Point, Click … Eavesdrop: How The FBI Wiretap Net Operates

August 29th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The FBI has quietly built a sophisticated, point-and-click surveillance system that performs instant wiretaps on almost any communications device, according to nearly a thousand pages of restricted documents newly released under the Freedom of Information Act.

The surveillance system, called DCSNet, for Digital Collection System Network, connects FBI wiretapping rooms to switches controlled by traditional land-line operators, internet-telephony providers and cellular companies. It is far more intricately woven into the nation’s telecom infrastructure than observers suspected.

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11 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Frankly, I don’t give a damn if the FBI taps into the Jihadis calls. In my opinion they don’t need a warrant to tap into enemy commo.

    I’d worry though if an asswipe like the Hildabeast were in charge. She needs adult supervision. GW does not.

  2. Steve in NC

    We’ve moved up from the old carnivore and echelon systems

    tap away FBI as long as you follow up with some appropriate double taps

    I do fear the use against the domestic population when it is time to ‘refresh’ the tree of liberty

  3. Kurt (the infidel)

    Im not worried about this program, people who do worry about this are the same ones with all the government conspiracy theories..Big brother is always watching, you know the type im talking about..The government doesnt want to hear you 2 women talking about little billy’s football game

  4. daytrader

    Look at the number of taps authorized in the story itself and I could guess 2/3 of them could be drug dealers and other things like that.

    It is really only a small number of taps.

  5. radgy

    I do fear the use against the domestic population when it is time to ‘refresh’ the tree of liberty

    i agree with steve on that one

  6. Randy Anderson, GySgt

    We don’t mind it with Bush in office, but wait until Hillary gets in, that’s when it will suck. A slippery slope my friend, slippery indeed. As long as there are safeguards and checks and balances on the power of this program. It can be abused, let’s not be naive. Hope they are catching the evil SOB’s with this. :evil:

  7. CPLViper

    Why on God’s green earth would anyone here think we would let Her Thighness to become POTUS? Are you all planning to be sick on voting day 2008?

  8. Ranger

    Steve and Gunny summed it up.

  9. Steve in NC

    @CPLViper -

    The fools elected slick willie TWICE and elected the naive peanut farmer in my lifetime and gave the democrats the congress during war, so I am not going to relax until Wednesday November 5, 2008.

  10. Clyde Conneer

    Excellent intel. Maybe the FBI has healed some since the Clinton/ Freeh conspiracy.

    Yes,the next election is psych test of America where we find out just how insane our society has become. If the D’rats attain the majority, elect Mrs.Satan and surrender to Irhabi Forces we had better ruck up for bitter times.

  11. John Cunningham

    Well, at least somebody would be listening to me.

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