This Is My Rifle

August 15th, 2007 Posted By Bashman.


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58 Responses

  1. snook

    Bashman/Ted Nugent 08

  2. wildbill

    Bashman i have watched all of your videos but this one is by far the best one.Yes i support our troops with all of what i have, God bless them all.

  3. Jerry

    As our Founding Fathers envisioned us as a Nation of Riflemen what better a tribute than the Prayer, This is my Rifle and the principles for wich it stands. The mastery, ethics, and the personal mission it entitles. That is what always made us strong, a true warrior nation, not like those that preceeded with pillaging and marauding. It is ssad to see that a cancer grow within our body in the form of a giant, spineless pusssy. Unreal in it manifestation and shamelessness and yet still think that they are fit to be defined as Americans. As the bashman says, and I use a similar pitch for as a lead for our project at work, (Injured Marine Semper Fund)they are our friends, family, our neighbors. In effect selling out your own kind and having no remorse. Does it get any worse?

    ps: for thier sacrifice, our men and women in the Armed Forces take on great hardships as a result of deployments, or worse, when they get wounded in the service to thier country. Here are some links that may guide many in the direction to help serve those who are serving us. This is a start for many, or you can find chapters that offer support on a more localized basis, but I am sure that both of will be of help for areas that are regional to you, if that really matters.
    Combined Federal Campaign Number (for Federal workers)- CFC # 12526
    Tax Id number or EIN, is 320033325

    Or: The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be provided unless otherwise requested.

    Tax ID # 26-0086305

    In the next coming weeks, many corporations out there will be launching the annual employee contributions campaigns. Here is a chance to aid two very good organizations and help those who are doing more than many will every know.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    I saw that movie a half-a-zillion times. I always thought that Kubric was taking a stab at the military for the entire VN experience.

    Mickey Mouse use to mean “bull shit” or “fucked up”.

    So when I saw that ending in the movie…that’s what I took Kubric to actually mean.

    Outside of that, in my view, any leftist fuck that talks like that idiot Belzar or Rosie O fatass in front of me to a returning GWOT vet, will be summarily punched in the face.

  5. Hank

    Another great video Bash. I agree, it really pisses me off when our forces are slandered by the liberal press and the blame America first brigade. Their hatred is really hurting our country and our effort. Fuck them.

  6. Bashman

    Wow, Dan, thats amazing to me about the Mickey Mouse thing. I always took it for “our kids”…interesting. I realize Kubrick’s views, especially after Strangelove and FMJ, but the Boot Camp scene of FMJ was, to me, the only Hollywood movie scene that was as close to an accurate experience of Boot Camp, at least for me, than any other film…minus the smacking and choking parts, heh heh…

    When I went into boot camp in ‘82 they had done away with that, they couldn’t hit you anymore, LOL. Thanks for that insight on MM.

  7. Mickeeteeze

    :mrgreen: Yeah,dude.One of my all-time favorites too. Gotta give me points….I nailed it with my D’nofrio comment last nite. Any way,good vid. Thats the way I’ve always understood the troops to be. A lot of people who criticize others could really afford to assess the weaknesses of “the man in the mirror”,before they go spouting about others.
    Unfortunately,Belzer and O’Donnell aren’t alone. I’ve heard asinine comments from all sides of the spectrum when it comes to these guys. There are a few I wouldn’t mind “sticking a sock in their mouth” personally.
    Anyway,great vid.
    “Full Metal Jacket” has always been one of my favorites.
    That,along with(believe it or not)”The Thin Red Line”.
    Peace Bash

  8. Profundity

    Why number nine? What does it mean?

