Eurpeans Overwhelmingly Want Hillary As President

August 29th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

m n h
Not that she’s been pandering


Europeans overwhelmingly support Hillary Clinton in her bid to become the next US president, according to a poll published today.

The poll, conducted in Britain, France, Germany and Italy, put Barack Obama, her main rival, in a distant second place.

Her high ratings in Europe may reflect her greater name recognition from her time as First Lady. The election campaign is still at an early stage and many of the candidates are relatively unknown outside the US. About half of those questioned in Britain had no view.

The Republican candidates trailed behind Ms Clinton, possibly reflecting antipathy in Europe towards the Bush administration over the Iraq war.
Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, emerged as the most popular, possibly again from greater name recognition from his high profile role in the aftermath of 9/11. His Italian background helped boost his ratings in Italy to 17.5%.

The poll was conducted by a Vancouver-based polling organisation, Angus Reid Global security. More than 1,000 people were polled in each country.

In the UK, 29.8% of those polled supported Ms Clinton compared with only 7.1% for Mr Obama and 9.5% for Mr Giuliani.

Ms Clinton enjoyed the biggest support in Germany, where she recorded 45.5%, followed by 43.7% in France, and 35.2% in Italy. In Britain, France and Germany, more men expressed a preference for her eventual victory than women.

The same questions were asked in Canada, where 38.9% expressed support for Ms Clinton, compared with 13.4% for Mr Obama and 9.6% for Mr Giuliani.

Other candidates, such as John Edwards, John McCain and Mitt Romney, barely registered, polling in low, single figures.

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34 Responses

  1. Wendy

    Who gives a FUCK what the Europeans want? Yeah they all want her as pres, because they are a bunch of socialist,libral pussies and she is both and has one to boot!!!!!

  2. tedders

    Thank goodness Europeans can’t vote (yet) in US elections!! No wonder they end up with the lousy leaders they have.

  3. sullly

    well then that’s where she should go….

  4. Kathy Ozanne


    “Thank goodness Europeans can’t vote (yet) in US elections!! ”

    No they can’t, but we had a nice little body of election observers (OSCE) from Europe in the 2002 AND 2004 US Presidentials. The POTUS allowed the OSCE to monitor the 2004 elections as an alternative to the demand letter from 13 House demonrats to Kofi Annan demanding observers in the 2004 race.

    And I am with Wendy, I could care LESS what they think.

    My long time acquaintances on the blue side of the aisle tell me off record that THEY don’t even want to see her make POTUS!

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Don’t care who the Europeans want as POTUS. They don’t run this country…we do…And isn’t it interesting that in no poll did Madam Hildabeast garner 50%? Almost matches up with her US positives AND negatives.

    Look, if there are any doubters I got a ticket for a dinner to Ruth’s Criss for anyone who takes this bet: That Hildabeast will lose the general election by 5 or more percentage points to the Republic nominee. Any takers?

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Ghastly pic BTW. Why waste a perfectly good bodywith an ugly ass face? Sort of like casting pearls to swine isn’t it?

  7. France the retour

    I am for a woman in white house, whoever she is she’ll has to make the house white with Mr clean

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  8. France the retour

    tedders, uhe, I thought that Sarko had a fair ear across the pond though :twisted:

  9. Steve in NC

    Well the polls that count have placed French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Chancellor Merkel in place in recent elections, which are both friendly with Bush.
    Poll all the socialist leftist you want, that same segment stateside had dr dean winning the Presidency last election also.


  10. G-Man

    Yeah Castro wants her in the oval office too… Now there’s a real reason to vote for her. NOT!!!

  11. Mark Tanberg

    This is the picture that Bill wishes was of his wife :shock: :beer: :beer:

  12. France the retour

    had she been a procter & gamble representant, he would not have had his cigar dirt left behing :!:

    euhe, I’ll make the beer glasses into wine glasses :lol:

  13. Kurt (the infidel)

    Baaa! i dont know what else to add that hasnt already been said..but we’re not part of the European Union, they’re the ones who gave up their identities to become one giant beaurocratic mess..stay the hell out of our politics

  14. EdinTampa

    LOLOLOL, They can elect here EU President then.

