Insurgent Video: Iranian Rockets

August 8th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



Dramatic video produced by Iraqi insurgents and captured in a raid earlier this week by U.S. troops clearly shows a battery of sophisticated Iranian-made rocket launchers firing on American positions east of Baghdad, Pentagon officials said Wednesday.

The video, captured during a raid on Monday by the 3rd Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment in northeast Nahrawan, shows insurgents setting up and carrying out an attack on Sunday, as well as an attack on July 11 that killed one soldier and wounded 15 others, officials said. The raid last month appeared to involve 34 launchers firing 107 mm Iranian-made rockets.

The video provides clear visual evidence of the extent to which Iraqi insurgents are equipped to launch deadly rockets on coalition forces, the Pentagon said.

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7 Responses

  1. Jarhead68

    Wasn’t that Don Rumsfeld settin’ those fuses? I wondered where he’d landed. Of course, it’s all Bush’s fault.

    Pelosi, you ugly hag, get your head out of your arse and be a patriot for once.

  2. Hooligan law

    what other proof is needed….. bomb these bastards :mad:

  3. Kurt (the infidel)

    Ha, Jarhead, Pelosi be a patriot? thats an oxymoron right there. Those were definitely Iranian made, they were even tagged and everything. Pretty crazy shit..I say we send them a message attached to some cruise missiles..Write on it from America with love.

  4. LadyAngler

    Call me crazy, but they looked like a bunch of drunk monkeys f-in’ a football. It’s creepy how they get so giddy and excited about shooting stuff off… reminds me of kids on Fourth of July. Murderin’ bastards… I hope they shoot their danglers off or at least their eyes out.

  5. sal

    guys, no no no, that video wasn’t real, that’s just the fire work crew from disney world. :mrgreen:

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Didn’t we see a vid awhile back of this same site being targeted by AH-64’s?

    With cler Iranian markings, there can be no doubt about Iran anymore. Lets kill them and get it over with.

  7. ssgduke54

    It is amazing that we have gone to war for less reasoning but since after Vietnam we have slowly but surely started turning into wimps! On 07 Dec 41 Japan bomb Pearl Harbor and killed over 2400 (mostly service personnel). Then we declared war the next day with Japan. Then we did a rapid build up that within 6 months we turn the tide of the war. Now fast forward to 11 Sept 01 the bastards Islamic Fascists attack the Twin Towers and killed 3000 mostly civilians. And what did we do! We didn’t declare war on those countries that were responsible for their citizen action, we didn’t built up our military, and we tried to fight this so called War of Terror on a Peace Time Economy! This is why we are loosing and this WILL lead us into another World War the likes we have not seen since WWII!
    Those who do not learn from history past mistakes are doomed to die from those mistakes.

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