Radio: Dollard Talks Iraq Media Coverage, Upcoming Surge Report

August 23rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Pat Dollard joins Andrew Breitbart on “The Dennis Miller Show” to discuss how the media is covering the war and the the troop surge in Iraq.

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8 Responses

  1. Faith of Judas

    that’s gotta feel pretty good.

  2. jam

    Way to go Pat.

  3. John Cunningham

    Don’t stop being a troublemaker.

  4. kmcd

    Cheers to ya Pat :beer:
    Keep up the great work !!

  5. PhilNBlanx

    That was some good shit about al sadr and al qaeda Pat. If you find the time I would love to get a follow-up sometime - the inside skinny - on what our guys and the Iraqis are planning to do about that rosie o’donut-twin brother-looking loser al sadr. Seems to me that if we take him out a whole lot of people are going to be sleeping better at night….except the defeatist dems of course.

  6. JerryC

    Yeah, how come the assasination of this Governer was front-page important, but the capture of some his killers was zero-page irrelevant?

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    The Dhimocrats are only using the war for political gain. That’s exactly right. And the MSM isn’t interested in victory…that’s why they never report the good stuff.

    Let us know when you get the movie contract It’ll phreak out the MSM. But hey, fuck em.

  8. Sandy K.

    Pat you have done an excellent job for our country and the men and women of our military. Especially for our Marines.

    The Marines have been under attack by the left and the media throughout this whole war. I am very anxious to see the documentary. I hope every idiot that has been fighting against them will choke on their own bullshit.

    For the amount of time, sacrifice, suffering, injury sustained by you, and your faithfullness in getting the truth out, no matter what the cost was, and going where others would not go to give our side a voice, I thank you. You have put the lives and the meaning behind the lives of those who have been over there faithfully serving this country where they should be - at the forefront. To be seen and heard with respect and honor for what they have given to us all at the greatest expense to themselves. You have the heart and soul of a Marine and you have the respect, trust, and brotherhood of the Marines which is why, you sir, are a Marine. Thank you for your service.

    Every U.S. civilian no matter what their political views may be are not going to be able to deny the absolute necessity of our victory over Islamic Fundamentalists
    once they hear and see the truth you have documented in the series you have put together. {If they do then I think it will be safe to say they are clinically brain dead and should be put out of their misery. :lol: }

    I thank God for people like you, Michael Yon, Matt Sanchez, and others who have put integrity into reporting on this war.

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