our terrorists”.
August 29th, 2007 at 3:36 amTJ, et. al.
The reason that Islam is what it is is because Islamists refuse to adhere even to their own beliefs. A jihad can only be called by a caliphate. A woman can not perform jihad…because her jihad is the haj. A non-cleric such as OBL cannot call for a fatwa, because he is not authorized.
Compromise is not acceptable in warfare unless it is negotiated with other Islamists or kafirs in the process of converting to Islam. They can make no friends with Christians or Jews because are unclean and takfir or kafir.
You cannot convert to another religion. If you do you will be killed.
The hypocracy of Islam is codified in the Koran which is filled with contradictory passages. Those contradictions are dismissed as “abrogation”.
The woman that you cite also said that before Muslims can demand respect from the world they need to first respect others.
And Muslims need to stop blaming the world for their own troubles when it is they themselves that are at the the root of their problems.
There is no hijacking of religion as the US government is constantly harping on. Islam is not the religion of peace. Islam is submission. Submit or die.
The contrast between Islam and other religions is striking.
People like Christiane Amanpour try to lump all religion, and holiness or martyrdom in the same basket.
She’s wrong. Since when is a person who straps themselves with explosives, walks into a school, or school bus stop and kills themselves and others…a martyr, compared to a man who is crucified on a cross simply because he refuses to worship any other God but his own?
Who’s holy? The man or woman who wants to be like Jesus Christ or the man or woman that wants to be like Muhammed…a man who could neither read nor write and who married a nine-yr-old girl, and who murdered thousands who would not accept his teachings. Jesus on the other hand ,murdered no one. He never forced anyone to do anything, nor did he engage in child molestation….unlike Muhammad.
It isn’t Allah who is great, nor Hitchens. If Allah is a Deciever as is one of his 99 names…then Allah is not a
Or to put it another way: It is Allah who seeks to be called God. But God doesn’t seek to be called Allah.
Dr. Wafa Sultan, being an atheist, (which I am not) is right on Islam and Muslim culture…She having lived in that culture, has excellent insight…
If interested, read Robert Spencer’s JihadWatch. He also teaches Islam 101, for those who want to learn more about this enemy. His latest book is also worth a read.
August 29th, 2007 at 6:47 amDan,
August 29th, 2007 at 7:54 amWell said and interesting. I’m not sure how your reference to Hitchens relates, however. Can I assume that you have read his new book, “God Is Not Great”?
Hitchens is an atheist and a moral equivilence provacator.
I disagree with his premise which is why I included both Hitchens and Ahmedpour in my missive. All religion is not the same. But I’m familiar with his views on the suject.
I’ll never read a book titled “God is not great”. To me that is the essence of human arrogance, since in my lexicon “The fool has said in his heart there is no God”.
I’m more in the Robert Spencer mold of thought which is captured nicely in his latest book which he calls:
August 29th, 2007 at 8:56 am“The Religion of Peace: Why Christianity IS and Islam isn’t”.
Hitchens has made a living by being provocative, and he has always been an atheist, which I think is ironic since atheism is just another religion, requiring enough faith (you called it human arrogance) to rule out any possibility of a supreme or superior being(s).
I read his book and found it very interesting. I don’t think Hitchens means to do anything more than point out the many terrible things that religion and superstition have caused people to do throughout history, a lot of which is still going on as we know.
Certainly don’t miss reading the book because it may offend your particular religion or shake your faith. The height of hypocrisy would be Christopher Hitchens proselytizing for atheism.
August 29th, 2007 at 11:58 amJam:
I got Hitchen’s number. But I’m not dialing it up.
Incidently, Spencer blows Hitchens arguements about religions and while you say that Hitchens “point(s) out the many terrible things that religion and superstition have caused people to do throughout history, a lot of which is still going on as we know.”
That’s a red herring in Spencer’s view. Which I agree with.
I don’t pay much attention to atheists, I realise that that is their religion…And so be it….
However, what most atheists don’t realise is that they are at the top of the Muslim hit list. Irhabis and other Islamists hate atheists more than they hate Jews and Christians.
Good thing most of these “enlightened” atheists live in the West…Cause if they lived anywhere else they’d be food for the maggots.
August 29th, 2007 at 12:25 pmDan,
I hear a lot of talk about the order in which the Muslims hate non-Muslims. Who they sort of hate…who they really hate,etc. I don’t really understand why that is relevant, no offense.
I will read Spencer’s book. I enjoyed his P.I.G. to Islam.
August 29th, 2007 at 1:02 pmJam:
It’s only relevant if you want to understand Islam. I choose to get inside the head of my enemy, same as I did back in the Cold War vis vis the old USSR. Wasn’t it Sun Tzu that said “Know thy enemy”?
And this conversation was inspired by TJ’s comments.
August 29th, 2007 at 4:26 pmA beer for TJ A beer for you
5:02 “…young arabs, the new generation of Mujahadeen, this is what Iraq is creating.”
I call B.S.!!! And what were the 9/11 hijackers? The OLD Arabs, of the OLD generation of Mujahadeen, that, um, Somalia created? GWII? Support of Israel since 1948? The West “stealing” Middle-Eastern oil since… I dunno, whenever!?
What was Sayyid Qutb? The result of American Imperialistic repression, if not invasion and occupation, through Egypt in the 50s and 60s?
No, we know what this is, it’s Radical Islam waging the dog! Do people have no greater understanding and perspective beyond their narrow personal politics? Do they not see the very ANTI-LIBERAL everything in the ideas and lives of the radicals’?
When do these killers stop playing the victim, and when to the world’s “intellectuals” stop excusing their behavior by trying to make America more culpable than the jihadist killers themselves? When will they demand restraint, control, respect, and moderation by the radical muslims themselves?
Nope, it won’t happen, because the Americans are the only ones they think they have a hope of controlling. It must be the American invasion and occupation. It must be their harsh tactics and bad manners causing all of the trouble. That’s what we can affect, so that’s where we’ll focus.
But, we know from reading Al Qaeda’s own material that they consider us to be TOO NICE, WEAK, and SOFT. And we’re creating them? How about THEY are CREATING US!?
We’re being sold different stories than the jihadist recruits themselves and the reporters seem to be almost completely immune to the other narrative. Putting the focus and the blame where it mainly fits, with the KILLERS themselves. Nah, it must be America’s fault.
My guess is because it doesn’t fit with their protect the “little guy”, everybody is equal until proven absolutely un-reformable by way of massively atrocious, large-scale death and destruction, liberal mentality. It must be the big guy’s fault, he’s abusing the little guys, once again.
August 30th, 2007 at 12:58 pm