Guess Who’s Not Coming To Dinner

August 31st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


From The Washington Times:

Iraq’s Sunni tribes began turning against al Qaeda when the largely foreign-run terrorist organization tried to arrange forced marriages with local women to secure their foothold in the country, according to a top counterterrorism adviser to the U.S. coalition in Iraq.

Col. Kilcullen, writing for a small but influential military readership at the Web site, provides a level of detail about the Sunni tribal dynamic not previously laid out by U.S. military officials, and discusses the major pros and cons of the shifting security landscape.

The Australian colonel said that the Iraqi government’s own intelligence services picked up on the break between Iraqi Sunni insurgents and al Qaeda long before the U.S.-led coalition did, as it was developing in Anbar and other provinces over the past two years.

The tactic of forced political marriages was standard for al Qaeda, according to Col. Kilcullen, used successfully in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and elsewhere to “embed” the international terrorist network in the local kinship and tribal network.

But in Iraq, he wrote, “the tactic seemed to have backfired,” in part because the radical Islamist movement failed to appreciate Iraq’s brand of Islam.

Forced marriages outside the tribe have never been culturally accepted in traditional Iraqi society, and tribal leaders resisted demands for such marriages. Al Qaeda operatives responded by demanding — often violently — such marriages, killing one sheik and brutally murdering the children of another.

“[Al Qaeda], with their hyper-reductionist version of ‘Islam’ stripped of cultural content, discounted the tribes’ view as ignorant, stupid and sinful,” the colonel writes.

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12 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    “I want to buy your women… the little girl… your daughters. Sell them to me. Sell me your children.”

  2. sullly

    I like the stories where we fuck them up but I gotta say that I like the stories where they fuck themselves even more.

  3. KL

    What? Has AQ been watching Braveheart again? “Grant them Prima Noctes” :)

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    AQI will never succeed in the tribal culture that is Iraq. Neither will the Shia. Iraq has its own brand of culture.
    But I’m in agreement, I love the stories that illustrate AQI shooting themselves in the foot to spite their face.

  5. E4Puke

    Hey sully it seems to be from this story noone is getting fucked.

  6. D_Mac

    The Blues Brothers, I caught the reference Steve, love that movie

  7. Brad W(the infidel)



  8. Ponch

    So I guess AQ is guilty of a Bush sin, not understanding the delicate culture in which they tired to change. The arrogance of AQ, if only they were more like the modern liberals among us, they would understand every culture.

  9. LadyAngler

    C’mon… every girl wants to marry a man who will self destruct after knocks you up.

  10. Dan (The Infidel)


    Naw. If AQI were more like Democratz, they’d be pussies and this war would be over.

  11. Clyde Conneer


    “So I guess AQ is guilty of a Bush sin, not understanding the delicate culture in which they tired to change”,,

    You relapse into Bush Derangement Syndrom at the risk of revealing the certainty that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  12. Cridhe Saorsa

    You can have the boy but the monkey is not for sale!

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