    Hell because they want her so, that is more reason to vote against her.

  15. Allen

    Thanks Pat, I’m sure that photoshop job will haunt me for the rest of my days! Dan, I’d almost be willing to take you up on that wager due to the fact that I believe the DNC will throw her overboard because of her high negative impact and that she will not win the primary. I actually hope she does win the primary because of her high negative numbers, but I have my reservations like the fact that I can’t stand her voice and I wouldn’t want to listen to her for an extra 9 months leading up to the general election.

  16. Cridhe Saorsa

    What Wendy said! Yeah!

  17. Clyde Conneer

    Europe deserves her.

  18. drillanwr

    Now yunz guys, we must admit … Europeans DO think more highly about their whores and than we do.

    Being the superior political prostitute Hillary is I can see how they would pine for her.

    Anyone remember SNL’s (the late) Phil Hartman’s character he did … The German woman with the smeared red lip stick and degrading and insulting manner of nasty talk?

    Yeah, Hillary.

  19. Egfrow

    If most of EurAsia want’s Hillary then we damn well better ensure that she is never be elected now!

  20. Dan (The Infidel)

    And many people in here are humming Cynthia’s “I want to be like Hillary”? LOL :twisted:

  21. Bob USMC

    Please Hillarity, go to Europe and ruin their continent. :mrgreen:

  22. Future0311

    They want Hillary? Too fucking bad.

  23. Eric

    First of all, Hillary is not a liberal and is not a socialist. She is a centrist just like her husband, which by today’s standards would make her a moderate republican. No true democrat will ever again be elected president as the whole spectrum has been shifted to the right by Bill Clinton (by no means a real democrat) and then George Bush in the wake of 9-11.

    The talk of Hillary being this crazy whacko democrat is only a talking point that is necessary to rally her republican opposition. She has said that she wants a responsible phased withdrawal over many years, and has consistently defended her role in supporting the war.

    This tells me that maybe the Europeans aren’t that liberal after all(look at Sarkozy in FRANCE of all places) and would like to see a POTUS that is willing to be tough on Islimist terror, but cautious and responsible as well.

  24. danielle

    Argh. Europe.
    Have they not all morphed into socialists?

  25. Ted B


    She wants socialized medicine and high taxes. I don’t think even the weak kneed republicans in the northeast even want that. She is left of center, accept that, she is not a centrist unless your definition includes the word ‘opportunist’. She just wants to be the prez, I don’t blame her, she just wants the power I think and could really give a shit less about us.

  26. John Cunningham

    Progressive was what communists called themselves in the early part of the 1900s.

  27. France the retour

    anyway, prepare to have a “liberal” for the next elections ;

    I don’t care,

    seems your majority is moving accorting to stats

  28. France the retour

    Ted B

  29. Dan (The Infidel)


    You should stick to French politics. You know nothing about American politics. Hillda will lose her ass if she gets the nod. So you might want to get used to conservative politicians in America for awhile, much like your own country…

    The only thing that liberals have in this country is the ability to point fingers and an annoying arrogance…much like you Frenchy.

  30. Dan (The Infidel)


    No Eric she is a “progressive” much like Marx. There is several aricles on the web where Hillary admits that she is a “progressive”.

    Progressives are not traditional liberals. They are socialists and marxists.


    You might be right. But the bet is still on if you change your mind.

  31. Eric

    Its unbeleivable to me how when someone has such a lofty and virtuous goal as providing healthcare to ALL Americans, this makes them a socialist. If you can’t see that the standard rules of socialism and communism do not apply to healthcare, you are an idiot.

  32. Dan (The Infidel)

    Let’s all hold hands and sing a chorus to kumbaya to Eric…
    Go back to your hashpipe dellusion kid….

  33. France the retour

    sorry Dan

    seems you should recognize your kids :roll:

  34. Future0311

    “First of all, Hillary is not a liberal and is not a socialist. She is a centrist just like her husband, which by today’s standards would make her a moderate republican.”

    Trying to put that horrid bitch off on the republicans? lol she’s a democrat, through and through

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