MSNBC Bans Pro-Victory Vets From Speaking

August 28th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Excerpt From Powerline:

“We wrote here about the television commercials that Freedom’s Watch has produced, featuring veterans and their families, that urge Congress and the public to continue supporting the Iraq war. The commercials are well done, and convey the simple message that the Iraq war is important and winnable, and that we should allow our troops to see the mission through. The ads are appearing in the context of a blizzard of anti-war ads by left-wing groups, intended to pressure Senators and Congressmen into pulling the plug on the Iraq effort. Freedom’s Watch has placed its ads on Fox and CNN, but CNBC and MSNBC have refused to run the ads.”
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One of the actual commercials:

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12 Responses

  1. deathstar

    Pretty much confirms that CNBC and MSNBC are the worst and most left biased of our allready far left media.

  2. Future0311

    Yeah, I’ll never visit that site again. Pat Dollard has been my homepage for more than a month now.

  3. Mark Tanberg

    That was the most tasteful “We’re about to sue your ass off”
    letter I’ve ever read. (energize)

  4. Sandy K.

    :shock: I have those saved to my page on YouTube.

    Pat’s site is my homepage too. I can see why.

  5. Sandy K.

    They only want one message out as usual. :mad:

  6. danielle

    Shame on those networks.

  7. TJ (the Kafir)

    these same networks wouldnt show pro-life commercials of people talking about the life in the mothers womb for these same reasons. the commercials had no pictures at all, nothing graphic at all, yet it was “too controversial”.

    i show things like this to my liberal brother yet he like so many still insists their is no liberal bias in the media.

    these same libs blame america for whatever bad people do. itaas never the individual and there is always a conspiracy behind everything. :oops:

  8. Ranger

    Haha are you guys actually surprised? I’d fall over and die if anything with “NBC” in it ran those ads.

  9. mindy abraham

    I don’t see what’s wrong with running the ads-it’s up to the people to decide if they beleive them or not.

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    The libs are hust showing their cards again. It’s amazing that these assholes are still in business. I always thought that the idea in business was to attract clients, not turn them off. No wonder their ratings are in the toilet.

  11. ssgduke54

    They won’t be fair and balance (CNBC and MSNBC) then I don’t have to watch their shows anymore. And when they don’t have enough sponsors to run commercials then they can declare bankruptcy.

  12. drillanwr

    If these were ads with anti Iraq war vets CNBC and MSNBC would not only allow the ad time to be bought, and play them … but the vets in them would be on Matthews’ and Olberman’s shows multiple times …

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