  9. wgeorgew

    I agree with you. 100% I especially impregnating my dog… haha. kidding.

    you are right. i agree. the only problem i have with the whole thing is, i don’t think supporting the troops is supporting a political agenda. right… some people think that. i don’t, but again, i agree with you. 1000%

  10. MarineDoc

    Thanks Bashman! You hit it on the nose. I have been in close to 15 years. Most of the time as a Navy Corpsman with the Marines and now a Physician Assistant stationed with the Marines. Heading back out to Iraq very, very soon. Over the years I have become somewhat of a duck letting this rain of bullshit from the left run down my back. My concern is (and has been since I was a Chief before crossing over to the darkside) has been for my junior troops. I have been concerned as to how all of this rhetoric will affect them. I have had the benefit of time and the beginnings of wisdom to see my way through this forest. They have not.

    Before I left for my deploying unit for training I had a long talk with my 49 Hospital Corpsman at my clinic and challenged them to get involved with what was going on around them. That regardless of what their views were that they do research and ensure the had valid arguments based on facts. Furthermore, I made sure that the understood that they do have a voice and that they can talk to their congressmen (not that I like politicians but I feel more should voice their opinions and let these asses now that they should start being accountable for their actions) without repercussions.

    I am highly encouraged by the young men and women who serve beside me. They are very bright and convicted. They are truly not what the MSM and the leftist whackos depict them as. These nuts are so in love with the conflicts of the Vietnam era that their brains have become a stencil overlay from that era which they all too often try to trace on to the current situations of our time today.

    Bashman I thank you for making that important distinction between the troops and the administration. This needs to be at the forefront (not the liberal babble of fearmongering Bush haters who could not think their way out of a wet paper bag).

  11. Doc Whispr

    I couldnt have said any better brillant work Bravo Zulu

  12. vgroove

    Excellent post Bash!! I agree with you 100%! Very well put together.

  13. Reagan T.

    Great video once again Bash. Sometimes I don’t get you but this one really hit the spot. I bet all the military folks out there really appreciate this. Keep it up.

  14. JonnyMordant


    I told you once before that you were our Ted Nugent and you didn’t believe me!

    Bashman you posses the same heart as my own Kin’ folk concerning the Troops! I’ll not go into family history that has passed away, but I will tell you this; I may not have served, but I have 4 uncles that did in Vietnam, a brother and brother-in-law during the Iran hostage crisis and 3 cousins serving currently, which all agree that the reason they serve is for me to have the right to voice my opinion Freely and that is why my opinion of this video is that it kicks a$$ and does justice to my family that have purchased and are currently purchasing my right to hold my opinion! Anything less than my opinion would in my eyes be cowardly and disrespectful of my own blood!

    Thank you for the RESPECT that you’ve given to my Kin’ folk and all the other Heroes of mine as well through your blatantly artistic commentary! Rock On Bashman!

  15. KingL

    God Bless Our Arm Forces ,..!! Thanks Bash,…Well freakin done!! Those celebs are doing nothing but stoking there popularity, being complete idiots with there comments,..
    they speak before thinking,..Peace Bro!! and Thanks again for the vid for sure!!

  16. Billy

    All i can say to this awesome video and Bashman’s comments if FUCKING A!! Only there aren’t just the kids and other guys over there, there are also females too. No longer is it just Americans over there either! You have people from all around the world standing. Also there are people who live there standing up and taking a stand, something they only dreamed of. I can say i would give my right arm if only the US Military and board of Advisor’s would lax the medical criteria. I have epilepsy and all through out highschool i dreamed of joining the Marines. I was told no and then if any branch would take me i would do everything i could to make sure my life meant something to someone, even if i never accomplished anything else in my life. I am 29 now and if they said ok you can join better believe it i would be over there with my ass in the sand too! So many people are against the war and blame the troops, i ask this question of them! Who do you think runs the military? It sure as hell aint a first year inlisted or even a 10year + veteran either. It’s your congressman, the president and everyone else wearing a suit and tie to work, not the girl/guy wearing full fatigues and sporting a sporting an assault riffle. I bet by far no more than 50% of people who complain about the war or a long list of other things even bother to register to vote or cast a single ballot! I have an undying respect for anyone with the guts to do what needs to be done! Killing is an aspect of war, it’s not like playing rock, paper, scissors! It sure as hell ain’t a fist fight either. War doesn’t decide who is right or who is wrong, war determines who is left! Beat the opponent into submission! Bashman i cannot top what you have said and i don’t think anyone can! I am gonna forward this link to everyone i can think of! Also Full Metal Jacket is my favorite movie of all times. I have literally watched it more than 1000 times, despite my fiance` getting tired of it. Godspeed to everyone that is either overseas or here or there doing what is right! It’s the cost of those who lay down their lives to do right that gives the rest of us the ability to wake in the morning without fear of tirany! Very good job Bashman i will keep checking back to see more!

