Santa Vows Insurgency Against Invading Russians

August 2nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



Backed by an uncharacteristically angry and menacing looking semi-circle of elves, Santa Claus appeared in a web video vowing to turn the North Pole into a “red snow, Russian prison of fire” if the “invader Putin did not leave the Jolly Realm”. It was posted this morning on his website. “Are you insane, Mr. Putin?” cackles Santa’s Chief Elf on the tape “did you not realize how quickly these little fingers and our mighty factories can turn out millions of IEDs instead of toys?” Several of the elves were strapped with AK’s.

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10 Responses

  1. Future0311


  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    I guess this means Komrade Putin will not be getting any Christmas presents this year from the Jolly One.

  3. A. S. Wise- VA


  4. Kurt (the infidel)

    This is a funny post..but as for the background behind this whole story, I think its a bunch of BS. Trying to expand Russian territory by 1 million square km..I think the elves should start an insurgency campaign against them. IED’s disguised as xmas presents lol :lol:

  5. Lamplighter

    All Russia has is natural resources, and they want to lay claim to more. The Great State of New Jersey produces as much as Russia in gross domestic product (all goods and services produced by that particular entity). New Jersey! That’s just one of fifty states! Yeah, America is an economic powerhouse, and that’s what ticks off the rest! Ours is bigger than their’s! :cool:

  6. Future0311

    Oh man, I feel stupid. lol

  7. Future0311

    I thought that was a jihadi dressed as Santa Claus and that they were screaming about something else. Woke up in a bad mood, read the article about the lefties trivializing Tillman’s death, and didn’t even bother reading the article because I got really pissed. lol

    Funny article nonetheless.

  8. Kurt (the infidel)

    haha future, im laughing my ass off over here lol I read that first post and didnt know what to make of it, it happens to all of us sometimes :beer: I thought the shithead dog picture was just a funny pic of dog with no story behind it

  9. danielle

    OMG, the Kremlin has gone insane!

  10. GF

    And we, the U.S., own outer space which includes the frig’n Moon, Mars and the Sun. It’s time the rest of uwe’s countries start paying us for sunshine, biatchs. AND It’ll be a quater everytime you a look at the Moon :beer:

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