Most Americans Say Iraq War Not Lost

August 29th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

More support than the donkeys at home will give

A majority of Americans - 54% - believe the United States has not lost the war in Iraq, but there is dramatic disagreement on the question between Democrats and Republicans, a new UPI/Zogby Interactive poll shows. While two in three Democrats (66%) said the war effort has already failed, just 9% of Republicans say the same.

Overall, 43% believe that since the Democrats took control of both houses of Congress in January, the current Congress’s performance in handling the war in Iraq has been worse than the previous Republican-held Congress.

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4 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Stupid is as stupid does. The disparity in the parties as reflected in this poll backs up that view. If you want to be a winner, follow one…If you want to be a fool, then follow one… And the only way to chase away lying cockroaches is to turn on the light of truth. That’s where the Dollards, the Sanchezes, and the Yons come into play.

    And this poll, once again…in my view, shows the importance of having a media that is not a monopoly like Mr Kucinich wants.

    If Denny had his way, he and his party would be able to pull off another 1968 Kronkite lie.

    Too bad, so sad…Not this time slickie boyz and girls at the MSM….

  2. Uncle Sam

    Its because they watch to much MSNBC,ABC,CBS and CNN propaganda that only want failure to happen so their life-long agenda will work,which is to have a Dumbocratic President in the White House.Thats all those “journalists”live for.They dont show the progress in Iraq or Afghanistan,just like today where 100 Umpa Lumpas died for running against a US base in Afghanistan.I guess they watched too much WW1 movies where they thought running headon against a SAW is cool. Well heres a Prost to their dumbness :beer: .Im surprised that the anchors of the Liberal media arent wearing a black mourning ribbon around their upper arm. :mrgreen:

  3. Kurt (the infidel)

    Liberals are trying to wage a propaganda campaign, wanting everyone to believe that everyone else thinks a certain way through talking points and flat out lies..Sensationalism at its best..Kind of like when a few traders on wall street start to sell off their stock, all the lesser savvy traders follow suit. People need to equip themselves with knowledge and truth so that they wont be clueless about the issues and can think for themselves

  4. mindy abraham

    I think it is because most people are bright enough to figure out what they believe on their own.

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