  17. armycpt

    So unless you post a praising comment your comments don’t count? Seems kind of hypocritical, huh? Bashman’s video with it’s news footage, which for all anyone knows is cut and spliced much the same way the media edits to support their view, is rediculous. I enjoy for the articles but the video content could use some work. Anyway, I’m sure this won’t make the comment section but I thought I’d at least try to reach “you” who approves/disapproves comments. RAKKASAN!!!!

  18. 4341Marine

    Bash, well done! That’s always been my biggest gripe — people’s inability to separate their feelings about policy and the administration and the troops who are serving our great nation. I’ll admit, my politics are left of center on many issues (not all!), but our troops deserve the respect and more importantly the SUPPORT of every American! Awsome vid, brother. Again, thanks for your support!

  19. Skø†

    These liberal scum are defeatists and should be tried for treason.

  20. fils290

    4341Marine said it best for me.god bless ya bash,you have heart of gold

  21. Dogsociety

    hey bashman fine vid yet again.As a former Marine the boot camp scene is the closest Hollywood deal Ive ever scene.Lee Ermy was a D.I. no doubt,because no one can walk and talk like that except a USMC Drill Instructor.You just cant make that kind of stuff up.Anyway awesome video bro.It still is amazing to watch how OUR guys and gals stick together like dried shit to a blanket.We truly love our country,and Im proud as hell of that.

  22. JaguarSabyr

    Bashman/Ted Nugent 08

    I’m not sure I could vote for that. I like Bash and all but I still think it would be awesome for Ted to be president. Can you imagine the Rockin’ inaugural ball? Sorry Bash, but to me your more the Vice President kinda guy. Unless you can rip like Ted. :)

  23. John Goodrow

    You are still the fuckin man Bash :!:

    Continue to kick ass :!:

  24. budwhysure

    Damn Bash that was by far one of your better videos,and Ive seen all of them.Unless your holding out.lolAnd by the way there was still a little smacking on the recruits and hanging from the pull up bar by your armpits with a shit can lid in your hands,believe me I know.Don’t get milk before your 5 mile motivation run right before graduation,they mean it.

  25. KMcG

    Bashman, I check out all of your videos when they’re posted. I have to tell you that you do some very nice editing, pulling together seamlessly some otherwise obscure stuff. This one was good. And kudos for making the suggestion that folks rethink their attitudes about those who serve in the armed forces. You’re exactly right that it is, for the most part, a cross-section of this country’s populace, minus the very, very wealthy. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see statistics showing that our current military population is the best-educated and skilled in our nation’s history, though I don’t subscribe to the notion that a formal education makes a person smarter or more competent. The guys with nothing more than elementary and high school educations who served during the World Wars certainly demonstrated smarts and competency above and beyond any damn cultural yardstick. Anyway, one last comment/question: you always end with that “dialogue” where the guy finishes by yelling, “Sonofabitch!” Where is it from? I have to know. I laugh to myself every single time I hear it! And I even find myself saying it just like that guy does…very often for no good reason, it just makes me laugh. Please, do tell!

  26. UKatheist

    best vid yet,heralds a new bash-age geddit

  27. Maple31

    Fucking right Bashman! You seriously have a way with words! Screw the left and God bless the Troops!

  28. patriot

    I know I shouldn’t quote myself, but, :roll:

    “Your rights are written in he blood of those more courageous and honorable than yourself. Watch your mouth.”

    I thought of this one in the shower one time, but I haven’t had a chance to use it yet.

