Korean Muslims: “Taliban Brothers” Causing “Misunderstanding” Of Islam

August 28th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


First of all, a ransom deal has been reached to free the hostages. More on that shortly.

By Shamim Shahid
Special to The Korea Times

PESHAWAR, Pakistan _ The Korean Muslim Federation (KMF) has urged the Taliban to release the 19 Korean hostages immediately to prove that Islam is a religion of peace and brotherhood.

Suliman Lee Haeng, the Imam of the Seoul Central Mosque, made the remark here during his visit with three other members of the Korean Muslim Federation.

Suliman said that due to such incidents, Islam has been turning into a misunderstood religion in Korea and the rest of the world.

So far he said the incident has affected the Muslim community in Korea where citizens are growing increasingly suspicious of their activities. While my family or other Muslims, especially non-Koreans, travel on public transport or roam around people look at us sarcastically and some of them even regard Muslims as killers,” he added.

Abdul Rahman Lee said that policemen have been posted at the Central Mosque in Seoul round the clock due to a minor incident involving someone hurling stones in the mosque.

He added that some people also using abusive language against the Muslims and although the number doing it are few in number, Muslims are still affected by it.

There are about 35,000 Muslims in Korea and before this incident, “ we had been preaching Islam in very effective manner,” said Khan, a native of Peshawar who settled in Korea about 10 years ago.

Making a desperate request to the Taliban, Suleman said that being representatives of the Muslim community in Korea. “We initiated this visit so as to plead the case of our people and request to our Taliban brothers that these hostages are innocent and they should be released for the sake of humanity.”

Suliman said that the holy month of Ramadan is approaching and for the sake of it the group requests the immediate release of the hostages from Taliban custody.

The 23 South Koreans including 16 women and seven men were kidnapped while riding a bus on July 19 on the Kabul-Kandahar highway. Two of the male hostages were killed and two females were set free.

They are the largest group of foreigners to be taken hostage in Afghanistan since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion that drove the Taliban from power.

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7 Responses

  1. Brian H

    “to prove that Islam is a religion of peace and brotherhood.”
    Yaasss, indeeed. And a circle = a square, and the moon is a goddess’ butt, and Mohammed was holy and virtuous.
    Pull the other one.

    Ransom, huh? Good move. Another cash injection into a thriving business.

  2. Brad W(the infidel)

    What does this guy mean, “religion of peace”? They preach killing or taxation of non converts, their leaders have said for years that if other countries are not muslim, that gives them the right to wage jihad in invade those countries. Christians gave that up centuries ago, realizing that it was not the proper or moral thing to do. Muslims in many ways do not believe in or abide by the same set of morals or ethics the rest of the world goes by, believing that lying and deceiving non-muslims is acceptable.

    All these guys are doing is trying to CYA, acting like “Oops, we got caught, our bad, we’ll try to cover this up and be a little sneakier next go round” They repeated prove they cannot be trusted.

  3. Joe in MD

    “We initiated this visit so as to plead the case of our people and request to our Taliban brothers that these hostages are innocent and they should be released for the sake of humanity.”

    This is not a statement that is consistent with Islam or the Koran, but is only Taqiyya (unbelievers are not innocent). Korea has a large number of Christians and this statement is meant to deceive Koreans into believing that Islam is compassionate like Christianity. Islam is not a religion of peace or compassion, but only subjugation and death.

  4. Steve in NC

    I tried to see their point, but after massive blood loss from the removal of my infidel head, I am not able to focus on this line of bullshit

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    “The Korean Muslim Federation (KMF) has urged the Taliban to release the 19 Korean hostages immediately to prove that Islam is a religion of peace and brotherhood.”

    That would be kind of hard to do since the word Islam means “Submission”. Not submit to peace and brotherhood? But submit to Sharia law.

    “Peace and brotherhood.”??..Hmmmm… sounds like a Christian thing…since those two attributes appear to be oxymorons in the Koran?

  6. Future0311

    If you call beheading people peace.

    Notice how wherever Islam has a strong foothold, there’s a lot of violence.

  7. TJ (the Kafir)

    “This hostages are innocent”

    if this is true, then the two they murdered must receive justice. the punishment for murdering of innocence is death according to shariah.in some cases, when the murdered is an infidel then only a fine may be enacted. yet , korea has paid the fine instead. will these taliban come forward and allow justice to be served?

    to call them brothers is the ultimate in ass kissing and only confirms in my mind that there is no such thing as a moderate muslims.

    I cant imagine calling a fellow christian who just murdered 2 non christians my “brother”! this is religion is perverse and those who practice it are out of their minds. :evil:

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