Osama: “Kill Me, Please”
“The sentry radioed an alert, and word quickly passed among the Qaeda leader’s 40-odd bodyguards to prepare to remove “the Sheik,” as bin Laden is known to his followers, to a fallback position. As Sheik Said, a senior Egyptian Qaeda operative, later told the story, the anxiety level was so high that the bodyguards were close to using the code word to kill bin Laden and commit suicide. According to Said, bin Laden had decreed that he would never be captured. “If there’s a 99 percent risk of the Sheik’s being captured, he told his men that they should all die and martyr him as well,” Said told Omar Farooqi, a Taliban liaison officer to Al Qaeda “
“American intelligence officials interviewed by NEWSWEEK ruefully agree that the hunt to find bin Laden has been more a game of chance than good or “actionable” intelligence.”
This is irrelevant. Probably 80%+ of criminal arrests are made due to unrelated traffic stops, street contacts, roadblocks, etc…Yet they are cuffed just as securely as those grabbed running from the bank w/bags of cash.
We just need to be patient, and relentless.
August 25th, 2007 at 8:09 pmI feel hes already dead.
If they are so brazen to make up Al Baghdaddi (SP) - Why wouldn’t they make up stories about his still being alive?
August 25th, 2007 at 10:28 pmNewsweek is usually so full of nonsense that it is hard to really read anything they print. However, this is an interesting article at least.
I never understand why journalists say things like this:
“so-called Global War on Terror (GWOT).” Why “so-called”? It IS called the GWOT. I know it’s subtle but it still bothers me.
And why do they print this: “I don’t give a damn about offending our allies!” Berntsen yelled…
How many times have you said, “I don’t give a fuck about those assholes, we need to… ? People say all sorts of shit.
Oh, well… The more I read of this the more it sounds like a BS Newsweek hit job against people who are doing the best they can with what they got. I don’t think I’m going to read the rest.
August 26th, 2007 at 12:57 amOBL will be in a berka in an SUV on his way to the market one day and be pulled over for not having on his seatbelt.
August 26th, 2007 at 2:44 amHe’s dead, Jim.
August 26th, 2007 at 5:25 amNext question: Why NewsWEAK has no clues?
Last Question: How badly can the Stoopid Demo/Left stink up the place when they collapse in ‘08?
Yea, what Grumpy said! I could not finish that article either.
August 26th, 2007 at 6:00 amNewsweek is another piece of shit pub that I avoid. I don’t care what they report.
One of the reasons that the hunt for OBL is so difficult is that the MSM keeps giving our enemies actionable intel on our tactics. Some may recall the article in the libistan newspapers back in 2001 that exposed our tracking of OBL through his cell phone calls. He immediately stoped using his commo and started using runners.
I agree with J.O. Sooner or later we’ll get this pig. His ego will eventually cause him to make a mistake…or we’ll just run into his ass somewhere in Afghanistan, and his ass will be out to dry.
Be patient. All good things come to he who waits.
August 26th, 2007 at 8:41 am