Video: Nice House

August 29th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Haditha, Iraq:

h/t Jewish Odysseus

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16 Responses

  1. Randy Anderson, GySgt

    Say good night to Allah.

  2. Howie

    Oh Shit!!! Not Haditha. Can’t wait to hear Murtha talking about what a shitty job did on the landscaping here!!

  3. SnarfyBobo

    nice bomb

  4. Eric

    That’s pretty sick but I don’t get why they didn’t just blast these guys when they had a clear shot towards the beginning of the video? Why risk letting them get away?

  5. John Cunningham

    I hope they’re running these on Iraqi television. Eric, it’s like high speed chases on the news, do they ever get away?

  6. Heath C.

    Call me new, but I think the reason they didn’t blast the guys right as they were firing the mortars, is because this video is from one ‘o’ them fancy shmancy no pilot flying cameras they got goin’ on. They don’t have guns n bombs n shit on them yet. Least they aint usin’ ‘em, to my knowledge.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    Dirka Dirka assholes. I was wondering what they were waiting for. Smart move…follow them to their hideout…maybe there’s more of them…and possibly get their weapons cache at the same time… Outstanding…

    Eric you are a fucking pussy, you know that? That’s why you libs can never be elected POTUS. You have no balls, no guts, and haven’t the stomach to fight this war. You are a classic Dhimi. You ought to move to Canada or something…cause you sure as hell aren’t an American.

    You go back to your mother. Maybe she thinks you’re special but everyone else thinks you are pussy-whipped.

  8. LilMac

    Eric IS a pussy whipped Lib
    Get’em Dan !!!!
    Knock knock ??
    Who’s there ???
    Allah ??
    Allah who ??
    Allah see you in Hell Radhead !!! BaBOOOOOM !!! :twisted:

  9. LilMac

    Ooops … I meant Raghead

  10. usmc

    This is from 2 August 05. The car was tracked during a separate, large scale, engagement. The mortar is actually being fired from next to the main hospital and this, plus the hope that the car was driving to more AIF, led to the delay. This is 3 mos before the more famous engagement.

  11. Jim

    :wink: Did we see secondary explosions…that explains why they waited to see if they went back to their ied supply emporium

  12. Dan (The Infidel)

    Greetings LilMac:

    Welcome to “Team Infidel”. We love our country and our fabulous military. We take no prisoners and we fucking hate all “progressive” libs.

    Join the party. How about a beer? :beer:

  13. Eric

    Dan aka. “shit for brains”. I didn’t know you are an illiterate as well. Wanting to see these guys killed without having the chance to get away makes me a pussy-whipped liberal, right? Douche

  14. LilMac

    Cheers Dan !! :beer:
    Team Infidel it tis then !!
    I read all the posts just to see who yer gonna tee off on next ,, Keep Up the Good Fight !! & God Bless America oh yeah ,, and Pat Dollard :wink:

  15. Tom in South Texas

    Guys, I think you gave Eric a bad rap.
    It’s the new slang, like bling.
    Man, you’ve got a sick ride. (as in bad ass).

  16. Ranger

    Erik, I they probably wanted to minimize collateral damage.

    Plus to kill whoever else was shacking up with them and really just finding out where they live or base themselves before killing them is a definite plus for intel.

    But it does cause me yet again to reevaluate civilian deaths. It really would suck if your son was such a rat bastard that he was out playing “mortar team” and got your house bombed. But, you’d deserve it.

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