Crispy Critter Dies

August 2nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Glasgow Terror Suspect Dies From Burns

LONDON (AP) - A man who set himself on fire after allegedly crashing an explosive- laden Jeep into Glasgow Airport died in a hospital on Thursday, Strathclyde Police said Thursday.

Kafeel Ahmed, 27, had been in the hospital for a month with critical burns from the alleged attack on June 30, which followed a day after two failed car bombings in London. The other man in the car, Iraqi doctor Bilal Abdullah, has been charged with conspiring to set off explosions.

Ahmed, an Indian national from Bangalore, suffered burns to 90 percent of his body and had been in a coma throughout his stay at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary.

Kafeel Ahmed’s brother, Sabeel Ahmed, 26, also faces trial after being charged with withholding information that could prevent an act of terrorism. He was arrested in Liverpool on the day of the Glasgow attack. Jordanian doctor Mohammed Jamil Asha is the other man facing charges over the botched attacks.

Mohamed Haneef, the 27-year-old cousin of the Ahmed brothers, was arrested and charged in Australia over the attacks. But he was released after police were forced to admit they did not have enough evidence to hold him.

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21 Responses

  1. GeorgeH

    I hope they were keeping those burns rubbed down with plenty of lard.

  2. PooleeScore

    I hope it really fucking hurt. That bastard is lucky he died.

  3. D_Mac

    does lard on a burn hurt or feel good?

  4. drillanwr

    Shit! Now what 72 Virgins are going to want his well-done ass??!!

  5. 0311inohio

    :smile: :beer: :beer: :beer:

    Adios mother fucker. May you scream in hell for eternity.

  6. Steve in NC

    glad he hung around for a while, hope it was tortuously painful

    I do know I am not going to eat fried pig skin till I know what they did with the corpse

  7. Mart (proud infidel)

    I like the certainty of the fact that a dead Muslim is a peaceful Muslim. :razz:

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    Crispy fried jihadi…mmmm…mmmm…good… That’s what the demons in hell are saying I’m sure….Bet he wishes he were back in the hospital right about now. On the bright side, he’s getting better justice for his crimes, than we could could ever dispense to him. It’s tough to be a jihadi in hellfire. Poor baby….

  9. 31MIKE

    GeorgeH….BUTTER, PLENTY OF BUTTER. I hope they didn’t waste perfectly good morphine on that asshole :twisted:

  10. mindy abraham

    Awwwww wonder if he got good western infidel medicine, or did he refuse on principle? :twisted:

  11. Future0311

    Bathe him in bacon grease and then bury him right below a pig pen.

  12. One-Shot

    Pheck him. I only wish he’d have lingered long enough for the docs to use pigskin grafts.

  13. TJ

    what i want to know is who gets the bill for his hospital stay, afterall he is responsible for what befell him. :mad:

  14. Joe

    While his death is deserved, I don’t think we are any better than them wishing it was a painful and agonizing death. He probably didn’t suffer for most of that time because he was in a coma. But no one should be happy about a painful death, no matter who they are.

  15. Brian H

    Sorry. Says he was in a coma throughout. Not much change from before, of course.

  16. patriot

    You know, I almost wanna feel bad for him. He suffered so long, and in such a painful way…

    BUT, I remember that he would kill my friends, my family, and I, and only blink when the blood splattered on his face. So, I really don’t care. It’s justice.

  17. Joe

    No reason to feel bad for his suffering, because he didn’t suffer. You really can’t feel anything in a coma.

  18. Ted B

    The demons will finish what he started. :twisted: Watch for the ‘they killed him’ stories. I have no sympathy for terrorists, they stopped being human a while ago. Just monsters in a human skin bag. Whatever suffering he had, he deserved, fuck him. :lol:

  19. John Cunningham

    Awww, Joe, can I send you a box of Kleenex? Poor boy. There, there, it’ll be all right. Simple twit.

  20. Kevin

    Awwwwwwwwwwww :lol: :beer:
    Welcome to Hell Jihadi Rat

  21. karl anglin

    His final day of judgement has arrived
    But I don’t think 72 virgins will be greeting him.

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