Leftist Blogs’ Influence Fading

August 4th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Just another “special interest group”:

From The Politico:

And yet the influence of the liberal blogs on the Democratic presidential primary is a shadow of what it was in 2004.

The change: Democratic presidential candidates have started treating the blogosphere like any other special interest. They’ve reached the conclusion that the liberal bloggers are more a community than an ideological movement, more like, say, the Armenian-American community than NARAL.

And so candidates have reacted the way politicians always have to co-opt troublesome communities: They have put leading bloggers on payroll, showed up at blogger events and come out strong for narrow causes of interest solely to members of that community. Gone, at least for now, are the days when the Netroots seem poised to push the party to accept a unified view of the nation’s future.

“They’re so painfully craving any type of mainstream acceptance that they’re prone to the crassest kind of flattery and pandering, which weakens them,” said a senior aide to a Democratic campaign of the bloggers. Recalling a lavish party then-candidate Mark Warner threw at the 2006 YearlyKos convention in Last Vegas, the aide noted: “Mark Warner bought them off with a fountain and some chocolate strawberries.”

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7 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    I’m one that doesn’t ‘discuss’ well on my feet. Too many times I come away with, ‘dam, if I’d have only said this’. So, if I feel I have anything to say I can get it together, dot the i’s and cross the t’s, look at it, edit, get up the confidence to hit send and hope it makes sense. One needs to bounce oneself off others to see if they’re still normal. This blogging stuff is still kind of new to me, I’ve only had a PC 24/7 for a year and a half. It took a while, maybe six months to find my way around and find what I consider center-right sites to hang out. Now, I’m at one end of the spectrum of bloggers. After a 44 year work history, I’m retired. A lot of been there done thats. Then there’s the other end, goddam ain’t been nowhere, ain’t done nothing over indulged kids, nasty kids I should say. With the PC I found I’ve been a mushroom most of my life. Hope I keep this PC in balance, it’s a part of life. I knew there were bastards in life, mainly centered around the taxi over a period of 18 years. The nasty shit going on on some of these sites. I’ve heard of the Kos Kids, because Little Green Footballs exposes some of their shit on that site. I’ll wade in, but, can’t stay long. Can’t remember who on FNC last night, a democrat, go figure, was trying to give the impression that that site was main stream. There’s about ten sites I’m comfortable with and their owners bring attention to the extreme sites. I guess it boils down to you can use a PC to increase your base of understanding or you can use it to decrease your base. Eventually you’ll run out of base and fall down, go boom.

  2. A. S. Wise- VA

    Boy, that S.O.B. Markos has the deranged eyes not unlike… Cindy Sheehan or Nancy Pelosi.

  3. D.C.

    right you are Wise-VA….That little sperm-burpin fag needs killin’ as far as I’m concerned!

  4. Steven D

    I don’t know… …a nice fountain and strawberries would do it for me.


  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    I watched that debate on Fox with Dodd and O’Reiley. All Dodd proved was that he is a left-wing partisan hack. Nothing he says is worth listening to anymore. Defending DailKos is a little like trying to defend National Socialism or Das Kapital. Dodd has gone marxist all the way.

  6. GREG G. S.

    I’m glad the web is fading for the left, just like for air america and the network Big Al was going to buy for them, they think they can make money while trashing the system and the businesses that can see clearly, thus have no interest in buying space from idiots that hate and want to regulate them, not to mention nationalise them.

  7. Clyde Conneer

    Dodd the “Kennedy” wanna be is pure I D dogshit, always was.

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