  29. Josh

    Amen brother Amen

  30. Sandy K.

    FMJ has always been a favorite of mine.
    R. Lee Ermey was awesome in that movie.

    You did a great job in this vid Bash. It is disgusting
    to hear the way some people speak about the men and women of our armed forces. Especially the idiots in Hollywood.

    I wonder how long Rosie would last if she were dropped into the sandbox out there? . . . I wonder if she would run to our forces for protection or if she would run up to al-Q for protection. According to her statements she indicates we are the terrorists. I think al-Q could straighten her out on that one. Just think about all the weight she would lose from them hacking off her 6000 lb head.

    I unfortunatley hear many statements from people I have to deal with everyday. For some reason there is no way to reach them.

    They do not recognize when they see men and women better than themselves.

    The huge sacrifices made by all our military people that are serving us is overwhelming to me every day. The Rosie O’Donnells and all other leftist wackos make their service and sacrifice all the more compelling in a way. Our people are dying even for the likes of them.

    To me however, there is no way to support the troops without supporting their mission. I have never been able to separate that out on political reasons or otherwise.

    Thank you for all the love and support you show to our country and our troops when they need us the most.

  31. Bill

    It never ceases to amaze me when actors (people who pretend for a living, they play dress-up and make believe for money) pretend to be so sophisticated, advanced and nuanced in the small details that seem to escape the rest of us.

    This is why I can’t sit through most movies anymore and why I don’t watch much TV anymore as well. Because so many actors run their mouth and reveal just how stupid and ignorant they really are.

    Actors are the last people in the world whose opinion anybody should care about.

    James Caan said it best “nobody should give a shit about what any actor thinks”

    For me the above statement includes drug addled movie directors.

  32. TBinSTL

    The opening of this one had a strange “Slaughter House Five” vibe to it. Great work on all of it. I, personally never cared for FMJ because I always felt like it portrayed our Armed Forces as objects of alternating pity and disgust. There were parts that were great but that feeling always left a bad taste in my mouth and ruined the rest of the movie for me.
    Have you seen this “BadassMarine” vid that’s going around? It really is worth your time.
    As they say in the Marines, “That’s some motivating shit, right there!”

  33. Bashman

    @TB in SL

    I “Bashmanized” it here:


  34. ZERO-G

    YO BASH ,GREAT VID, with ya all the way , hate the game not the player,I’LL SAVE THE REST OF MY COMMENTS FOR LIVE LEAK,discouraging how this site works,hit comment que, vid stops,start all over,submit comment,same thing, makes me crazy. SMILEY FACES? no place in serious discussion. Great posts here,respect PAT, but the site needs work. NOT TO TAKE AWAY FROM YOUR WORKS, you know i’m a long standing supporter. seeya back in LL i’ll watch for the vid there. -Z-OUT

  35. LadyAngler

    Nice work Bashman! FMJ is a modern classic. Your commentary is always a pleasure.

    Profundity~ It is from the Beatles… “Revolution #9.” It was an experimental song on the White Album. The track is a jumbled mess of sounds, yet facsinating for the first six minutes or so then it’s time to skip to the next track. I’m not sure what the number means. All I know is I read somewhere that John Lennon thought the number nine had significant.

  36. Ripnem

    Nice job pal! and I kinda agree about being able to listen to a vid and read comments.

  37. maxisminion

    I hate when people disrespect our troops.. its bad all the way around.. right now we are living with the aftershocks of the Vietnam War, our enemy now knows if they divide us then they can defeat us by default. If we make the same mistakes, we will be faced with the same results in the future.. we have to be united and stand behind our military because they are the ones who protect us.

  38. Bashman

    With regards to Number 9…if you listen in the vid, I play it backwards the second time the girls skip out…he is saying “Turn me on dead man”…

  39. allowishes

    As always bash great job. I see your point and understand making the connection with our best and brightest to you and me. But I joined the army in 91 1st gulf I was 20. I can tell you I was for from a kid after boot camp. I just dont want your fine work to be twisted. I’ll paraphrase General Gearge S. Patton when asked about all the young men (kids) who died during the war and doesnt it depress you and make you sorry they died. He said no “I thank GOD they lived.”

