Romney Indicates It Should Be Nuke ‘Em

August 31st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


NEWBERRY, S.C. (AP) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney says that if terrorists detonated a nuclear bomb in a U.S. city while he was president he would retaliate “in a very dramatic and clear way.”

Posed that scenario while campaigning Friday in this early primary state, Romney said he didn’t want to say much more.

“The answer is you would retaliate and you’d retaliate in a very dramatic and clear way. I don’t want to be terribly more specific than that,” the former Massachusetts governor said.

“But there’s no question that people understand that the reason that we have the thousands upon thousands of nuclear warheads we have is that we intend to protect ourselves. And I would never shrink from protecting the American nation, the American people, nor shrink from retaliation if somebody used something as awful as a nuclear device. We will be safe.”

The key is preventing nuclear proliferation, Romney said. He cited Iran, which has been accused of seeking to develop nuclear weapons, a charge its leaders have denied while claiming it’s interested only in a nuclear energy program.

“It’s time for us to dramatically tighten the sanctions on Iran and to get our friends around the world to do the same,” Romney said. People in Iran need to know that “going down the nuclear path is a source of peril, not a source of pride,” he said.

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16 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    That’s just pure common sense. And any Presidetial candidate unwilling to do the same, is a fool and shouldn’t leave their day job.

  2. Bill

    Whats remarkable to me is that its reported as though its an extreme response, something unreasonable. Just imagine what the 3 stooges disguised as democrat candidates would say.

  3. LftBhndAgn

    Romney keeps this up & I just might have to vote for him. :beer:

  4. GBU43

    All the candidates should come out and re-state the Kennedy Doctrine from the Cuba missile crisis.

    [Modified and summarized to fit todays situation]

    That being that ANY nuclear attack on the US and those countries that harbor terrorists and pursue nuclear weapon regardless of the origin of the bomb will be held equally responsible.

    If a nuke goes off in the US. I want to see.

    #1. Iran exporting glass for the next 200 years.
    #2. Syria smoldering.
    #3. Saudi Arabia… Gone.. We’ll get the oil from the gulf thanks.
    #4. North Korea, Should have done this a long time ago.

  5. John Cunningham

    Sounds good to me.

  6. Roger T

    Nice to hear a relatively straight forward response.

  7. Steve in NC

    I think that Mitt may be the man. I have not heard anything but common sense in his comments.

    I think is is funny that his father, once the Governor of Michigan, (the mitten state) names his son “Mitt”

    He has an excellent record as an executive, in business and government.

    I am not sure senators make good Presidents without executive experience. The President should lead, not come to a consensus which your goal as a member of congress.

    He will be attacked for his religion by the leftists and even ignorant ‘conservatives’, but I think this will not get traction with clear minded individuals.

    The more I hear from him, the more I like.

  8. Joe M,

    Please, please, do not vote for Mitt even if he say he promises extreme retaliation. He was horrible as governor as Massachusetts and it was not because Massachusetts was a blue state. He is quite possibly the worst of all the candidates including the democrats.

  9. D.C.

    Joe M:
    So what do you bring to back up your statement?
    Frankly I don’t plan to vote for him anyway, but just laying out a blanket statement like “don’t vote for Mitt, cuz he’s was a lousy governor”, just doesn’t cut it!

  10. Dave the infidel

    These terrorists are so backward that the only way you could threaten them with an H-bomb is to tell them we pack those suckers in pork grease. Now, that’s blowing them to hell :twisted: !

  11. PhilNBlanx

    I concur Steve. Haven’t decided who I’m pulling for yet but Mitt has certainly gotten my attention. Straight-shooter IMO. As much as any politician can be…
    Blaming Romney for Massachusett’s woes is like blaming a hurricane on the eye in the center.
    I suspect the real hang-up with some conservatives is his mormonism. But I’ll leave the spiritual state of Mitt’s soul to Him who knows better than I.
    Phil (also in NC)

  12. JJIrons

    What would George Clooney do?!?

  13. JewishOdysseus

    As a resident of the People’s Republic of Moscowchusetts for the 1st 36 years of my life, I am confident in saying that Mitt Romney is A GREAT GUY, a leader, and wd make a great C-in-C.

    Not to put down any of the other Repubs. But I think he’s the best of the field.

  14. EruditeEarlobe

    It is obvious Joe M. has never lived in the People’s Republic of Taxachusetts. Romney did great things while he was there, and I lived there most of my life. You are a phony Clintonista posing as a conservative!

  15. Alex

    i’ll vote for him. The only reason he’s not getting more publicity from the media is because they’re afraid. and since they’ve got nothing on him, they’ll just ignore him

  16. Hugh

    I’m still open. Mostly, I’m happy with the choices we have compared to what the traitors have on the other side.

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