Obama’s Foreign Policy Adviser Responds: “I Have A 3.5 GPS”

August 27th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Original Post

People: Don’t know much about … geography?

Lauren Caitlin Upton, Miss South Carolina Teen USA, whose mangled response to a pageant question has become an Internet sensation, will have a second chance to answer it on Tuesday morning’s Today show.

“I didn’t do anything wrong,” she told South Carolina’s The State newspaper. “I wasn’t expecting [the question]. I lost my train of thought.”

She added she “completely misunderstood” the question, which she’ll get a second stab at on Today.

The beauty contestant’s video on YouTube has received more than 2 million hits thanks to her amazingly off-the-mark answer at Friday night’s pageant, when she was queried about why Americans are so bad at geography.

Specifically, she was asked why one-fifth of Americans can’t find the United States on a map.

“I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don’t have maps,” she ventured.

During her meandering response, she also tossed in out-of-the-blue references to “the Iraq” and “Asian countries” and their need for the support of the American educational system in identifying the United States on the map.

Upton is described as a varsity athlete and student leader at Lexington High School, where she graduated in June with a 3.5 GPA.

Despite the on-camera gaffe, Upton finished as third runner-up.

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27 Responses

  1. dad 3/7

    i was a 4.0 student in college,,, 1.0 my fresh.,1.0 my sogh., 1.0 my jr., and 1.0 my sr. yr,,, adds up to 4.0,,no big deal.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    3.5 GPS? LOL in freaking what? God she’s stupid. How in the hell can one as dumb as her even get through H.S? How did she slip through the system? Oh I forgot. Anyone who looks as good as she does, probably doesn’t have to try very hard.

    That still doesn’t say much for the Public School system. She’s an abysmal example of some of the otherwise brilliant young people that I know, who…despite their public schooling…turned out quite well…and very successful…
    And not because they can fill out a bathing suit or shake their booty really well.

    And oh by the way….if this kid has a 3.5 GPA, the standards at her H.S. must be really low…

  3. TerryTate

    Guess the pressure must have really gotten to her…

    Lets put her in charge of the little red button, then we can really make our enemies nervous…


  4. Fire, Fire, Fire

    Groin Positioning System

  5. Dan (The Infidel)


    “Lets put her in charge of the little red button, then we can really make our enemies nervous…”

    Oh that was a good one….two beers for you….
    :beer: :beer:

  6. Ranger


  7. Fire, Fire, Fire

    And I’m sure she’s already had plenty of little red button practice, so yeah, great idea.

  8. Dr D Semper FI

    Shw needs the Easy Button

  9. Brian H

    Maybe blondes ARE as lumb as they dook!

  10. Brian H

    So she’s a B+ student? I prefer C-cups, myself …


  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Fir, Fire, Fire

    I’ve heard of spreading trail…but Groin Positioning System?

    Have to write that one down…That’s too damned funny….
    Thanks for the (no pun intended) heads up….


  12. Tim Roesch


    Hey Dan…you ever had stage fright? How do you respond under stress? Have you ever been stressed? Ever held a weapon and been in fear of your life? How close have you come to killing someone?

    We’ll start slow. Ask a question, Dan. How about this one…
    Why do you think Americans know so little about Geography? Could it be that intelligence is treated like a pedophile in a super max in this country? Is it possible a discussion on oral sex and C-cups trumps learning about geography or math or whatever? Try teaching in a high school then type something cogent.

    Groin positioning system…you got daughters, Dan? You got a sister a mother? Are women a GPS system in your world, Dan?

    I was posting on this site before you had two thoughts to rub together. Based on your posts, you still don’t. :twisted:

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major
    Will trade tent pegs for intelligent conversation.

  13. LftBhndAgn

    So this is Americas Best & Brightest from the Public school system?

    Great. Having 2 small children that have not entered school yet all I have is 2 words -


  14. Egfrow

    Hi Tim,

    Your real name wouldn’t happen to be private Beauchamp would it? That attitude and elitist stance sounds very familiar. You attack your opponents intelligence but seem to make no coherent point of your own.

  15. Dan (The Infidel)


    You’re a real yawner kid. Don’t worry though…Jesus loves you….but everyone else in here thinks you’re an asshole….

  16. Egfrow


    The fact that you are hear means that there is still hope for you yet. Help us help you. We can save you from your self loathing and lack of faith in human kind. The way you are talking you could have possibly be the guy that would have shot Pat Tillman in the head for calling you a pussy in high school. You are only two steps from a Timothy McVeigh. We are worried about you. Calm your ass down and don’t get so damn emotional about your perceived I.Q. You know you are not an idiot but just a little confused about reality. Cross the bridge man! Cross the bridge!

    Here, get a beer and let Mark Levin break it down for you old shcool.


  17. Tim Roesch


    Egfrow writes

    Hi Tim,
    …You attack your opponents intelligence but seem to make no coherent point of your own.

