Video: Cavalry Scout’s Pork-Covered Bullets

August 1st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

h/t M Melvin

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26 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Yeah baby!!!

  2. Steve in NC

    along with the cookies and kool aid, lets send some cans of deviled ham along, it’s in my next box!

  3. Future0311


  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    Pork, it’s what’s for dinner.

  5. Tony (the infidel)

    That is cool!!! Get some guys!!!!

  6. BlueStarMomAnn

    Too great- I hope LGF picks this up!!!

  7. Lamplighter

    Best use of spam I’ve seen in a long time. Hillarious.

  8. GBU43

    This is great. Two things can come of this.

    #1. It has no effect on the terrorists and they show that being “true” muslims was always a farce to cover their butchery.

    #2. It drives them insane and they expose themselves and we kill them easier.

    Either way.. Its a win-win.

  9. NV Sailor


  10. Steve in NC

    General Pershing is smiling down upon him

  11. Marc

    Kind of reminds me of the story of General Pershing dealing with the Muslim insurrection in the Philippines in the early 20th Century.

    For those of you who haven’t heard the story, he supposedly captured Muslim guerrillas, I believe in Mindanao where M.I.L.F. currently operates today, anyway, he has his men assemble the group of captured guerrillas alongside an open pit where the bottom has been lined with pig carcasses. All of the group except one are summarily executed and thrown in the pit.

    He dispatches the remaining survivor to his guerrilla leaders with the message of what fate belies those whom would keep on the fight against American forces, and the insurrection movement came to an immediate end until the late seventies early eighties, up until today.

    I remember reading about this story through a news article in which some lefty group had been invited to tour a reserve center or military office of some sort and they had witnessed this being on a wall or in someone’s cubicle and raised a stink.

    This video is great psychological warfare and I say it is another tool to be used in this war against the jihadis. However, this act of expression protected by the 1st Amendment will be quickly attacked once the video is disseminated and especially if this guy brags to his buddies about it.

    I hate to say this and it angers me that it is even considered by me especially when this is mild compared to the beheadings the jihadis videotape, but the PC police will offer up this trooper and court martial him once they find out who he is. The Navy tried to court martial a SEAL Det Commander a couple of years ago when some dingbat girlfriend or wife posted some pictures of team guys with captives on a website, and the press raised a stink at the behest of one of these sham “civil rights” groups. You can look in archives from Vietnam with SEALs in groups pictures with captured flags and blindfolded V.C. which seem innocuous for the time, but now are taboo because the NY Times will run them as front page news ad nauseum ala Abu Ghraib. Luckily the officer walked and was promoted but the press will crucify this guy especially now when progress is being made and they are looking for anything to project the honorable service of those in harms way in a negative light.

  12. mindy abraham

    HeHe soldiers always have the oddest sense of humor-wonder what his boss will say? :lol:

  13. Bashman

    I love this. This is golden.

  14. Birdddog

    I hope they all hit their mark! I would like to see some “Hogzilla’s” introduced in Iraq. Ya know…like a wildlife exchange…I have seen alot of turkeys over there, they can send some over here. :smile:

  15. GREG G. S.

    That’s great about time, wish the President would add this Idea to his next speech.
    Pork! It’s what’s in your chest… you filthy Muzz.

  16. James

    Tip to the Secretary of Defense-Using Super Soaker water dropping planes filled with pigs blood to saturate terrorist safe havens before an assault will save American lives.

  17. J cromp

    I like it!! I think if we could just get some pig’s in a plane and drop them down out of the sky. :lol: see how they run from the pig’s from the sky see how they run. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  18. LadyAngler

    So classic! :lol:

  19. patriot

    This gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

  20. J cromp

    James I like that!! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  21. Egfrow

    This video has been floating around for a while now. It’s a good one!

  22. terry smyth

    get a turret loader for him, increase to output conserably!

  23. Dr D Semper FI

    It’s the other white meat!

  24. John Cunningham


  25. monkeysdad

    Out f***ing Standing Marine!!!!!!

  26. ticktickboom

    This should be SOP. Bullets should be “pre-porked” right at the factory.

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