Preparing For Nation Building

August 29th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



BAGHDAD—Last week I argued that neither civilian nor military structures, as currently organized, are quite right for leading the Rule of Law (ROL) component of a reconstruction (or “nation-building”) effort. Instead, I floated the idea of a Civilian Reserve Corps modeled on British colonial institutions specializing in such efforts, such as the India Civil Service.

The idea is that the military, despite its valiant service in stepping up to man civil affairs capacities in Iraq, was not designed for such activities, and can carry with it a perception of imposing an occupying power’s will by force. Civilian capability is lacking, however, because the Departments of State and Justice, and other relevant agencies, lack both the manpower and the legal authority to deploy the civilian experts necessary to enable a wholesale national reconstruction. And the U.S. also lacks a national police force and stability police (constabulary) units altogether, so dealing with civil disorder and police training is complicated further.

Fortunately, I am not alone in drawing this conclusion, and the U.S. government is now moving to create the organization to put some hard lessons learned into practice. On December 7 (Pearl Harbor Day), 2005, President Bush signed a National Security Presidential Directive (NSPD-44), assigning responsibility to the Secretary of State for planning and coordinating the activities of civilian agencies during post-conflict interventions.

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3 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    I would add yet another tier to this concept: A civilian aguementation force whose sole job would be to fill in Reserve and NG component positions when those units deploy oversees. They would be mostly in-the-rear-with-the gear types who would do all the ash and trash work. They could also be used to fight fires or drive vehicles in a flood or other national emergency requiring ash and trash, and commo help…

    You don’t need to be 19 or 20 to operate an RB-15 or to drive a truck or to to file paperwork or drive troops and equipment to the requisite depots.

  2. Mark Tanberg

    Cool concept but lacking in vision. Our troops have proved that they can handle the police task. I would suggest that this new “civil resource corp” be made up of the officers that were part of the campaign from the start (and give them a hefty pay raise too) so that things go more seamlessly into success. BUT the real key to this ROL is what law & whose law?
    and it’s at this point that it gets PC, our nation is founded on Gods law as laid out on biblical principal and thats a fact. (I’m willing to debate on this till the cows come home)
    The strength of our nation comes from these Bible based laws so if your going to build a nation what better base to use than our own. So how do you get the Islamic satanic cult to buy into our ROL?

  3. Clyde Conneer

    Here’s a corp that could be filled with conscription, the draft. See how useful the current crop of young adults can be. This system might work but the liberal asshats at State would figure a way to up it f**k. Backasswards!

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