This Week’s Illegal Immigrant Child-Raping Mass Murderer

August 10th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Has anyone stopped to think that people inclined to enter and live in America by breaking the law may often be people inclined to break the law in general? Has anyone stopped to think that the immediate deportation of convicted criminal illegal aliens, instead of the current “don’t ask, do nothing” policy, would keep thousands of Americans from being crime victims every year? How many rape and murder victims is Geraldo Rivera willing to say “Oh well, suck it up, because your suffering is necessary for my open borders policy to remain in effect” to? Part of the legal immigration process is to vet criminals out in the first place, so Geraldo’s claim that illegal immiagration is not significantly affecting U.S. crime in bullshit. Plain and simple, Americans would suffer less if he and his ilk did not coddle and encourage illegal immigration. I’d like to see him face the victims of illegal immigrant crime and tell them why their suffering is insignificant in the big picture.

A third suspect was just arrested within the last hour.

NY Post:

“Police said a fingerprint left on a bottle of Colt 45 that was found at the scene of the crime and a positive ID from the lone survivor of the shooting — 19-year-old Natasha Aeriel — helped lead them to Carranza, an ex-con with child rape on his rap sheet.”

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15 Responses

  1. E4Puke

    Fuck you rot in hell you fuckin bastard

  2. GF

    I’m begining to wonder about Geraldo and the rest of the U.S. hispanic population that are citizens. Do they really want to be American? I have plenty of family in Europe and in Canada but I’m not for them coming here illegally.

    The Polish want a better family life too. So, why don’t you support the Polish coming here illegally Geraldo? The Indians? The Chinese? Etc, Etc.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    NJ still has the death penalty on the books. I’m guessing that NJ, suspends their moratorium on the death penalty long enough to kill this scumbag.

  4. drillanwr

    Speaking of Geraldo, can’t wait to hear him discount the “illegal alien” aspect of this … this time … again.

  5. CplUsmc

    Just by entering the country they are breaking a law. This law happens to be about national security. National security is guaranteed by our nations military. These people are invading our country. An invasion is an act of war. War happens to also be the responsibility of the military. Mexico does nothing to stop the invasion = Mexico supports the invasion = Mexico has declared war on us. Attack them! Then they might decide to care about the problem.

  6. John Cunningham

    The descendents of the stars of “Apocolypto”. But, FNC will continue to insult our intelligence by trotting out Horrendo Revolver and that former shill from the former Mexican president. Can’t think of his name, but, you know who I’m talking about.

  7. Gramps

    The parents should file a wrongful death suit against the Federal Gov’t since immigration knew he was here illegally, and didn’t deport him.

  8. Kurt (the infidel)

    JC, i know exactly who you’re talking about..Cant think of his name either..every time i see him on fox i want to choke that sucker..always calling people my friend..he is clearly for mexicans pouring across the border

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    That’s Gerald Rivers aka Geraldo Fucking Rivera.

  10. E4Puke

    This guy is one of the reasons they invented the term double tap.

  11. Clyde Conneer

    The family can legally sue under RICO if the rotten bastard has been convicted of a crime in the US and was allowed to stay in country. The State and Federal Government is guilty of aiding criminal activity and has become a corrupt organization for the purposes of the RICO act.

  12. LadyAngler

    This is such a steaming crock of shit! Send this mother f*cker back to Peru in a bodybag!

    Geraldo is a friggin joke. First clue…. You got a problem when your big break was getting your azz kicked by the klan on your shitty talk show.

  13. LftBhndAgn

    Gramps! That is an EXCELLENT Idea! I hope it catches on!

  14. Boom bop

    Why is this fucker still alive. I heard on Fox News that the child rape that’s on his rap sheet was five years old.
    Now mass murder. How much more of this shit do we have to go though before something is done about the illegals.

  15. tsarbomba

    This shitbag illegal has committed a number of heinous crimes here. How was he able to remain in the public domain? Who defended him and what judge decided he should be free to commit more crimes? He must be held accountable for his actions, but what brilliant fucking public servant decided to let him run amok regardless of his priors, including REPEATED RAPE OF A 5 (FIVE!!!!!) YEAR OLD GIRL??? THEY should go down WITH the scumbag!

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