  40. allowishes

    hey bash, i have to admit im still learning this media I dont know how to post or link yet. But I hope you see this I know pluggin someone elses site mite be bad but You have to see this. . ref: what would patton say. Please check that out i think you could use it.

  41. mindy abraham

    I liked what he was saying, and I get it. I am not a bush fan, but I admire and respect the military completely. I wish I had not seen that clip with belzar-I liked him on law and order svu-oh well someone else to be annoyed at I would trust a soldier on the ground who sees what is happening, over someone who is there only in the abstract. :???:

  42. azbastard

    ive never been in the military, but i have the utmost respect for those that are serving and have served..the sacrificies that they and their families make for our country should never go slander them is wrong and it only shows their ungratefull stupidity..i could only imagine what it would be like to be in a war zone. thanks bashman and thank you, to all the men and women in the military, that fight the good fight

  43. Bill

    I have to agree with some previous posters that Full Metal Jacket is not a complimentary view of the Marine Corps. It’s macho and action packed with lots of satisfying gratuitous violence but it in no way accurately portrays the professionalism of our soldiers. In fact it’s no more accurate in its portrayal of a typical Marine than Training Day is for a typical police officer in Los Angeles (one of my college roommates is a detective with LAPD and he hates that movie). It portrays the police in such an disparaging unprofessional rouge light to the point of being offensive.

    FMJ, Platoon and all the other similar “war” movies do the same thing for our soldiers and our military in general. I work in the medical professional and I absolutely can’t stand shows like ER because of the same reason. They give the unsuspecting public, which doesn’t know better, such a distorted view of the medical profession. The complete lack of any professionalism and integrity combined with sensationalistic sexual forays is what is entertaining, not boring professionalism where people go to work do their job well and go home.

    FMJ, Platoon et al can be very seductive for the reasons I mentioned earlier but Stanley Kubrick had no more a desire to portray the marines in a favorable light than John Murtha and Brian Williams. Most of the Hollywierd crowd and the MSM hate the military and conservative America. There are people in Hollywood who are still pissed off over the blacklisting of communist sympathisers 50 years ago.

    Our soldiers are the most well trained, competent, professional and motivated in the history of the world. And they are all volunteer. Movies that portray this view need to be heralded, not the typical propagandized garbage that’s passed off as factual.

  44. Jerry Dewees

    Hey nice to be in such good company. By the way FMJ is my number one top movie. Get off my obstacle.

  45. Bashman

    @Bill, thanks for your comment, I am fully aware of Kubricks message in FMJ…but that boot camp scene is the most realistic protrayal of boot camp I have ever seen in a Hollywood flick. And after I got a hold of them, the clips I used here carry a different message than the one old Stanley tried to portray.

    My message should not be construed as being the same as Kubricks. Hell, I used what? 2 minutes of a 120 plus minute flick.

    With all due respect, my vid should be taken for the message it portrays, and within the context of the vid itself, not what Kubrick tried to say with his whole film.

    Kinda reminds me of the liberals who scream at me whenever I use Pink Floyd or Radiohead music in one of my vids, or when I paired up Hendrix with Reagan, the “How DARE you’s!” come outta the woodwork. Gotta look deeper, bro. I have my own message here.

  46. LadyAngler

    Jerry~ I use that line quite frequently. I, however, use the adjective describing the obstacle… only out of artistic respect, of course. :lol:

  47. Bashman

    “If God wanted you over my obstacle He would have MIRACLED your ass over it by now.”

    There was a guy on the LiveLeak threads wrote me a PM and he must not have any idea about Boot Camp or whatever because he said this:

    “…I hate that psycho (Gunnery Sgt. Hartman, Ermy, the DI), he treated his soldiers like pieces of shit, I hope that doesn’t happen in real life…”

    heh heh…

  48. Bill

    Bash, first of all I’m not hater(to use common venacular, I feel the need to do that from time to time), I like your work. It just grates against me to give one nanogram of credit to the leftists disguised as liberals. And that’s really what they are. Leftists, marxists and commies.