    Egfrow and Dan and all the rest…you can not reason someone out of position that they did not reason themselves out of. I am not attacking your intelligence but your seeming lack of it. Groin Positioning System? You used your brain to call women that?

    For those who can understand…here is my point…

    You can not put out a fire by pissing gasoline on it. There are serious problems demonstrated here, by the contestant and the posters here.

    LftBhndAgn- you make a good point. I am starting a homeschooling group where I live because after 20 hellish years of teaching I can not stand to put another child through the hell of public education. I can’t.

    Dan, do you know how to homeschool in your state?

    That is my point, Dan and the Infidel crew…You DO NOT solve problems by resorting to discussions of bra size, what to do with cum in the mouth, groin positioning systems and and sordid blond jokes.

    When I began posting here there was a different tenor to the postings. Sure, there was some high school banter but there was discussion and debate.

    I don’t care whether you think I am an asshole, Dan. I care about the truth.

    Stinks and stones, Dan. Sticks and stones will be all we have left to fight with if we fight the coming hell with bad jokes and frat party babble. Hilary Clinton will laugh at your GPS joke all your merry way to the gender sensitivity class you will be forced to take.

    So, here’s another point…anybody know what it takes to homeschool your child? Have you looked? Or do your kids go to public school because that’s what everyone does. If you do what you’ve always done you’ll get what you’ve always got.

    Lemmings, Dan…that’s my point.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major
    Tent pegs for sale

    PS-I like being called Tommy Tentpeg. Hard to set up a GP Large without them. Think about that, Dan while you tell me that Jesus loves me. The point is, Dan, does he love you? Better yet…do you love yourself?

  18. Egfrow

    Tim says,
    Hilary Clinton will laugh at your GPS joke all your merry way to the gender sensitivity class you will be forced to take.

    Here lays the core of your thinking. You think the sky is falling and people need to be forced to your way of thinking. Homeschool? Tim, real people have fucking jobs! We don’t have trust funds to stay at home. Good for you.

  19. Dan (The Infidel)


    No you have no point…That’s my point… You’re a lib..Your views aren’t worth my time.

    And besides you bore me kid. All the lib arrogance that you throw up for argument is just so much drivel. If you keep it up you’ll always be the underachiever that you are.

  20. Dan (The Infidel)

    Should read you have no point…that’s my point.

  21. TJ (the Kafir)

    this teen looks like a woman and often lets the juvenile in all of us. Tim, I hear you man. It is sad that we debase women, er , girls like we do, even as “mature” adults. this girl should never be asked such questions anyways. I’m sick of them asking political questions along with the political answers. its already nerve racking enough to have to answer questions with a perma grin on your face , than to be given such a silly question.

    How the hell is a teenager going to know how to solve the worlds geography problems, as if thats a problem to begin with , especially for teenagers.

    if anybody is an idiot its the promoters and people who came up with such stupid questions. :mad:

  22. Egfrow

    You are falling for too much leftist propaganda and bullshit. The MSM hand picked this crop of girls specifically to make you feel like you do right now. Self hatred and shame. If you really believe that these girls are a snapshot of the education demographics of the USA then I really feel sad for you. The tactics of the infiltration of the left is to change perceptions and force the strong and the able to give up to the weak and timid. Shame, fear, doubt, uncertainty, are all goals to allow them to take power. You are falling into the FUD trap. Glorify the mediocre while vilifying the strong and the productive. Home school is a leftist pipe dream. The pumped up statistics about Home school kids being smarter are all from leftist sources. They want us all to stay home,to become less aware. to withdrawal. You learn by doing and getting things done. I fear the type of education you will be providing your future victims you will force to your thinking. You have been duped by friend. Things are not what believe them to be.

    Read about the Nature of Evil.

    Then watch a video about infiltration and deception.

    I know you won’t because you already think you know everything in the universe. But it’s here for you anyway.

  23. John Cunningham

    liberalism has been very successful in the dumbing down of public schools. I don’t even think they teach geography in schools and there’s no physical education anymore. We don’t know where anyone is and not even ourselves, but, everyone knows where we are. You get a sampling of this on that routine that Jay Leno does where he asks people on the street what one would think would be common knowledge. The liberal NYC school system is fighting tooth and claw to make all kinds of excuses for the madrassa that will open this school year. They will speak arabic in the school. It won’t be that there will be arabic courses offered. This will be paid for by taxes. liberalism is the enemy within and they’re going to use taxes to open a terrorist incubator very close to Ground Zero. The Thomas Moore Law School is taking on the NYC school system. We’ll see what happens.

  24. danielle

    She was totally funny!! I felt kind of bad for her.

  25. Zegron

    Lots of disrespect going on here folks.. You can do better, I’ve seen it.

  26. LftBhndAgn


    There is a difference between Disrespect and REALITY. All I have seen here is reality.

    Please feel free to point out the disrespect.

  27. Barb

    This contestant reminds me of the “Housewives from Orange County” blond bimbo kids. They have money but no sense.

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