Shock Video: Al Qaeda In Iraq

August 7th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Why we fight. If they aren’t defeated there, they will fight us here.

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43 Responses

  1. danielle

    OMG! This is so crazy!!! :sad:

  2. kevin

    Sick. This is why we have to stay and fight these people.

  3. TRM

    Subhuman pieces of shit. :mad:

  4. GBU43

    Another reason you don’t surrender. These fuckers show up to the door and its fight’s on.

    If the come into your neighbor hood you fucking swam them and kill em. Leave them swinging from the tree’s on the outskirts of town.

  5. FTL

    cowardly demonic pigs. rid the world of them… soon.

  6. RVN68MIKE

    This is why when you catch these fucking animals you torture every bit of info you can get out of them then kill them, feed thier bodies to pigs and make sure every islamic rag head knows that is how we send them off to hell! Don’t ever turn any of these scum loose!!!

  7. James Hooker

    We, a god-awful lot of us, sit on our overstuffed couches and flip between American Idol, Friends and The View, while talking on the phone with Sally and Sal decrying the BushHitler who, next week, will send his stormtroopers into the local library and shoot all liberals caught there in the head. I wonder what these same people think after they click on one of these videos? What are their first impressions? Do they, even for a second, wonder if Obama is out of his mind? Do they EVER think: “You know, those just might be real airplanes flying into those towers” or “Why in the hell did I send that check to the ACLU?”

    I HOPE some feel the sting of being more than a little wrong about a few things. Some will, but an too many could give two shits.

    Tomorrow, I hope, will be better - it usually is - but this morning, 3800 miles from my home soil, I just plain flat fucking despair. I’ll get over it.

    So to all my liberal friends back home, sucking in that free un-fettard air, get off your ungrateful asses and tell a Marine, Soldier, Sailor, Airman “Thank you - I needed that”

    And, kill ‘em early, kill ‘em often, kill ‘em THERE!

  8. Ted B


  9. John Cunningham

    All of the above.

  10. azbastard

    where was that new jersey? cold blooded killings for a false prophet, a false belief, a false god..while the strangle hold on a.q. is getting tighter, America is getting sucked under in our own cess pool..God have mercy

  11. thunderbird

    Look at those little hooded faries. Dancing arround with those AK-47’s like they have some power. He should go draw a cartoon of Mohammed on a sheep and ass-fuck it. Just before someone incinerates his ass with a flame thrower.
    I love flamethrowers, they really should bring those back for a reunion tour in Iraq.

  12. Joe in MD

    James Hooker:

    “I wonder what these same people think after they click on one of these videos? What are their first impressions?”

    I work with a liberal conspiracy theory kook and his first reaction was that they were paid by George Bush and Co. He equates Bush to Hitler in that he is ordering the fabrication all of the terror (including the WTC attack) to justify “his” war, just like Hitler fabricated the supposed criminal activity of the Jews. The purpose of doing so is of course to take over the world to make money for himself and the evil corporations blah blah blah.

  13. 0311inohio

    Sick mother fuckers. Allah Akbar!! :twisted:

    And a shit load of energy, money and lives ruined because of the “inhumane” treatment of prisoners at Abu Garbe! We do live in a fucked up world. :evil:

  14. Wendy

    Sick and not surprising given who is pulling the trigger. Why is it the loony left can’t see these bastards for what they are? Uncivilized fanatics that will kill anyone of us without thinking twice. Sick power hungry bitches that hide behind a rag!

  15. Sandy K.

    Joe in MD

    That is the attitudes of many people where I live and work. When I hear what they say, I am in utter disbelief that they can suck up so much shit and say the things they say. They frighten me worse than anything. I get so po’d I can’t even speak sometimes. I only deal with it so much and then shut it down because I do not want to die prematurely from a heart attack. They are weakening this country at one of the most dangerous times in our history at the expense of everyone serving this country in the fullest sense of the word.

  16. Steve in NC

    I wonder if that was bareback hussein obama’s tea party?

    There are fucking idiots in our government that think we should talk to these animals

  17. Jarhead68

    Was that Lindsay Lohan in the tan pants? :shock:

  18. Christopher

    All the Above! These are some pieces of shit! These are the ones that the looney left are protecting.

    God bless our troops. Keep up the fight and Kill Them All!

  19. Dr D Semper FI

    Brave Men, huh?

  20. Kurt (the infidel)

    I think the looney left kool aid drinkers need to be watching this..They’re the ones who need to be shocked, This is an enemy with no heart or soul and would do this over and over again if given the chance

  21. LftBhndAgn

    All I can say is 21st Century Holocaust. The Nazis did the same thing. WHY is the rest of the world NOT RESPONDING!

  22. SFC Double L

    The sad thing is how the “Moderate” Muslims will not speek out against these scum! Why do the so called majority of Muslims allow the alledged minority run rampant like this?


