Rove’s Legacy Tainted By Steroids

August 21st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Aug. 21, 2007 - To many, he was “Bush’s Brain,” the master tactician who would stop at nothing to advance the political agenda of George W. Bush.

But to a growing number of experts within the Beltway and beyond, a more sinister portrait is emerging of former White House political adviser Karl Rove: a man who achieved his record-shattering results only by using steroids.

“The question isn’t whether or not Karl Rove was juicing,” says Davis Logsdon, a University of Minnesota professor who studies steroid use among White House political advisers. “The question is, exactly how much was he juicing?”

In building his case that Mr. Rove used performance-enhancing drugs during his years in the Bush White House, Mr. Logsdon compares his record in Texas, where he was an above-average political adviser, to his tenure in Washington, where he became a pumped-up superstar.

“In Texas, Rove only succeeded in getting a governor elected, but in Washington, he organized the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, staged the ‘Mission Accomplished’ photo-op and outed a CIA agent,” Mr. Logsdon says. “There’s only one way to explain the surge in performance: steroids.”

And Mr. Logsdon suspects that steroids may have also played a role in the 2000 presidential election, in which Mr. Rove engineered a victory for Mr. Bush even though he received fewer votes than former vice president Al Gore.

“If Rove was using steroids during all that, then the 2000 election has to go down in the record books with an asterisk,” he says.

What you’ve just read was a satire by Andy Borowitz.

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10 Responses

  1. E4Puke

    Wow, since when does written insanity qualify as journalism?

  2. D_Mac

    I think we should all do steriods… Didn’t know they helped with politics too.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    C-Span2 huh? Them people got WAY too much time on their hands….

    The steroid story was good. Bet that made the DailyKos brief.

    First Paranoid KosKid: “Hey have you heard the one about Karl Rove being high on steroids?”

    Reply from other DailKos Diaper Baby: “Oh yeah I heard that too. It’s George Bush’s fault.”

  4. D_Mac

    haha didn’t read the sattire part the first time

  5. Steve in NC

    Finally the lusted for perp walk!

    I bet the kos kids are still cleaning the keyboard after looking at that pic

  6. Deathstar

    I just know Rove had roid rage that time he flipped out and beat a dem congress man to beath with a golf club.

  7. mdetlh

    what a word picture to epitomize the culture of corruption,

    hope Congress has the steroids (tetosterone levels) enough to issue subpoenas that make a hill a beans for presidential advisors.
    I’m going to boo hoo for these for poor Dems ahead of time when they don’t get their way. :cry:

  8. Steve in NC

    why waste time and money on steroids?

    I wanna get juiced on a cocktail of enzyte, cialis, and ropex!

  9. just posting

    that story is retarded…but wow that video that is the corniest shit ive ever seen

  10. Ranger

    i cannot believe how painful that vid was too watch

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