Korea To Free Hostages By Financing Terrorism

August 10th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Taliban Demand $1million for Each Hostage. Korea Negotiating Price

From The Korea Times and AP:

KABUL _ Face-to-face talks started Saturday morning (KST) for the release of 21 Korean hostages, Taliban confirmed Friday night.

A high-ranking Afghan source said earlier that the kidnappers have demanded $1 million as ransom for each Korean national. But now it seems that kidnappers are likely to reduce the financial amount demanded for ransom. He was, however, sure about freeing of the Korean nationals in the wake of secret dialogues and bargains. After the Korean government pleaded not to use force for the recovery of the hostages, the Afghan government is playing the role of silent spectator.

The local governor, Marajudin Pathan, has said a ransom payment is likely to resolve the crisis smoothly.

Another source, close to the militants, confided to The Korea Times that the two sides are nearing a deal as some flexibility was visible in the stance of the Taliban over the previous few days.

He said some militant commanders are in favor of receiving huge sums in ransom from the Korean side. At the same time, they will agree on the release of some low ranking Taliban prisoners, who are nearing completion of their jail terms.

This will result in a win-win situation for the Taliban and the Afghan government, as the hostages, who are now completing their 22nd day in captivity, will also be released. The insurgents have so far killed two hostages, while the lives of the rest are at stake.

He said the Taliban did not want to hurt the hostages, especially the females. They want to strike some sort of deal now to set them free. The militants are fully aware of the possible reaction from Afghan society in the case of any harm befalling any of the Korean women.

Earlier, it had been reported that the Taliban were desperately trying to strike some sort of a deal to set free the Koreans _ at least the women, who are now becoming a heavy burden.

Asked about a possible deal in the coming few days, an official at the governor’s office in Ghazni Province, on the condition of anonymity, said the government may also agree if the militants show some flexibility in their demands.

He replied in the affirmative when asked if the government would agree to the release of some low-level Taliban prisoners if the other side amended their list of demands. The government would like to release those prisoners who are close to completing their jail term to create a win-win situation, he explained. “This is the only possible way to secure the safe release of the hostages.”

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11 Responses

  1. Bashman

    Dust the money with anthrax.

  2. GF

    Ohhh, I thought you said one million yen in coins…

    Love to see the donkeys carrying that.

  3. Kurt (the infidel)

    Just another terror supporter now. Paying terrorists only emboldens them and makes them want to kidnap more people because in that case crime pays..Bullshit

  4. Fire, Fire, Fire

    Uhm, this news will make our troops in Afghanitan feel great. Korea is now paying for the weapons the Taliban will use against them.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Just the kind of news that makes NK want to shoot at ROK troops over the DMZ. Thirty years ago SK would have sent in ROK commandos and fucked the Taliban all to shit. What a pathetic showing by the SK government.

  6. D_Mac

    Screw this, bomb the place, kill the Taliban and Koreans before Korea can buy them back. This money will buy bullets that will kill our troops. Trade American soldiers for Korean Missionary’s? Not on my watch.

  7. John Cunningham

    Definitely not their father’s Koreans.

  8. Birdddog

    If this happens…we need to leave South Korea. :mad:

  9. Clyde Conneer

    How sad. I loved the Koreans. I did a tour in Korea 64-65 and was with the Whitehorse Division on their first operation in VietNam and I will never forget those fierce little people. They very happily kicked Chuck’s ass whereever they found him. WTF happened?

  10. D_Mac

    you know how it is, look at all the pussy’s in the US, the pussies at home don’t represent the warriors of the culture, but the pussies whine the loudest and have the most votes

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Clyde Conneer

    The Sk’s have gone soft. They’re too busy with their gameboys, iphones and ipods to give a shit anymore. They don’t pay any attention to the old folks who remember the Korean War, they are too busy blaming America for all their problems.

    I think we should leave SK to defend themselves. And when the NK’s attack, fuck the SK’s.

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