French Foreign Minister: Iraq Proves The Global War On Terror Is Real

August 24th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


“It’s the globalization of terror. Everybody is there, and not only Al Qaeda.”

From a new Newsweek interview with French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, who just returned from a trip to Iraq:

“Because in this place called Iraq everything comes together, all the problems of the world: the violence; murder as a way of doing politics; the clash of religions, the confrontation of communities that are theoretically allied and who talk to each other but, in reality, are prolonging an ancient struggle for dominance. All of that is mixed with the question of oil—the second largest reserves in the world. Then you have the influence of neighboring countries who, through militias, money and arms, are able to manipulate the situation in Iraq. So, it can blow up still more than it has. I think this is the crucible for even worse regional and global violence. It’s the globalization of terror. Everybody is there, and not only Al Qaeda. There’s a contagion. The borders are impossible to patrol, they’re porous, so there’s an influence on neighboring countries. One of those, Iran, wants to become a nuclear power. All that—in this place.”

Full Interview

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10 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    would like to hear all he has to say with out creative editing by the punks at newsweek

    could do without his armchair quarterbacking though, the french have decades of opposition to us to overcome before they can be fully trusted

  2. CPLViper

    What an arrogant SOB … I thought it was a good sign that someone from the White Flag country showed up … but on second thought … he can go fuck himself. The same story holds true. “Going to war without France is like going to hunting without an accordian.”

    That’s all I got to say.

  3. Jewish Odysseus

    “in this place called Iraq everything comes together, all the problems of the world: the violence; murder as a way of doing politics; the clash of religions, the confrontation of communities that are theoretically allied and who talk to each other but, in reality, are prolonging an ancient struggle for dominance”

    Sounds to me like the very definition of…A CENTRAL FRONT.

    Bush 1, idiot-critics and Frogs, 0.

  4. B.A. Hokom

    I find that arrogance, the french kind, is appropriate when they decide it is safe to enter Bagdad. I agree with the notion that the State Department, not the Pentagon, was not prepared for the ‘after-invasion’ and to this day can’t understand why or how Colin Powell got away with his Iraqi/Bremmer policy. It was equally shocking to find that an active battle general was able to put all the pieces together for the State Department (Petraus). Newsweek is a bullshit left-wing rag that works for American’s enemies,oh did I leave out CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, New York Times, Washington Post and all the rest of the MSM (minus Fox).

    The French are and always have been opportunists, they took advantage of the ‘Oil For Food’ before the War and Now realizing success is in the wind they are trying to repaint the scene to enter Bagdad as saviors without even a scratch.

    I agree that Europe needs to get involved, but not by trashing our countries efforts and fallen soldiers, did the French Ambassador Have any good things to say about the Americans? Would Newsweek ever tell us? I say come but come with an eye to the future not the past, and come with a humble heart for those who have lost their lives to confront evils den.

    I could go on for days about the hypocracy, but those who will read this post already know that subject well.


    B.A. Hokom

  5. John Cunningham

    I was wrong, I thought they’d only been at it for 5000 years. It is a mental institution but it can be habilitated.

  6. Jim

    The whole thing smells… :shock:

  7. Mark Tanberg

    We could sure use some strong allies and unfortunately France still has a lot of reality to check, and oh hey, thanks a lot England. I fear Russia is doing paybacks for our support of the Taliban back in the day by arming Iran and watching us get more extended by the day. There are a few former satellites that would love to be included in nato, I say bring them in and build new allies, the old allied country’s are filled with muj anyway. It’s a new era, time to cut ties and forge new bonds.

  8. France the retour

    bof !

    seems to me that someone has to sort your policy from a shit hole, and your government needs France who has a better image than your country among the muslins and world wide spectre ;

    anyway Kouchner’s visit into Irak, wasn’t free, iraki leaders ask for it

    and for those who think that we were the only ones to deal with the “oil for food”, that’s pure idiotic blindness : every western country did have the same deal, yours too ! but in a more hypocritical way, through fake addresses and businesses with an open door in France or, at a lesser point, in EU. So it is easy to say that we were Saddam’ supporters :twisted: :twisted:

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    As we say in America…dude you’re a day late and a dollar short. He has it partially correct and partially wrong. Yeah Iraq is a central front. Yeah Iran is causing trouble.

    Pointing out the obvious helps nothing. Second-guessing the US…helps nothing. If he wants to help win the GWOT and he thinks that Iraq is so important, than stop all the talking and so something constructive.

    Wasting French troops in Lebanon, while Hizbollah re-arms itself, and doing nothing about it…helps no one.

    Wanna save lives in Iraq….then put boots on the ground. At least in Iraq, France wouldn’t have to stand by and let the Islamists make an ass out of them in front of the whole world as Hizbollah is doing in Lebanon.

    If you choose to deploy troops to a battlefront, you better be prepared to use force to defend them. Otherwise you are a useless tool of a useless agency like the UN. And you will only prove to the enemies of the West that you are a paper tiger.

    Talk is cheap. Get with the program France. Where’s the spirit that you so deftly showed America in the 18th century?

  10. azbastard

    it is a good and welcome sign…this war on terror has many fronts, the more we have on our side the better

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