    I hold the military in such high regard and want them protrayed in that light. The military is one of the most essential jobs we have in our society. We could dispense with alot of different professions(actors, musicians and athletes) and our society might even be better off, everyone here agrees the military is not one of them.

    I love when you point out just how stupid the left is in our country, especially politicians, actors and members of hte MSM. I just don’t really dig any portrayal of the military in anything other than the most positive light.


  49. Bashman

    @Bill, I hear ya! I have this frame of reference in my mind that I draw from when I try and put together a vid, and so regardless of the original intent of the material or the artist, I’ll find myslef doing things like pairing up Reagan and Hendrix, LOL.

    I’m sure you know I have the highest regard for our mena nd women in uniform. :grin:

  50. dadeo

    So I get off the bus and I notice these yellow footprints painted on the ground. I think to myself that some people must be so stupid; they don’t even know where to stand; all the while these guys are screaming to hurry the fuck up. That’s when I realized those yellow footprints were for me. And it was like that for the next eleven weeks. After a spiffy new haircut these three guys taught me how to be a brand new human fucking being. No more was I a disorganized grabasstic piece of amphibian shit. MCRD San Diego February 1979. Semper Fi

    Great vid Bash! I sure as hell did not volunteer because of Jimmy Carter, I did in spite of him.

  51. budwhysure

    Bash,you got that right about this film being the most realistic bootcamp movie I’ve ever seen.When you get there and those DI’s get you off the bus you think oh shit,but that wasn’t shit until your real DI’s pick you up after recieving than all hell breaks loose. :beer:

  52. harry

    Damn, I thought I was having an acid flashback at first then I realized it was another great video from the bashman. I do and always will support the troops and any mission they embark on.

  53. roger

    Right on you bet Bash,keep em comming. :mrgreen:

  54. sixguinness

    Great vid. When you get off that bus at bootcamp and see those guys standing there with their Smoky-the-Bear Hats and one walks up to you and puts the tip of his hat on your forehead and screams in your face it’s all you can do to keep from shitting yourself.

  55. G-Man

    I know that one of those kids serving “over there” happens to be my son who signed up in the Marine Corps at 17. He did so for a number of reasons. First off, it’s family tradition. Members of my family have fought in every war this country has ever engaged in. The other reason why he’s there is that he unabashedly loves his country.

    Growing up in our family he’s learned to value some of those words that most folks find it difficult to wrap their heads around… Words like duty, honor and freedom. That’s why he decided to join the Corps and volunteered to go to al Anbar. He told me “If no one wants to do that I job, I might as well go do it, because it still needs to be done”.

    If you ask most troops whether they agree with the mission, you’re liable to get a mixed bag of responses, but if you ask them why they are there, one of the most frequent answers you will get is that they are there for their brothers (and sisters) in arms. Many will tell you that blood is thicker than water, but shed blood is equally thick. Most are young kids. They don’t necessarily understand the cosmic ramifications of “the mission”… All they understand is, their friends are in harm’s way and if they aren’t there to watch their backs, then their friends may well die.

    When I hear people disparaging the troops, it makes me really want to reach down their neck, snag their insides and tug their unappreciative asses inside out. These are our kids… more specifically, it is MY kid and I’m damned proud of the man that he has become!

  56. sixguinness

    Well said G-Man.

  57. Live_Leaked

    Wad up G!Hey just wanted to stop by and say hey!HEY….lol

  58. AFSARgrl

    Wow…brought a tear to my eye. First time on this site…and I want to send this to all of the people I know that could relate to this. It’s not too often when you get a “thanks”, just doing your job every day, but I’ve been 1,000 miles away from my family for 5 years now, and I do it because I believe in it. I may not agree with policies myself…it’s frustrating!!! But I agree that I have a worthy and noble cause, and it’s appreciated when someone is willing to stand up for that.

Respond now.

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