    “God spoke liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it.” ~Daniel Webster

  23. Iggy

    The sad part is that this has been, and continues to happen every day. Unfortunately, the left blames our foreign policy and military for civilian deaths in Iraq. The people of the world should thank their Gods every night that the US is willing to rid the world of such terror. These savages deal only in fear and violence and the only solution for them is death – No Guantanamo, no “enhanced interrogation”, just DEATH.

  24. Barbara

    God Bless All who bravely serve our country in defense of these inhuman animals who do not deserve to draw breath.

    Thanks for all that you are doing to get the truth out there, Pat. Keep up the great work!!

  25. Birdddog

    Show this to the Dems to let them know what is coming if we pull out.

  26. Lamplighter

    Once again, murderering cowards wearing hoods. Like I said, everytime I see a US woman with a rag on her head, I think “symobol of support for murdering cowards.”

  27. John Cunningham

    On second viewing I was reminded of that shot of the one that danced around, was his name Reginald Denny, in Los Angeles after he was dragged from the truck and hit in the head with a rock. A rock, Iraq, a rock, Iraq. The hoodies.

  28. Bashman

    Rosie: “What terrorists?”


  29. Howie

    Oh wait you don’t come back from dead.
    Thank God for our troops and Pat Dollard!

  30. Gary in Midwest

    Send this link to every bleeding heart “Why can’t we just get along?” liberal. Yeah, let’s just sit down and negotiate peace with this bunch of shitheaps. Picture these bastards in your backyard playin’ with your kids!!!!!!!

  31. Lamplighter

    Yeah, where is Amnesty International and the International Red Cross? Why aren’t they investigating this obvious violation of human rights? Where are they? Where are they?

  32. Wendy


    They are afraid that the same fate will be theirs if they interfere. That in it’s self should tell you something. The only reason the Looney left wants us to be tolerant of these animals is because they are cowards and afraid of death. Well give me LIBERTY or GIVE ME DEATH!!!!!!!!!!

  33. A. S. Wise- VA

    When you see this, you know that everyone of them must wiped off the face of the Earth. An enemy that has no regard for human life, is the personification of evil, no fucking doubt about it.

  34. Dan (The Infidel)

    And the liberal weenies bitch about Guantanamo? They got some freaking nerve. These people are irhabi, murtadd mufisdoon. Their jihad is hiraba. They have used up their “life cards”. We should send as many as possible to their slavemaster al-Shaitan.

  35. Skydivejnky

    James Hooker: Well said and a great post. Thanks for being there and for what you and others are doing. Keep up the good work. Thanks to all in service for this Great Country, who keep the garbage somewhere other than here, doing the same in our neighborhoods.

  36. JayMS

    I have always beleived in the mission and what our soldiers and marines are doing over there, but this just reinforces it even more. Notice them chanting “Allahu Akbar” while they just execute those people.

  37. Dave the infidel metallurgist

    On 9-11 when the towers collapsed I thought justice would be capturing those responsible, parking their asses across the street from the towers’ remains, have them watch us rebulid the towers and then throw their sorry asses off the top when we finished rebuilding.

  38. ssgduke54

    COWARDS! Show NO MERCY to the Insurgents! For they will show NONE TO YOU!

  39. James Hooker


    I Think I should clarify myself. I DO live 3800 miles from my home soil, however, it’s in IRELAND! I’ve been here almost 3 years now - got tired and damn near broke from a trans-atlantic relationship - picking her up on a friday night was getting to be a bitch. I’ve never served in the military a day of my life, much to my shame and regret.

    Which brings me to this question: In this video (which plays in fits and starts for me - I MIGHT have missed something) all those guys are just lying there. Why? I couldn’t detect a one of them move a muscle before the shooting started, during or, of course, after. Not a “fuck you” in sight. Were the AQ scum holding their wives and children off camera or something? Odd? I dunno that either - somebody help me put my finger on it, please.

  40. James Hooker

    Update to my previous post above: My bad? It’s happened once or twice in my life!

    The video certainly played better this morning and a LOT of movement was seen during the shooting itself. The parts that DIDN”T play yesterday fooled me.

    I just fucking hate these bastards.

  41. John Cunningham

    Dave the infidel metallurgist, you might get a charge out of this. I was driving the cab in Niagara Falls and had this little old lady, about 75, as a customer in the back seat. The news on the radio prompted her to say that when they catch OLB they should put him in a bullet proof cage in the middle of Times Square with microphones stationed around the cage so anyone could step up and tell him what he did to them. Dam, wish I’d have known her when she was young.

  42. Dave the infidel metallurgist

    John Cunningham

    She’s too kind, but that goes with age. Hopefully I live to an age where I attain that level of kindness.

  43. Bluesock

    And people complain that we might be torturing these animals at Gitmo. I say we are not torturing enough.

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