Syria: “We Have No Plans For War Against Israel”

August 14th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Farouq al-Shara says Damascus has no intention of waging war against to regain Golan Heights; ‘we should always be ready to respond to Israeli aggression,’ he adds

Published: 08.14.07, 19:00 / Israel News
Syria has no intention of waging war against Israel to regain the occupied Golan Heights from the Jewish state, Syrian Vice President Farouq al-Shara said on Tuesday.

“Israel knows we don’t want war. We should always be ready to respond to Israeli aggression, but Syria will not start a war,” Shara said at a lecture in the Syrian capital.

“People on Syria’s streets do not want war, although they will not accept anything less than Israeli withdrawal from the whole of the occupied Golan Heights. The Arab initiative is clear in this regard and we support it,” Shara said.

‘Israel wants any excuse to launch a war’
Shara was referring to an Arab peace proposal which offers Israel normal ties in return for withdrawal from all the land occupied by Israel in 1967, including the Syrian Golan Heights.

Israel, however, said Syria’s alliance with Iran and backing for the Lebanese movement Hizbullah and the Palestinian group Hamas form an obstacle to resuming the talks, which collapsed in 2000 over the extent of an Israeli pullout.

The two countries are formally at war, but a ceasefire has held firm on the Golan front since 1974, a year after Syria launched a war that failed to regain the plateau.

With the two sides playing down prospects of resuming negotiations, speculation in the Israeli media has mounted about a Syrian attack to regain the Golan.

Syria has been taking steps to improve its military and there have been reports of Damascus recently buying Russian weapons that include an air defence system and upgrades to its fighter jets.

Shara said any preparations Syria was making were defensive in nature and that Israel “wants any excuse to launch a war.”

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11 Responses

  1. bill

    Pat just wanted to say your blog is one of the best to keep us informed about the Iraq war. Keep up the good work … and thanks for all you do.

  2. Dan2

    Israel…could take out both Syria and Iran…today!

    The USA could take both countries out in two hours…If you don’t mind a few million civilian casualties.

    About time these two countries come back to “reality” of life today…a remember this.

    BTW: I do not like to see “civilian casualties” more than the next person.

    But, WE are not the ones to be blamed for this in countries like Iraq and Afganistan etc… If your government or factions in your country are going to wage a “holy jihad” with us…

    Then…The “civilian casualties” are ON YOU!

    Just like any “civilian casualties” in the USA…are ON US.

    We go WAY to far out of our way to protect civilian’s in countries fighting us.

    “Politically Correct” wars may save some “civilian” lives of other peoples countries…

    BUT, it gets a LOT more of our men and women killed…that would have not been killed other wise…all in the name of “Trying To Fight A Politically Correct War”





  3. Steve in NC

    Did they follow this by saying:

    “Trust Me”

  4. MikeP

    And the check is in the mail.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Both Syria and Iran are paper tigers. And alot of people still think Hizbollah kicked Israel’s ass in their little proxy war. Got news for the world. Hizbollah is still recovering from the crushing that they got. The rhetoric is there, but not much else.

    Iran and Syria talk cash shit (tagiya, but are unable to back it up when confronted with superior firepower.

    Syrai and Iran are in the planning stages of another confrontation with Israel, no matter what Syria says to the contrary.

    I say, let the games begin. Israel will kick their asses.
    While we should be attacking Iran…Fuck all this talk shit…None of this diplomacy bull crap is changing the dynamics on the battlefield. Iran is still killing US troops. When are we going to kill theirs?

  6. Jay

    Hitler said he wasnt going to attack Poland too.

  7. Dan2


    “Hitler said he wasnt going to attack Poland too.”

    May also be a HUGE problem with these “radical Muslims…sports fans”


    When your “Religon” says its ok to cheat and lie 24/7 to…


    I Might just have a problem believing….ANY mother F^%$ing they say…anywere at anytime.


  8. D.C.

    And a flaming monkey will shoot out of my butt!

  9. TouchStone

    This was on Drudge tonight:
    Netanyahu just took over the Likud party in Israel again.

    Olmert screwed the pooch - and the IDF! - by micro(mis)managing the war last summer. I knew they couldn’t have been too serious about really takin’ down the Hez when they didn’t even try to put a blocking force on the Litani.
    Since then - particularly with the chaos in Gaza and the bull Hamas is pulling - the Kadima party has been takin’ some serious flak.

    Considering what might happen in the next elections, I wonder if Syria ain’t tryin’ to shore up the position of the appeasers in Kadima?
    …or it’s just more taqiyyah. :lol:

  10. John Cunningham

    Trust them as far as I could throw the Heights.

  11. Dan2

    Netanyahu… I think is almost “pre-destined” to be… One of the top two real “Players” in the world for the next few years… or until all hell finally breaks out.

    If you going to watch things unfold…do not forget his name.


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