Islamic State of Kosovo

September 2nd, 2007 Posted By Iggy.

Muslims burning churches 1

Muslims burning churches 2

Bosnian Mujahideen

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11 Responses

  1. Zoal

    Good blog post. The promising factor about the Balkan Muslims is that they do reject “Taliban” Style of Islam. I remember reading a couple of articles on the Arabic news papers about how all of these foreign fighters were being denied Bosnian citizenship because their way of Islam was seen as very foreign to the Bosnians. Bosnian women don’t want their faces covered and Bosnian men don’t want to be forced into looking like the Taliban. As for the burned churches, they are Europeans after all, they like burning stuff…

    And yes, the UN is useless.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    The UN has done a better job of ethnic cleansing than the Serbs ever did. There is a good article on the subject recently published by the American Legion. It can be found here:

  3. Juan

    Great video blog post. I’ve been watching this situation since the U.N. starting talking about it again. It will be interesting (as always) how this will play out.

    Here are a few questions for you, what do you think of the treatment and in some cases, lack of treatment our wounded soldiers and soldiers who are dealing with things like PTSD are receiving? Also what do you think about what the government is doing and not doing about the issue of the treatment of soldiers? And what about the issues like soldiers having to pay for damaged equipment like body armor, weapons, and so on?

  4. Ranger

    Great stuff Iggy. Love that captured flag.

    Fuck the UN. Funny thing…I read Wesley Clark’s bio and description of the war in Serbia, but he was too stupid to even understand the “lessons learned” from his own book. The UN is busted and everyone knows it.

    Fucking Albanian Muslims. Same shit as elsewhere. We were bombing the wrong folks back then. Shoulda let the Serbs go to town.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)


    I got a question for you? What do your questions have to do with the Islamic State of Kosovo?

  6. Iggy

    1. What do you think of the treatment and in some cases, lack of treatment our wounded soldiers and soldiers who are dealing with things like PTSD are receiving?

    I can only speak on the Marine side of the house and I can say that we are probably the best at caring for our wounded Marines; physically and mentally. We have a national support network and the kids get state of the art care. I can even put you in touch with several of them if you don’t believe me. Many of my guys came back wounded, some severely, and the Marine Corps’ leadership ensures that these guys are taken care of. There is a lot of civilian support too. Pretty amazing. The PTSD is really tricky. We have all kinds of counseling services available, but we can’t always force guys to go. Most PTSD issues happen quite some time after they left a combat zone. People hear this and think we have been ignoring them, but in reality it was not an issue all that time. PTSD usually hits 9 months to several years later. Many times PTSD is only discovered after a Marine gets himself in trouble. Then comes the hard part of whether he really does have PTSD, or if PTSD is a good way to mitigate the punishment. Don’t forget the HUGE difference between Post Traumatic Stress, and Post Traumatic Stress DISORDER. Many statistics ignore this. PTSD is real and we address it as it comes. Out of about 1,000 Marines in my battalion, I know of only a handful that have had serious PTSD issues. All of them were taken care of, and they continue to get care for the rest of their lives, whether they stay Marine or not. We do a real good job at taking care of the boys. Volunteer at the Marine Wounded Warrior Battalion and talk to them yourself. It is a good cause and worth the trip.

    2. Also what do you think about what the government is doing and not doing about the issue of the treatment of soldiers?

    I think the Marines are treated better than they ever have. We have pushed hard on quality of life issues and the benefits are the best. Maybe you could be more specific with the question. Remember, we are very strict and we govern our actions much differently that regular civilians. We have to, it’s our way of life. If we did it any other way we wouldn’t be Marines.

    3. And what about the issues like soldiers having to pay for damaged equipment like body armor, weapons, and so on?

    I have no idea where you heard of this. I personally have lost gear, had it damaged, and so has many of my men. I have probably processed over 500 missing/damaged gear reports. The boys do not have to pay for combat losses or damaged gear. If we are in garrison, on a US base, and a Marine looses something out of his own negligence (sometimes the sell it or just plain loose it), he will most likely have to pay for it. If it is damaged, it is replaced. It is usually not a lot of money and it is a fair deal. We have to hold them accountable for the equipment. Imagine your boss gave you a laptop to work from home. It breaks, no problem – they have it covered. You loose the mouse and the power cord, you need to replace it.

    I would really like to know where you got this idea. I have heard a lot of things but this one is new. The short answer is that Marines do not have to pay for body armor, weapons, gear, etc that has been damaged. Whether at war or in training.

    Hopefully this answers your questions. If not, rephrase your questions, be specific. Worse case scenario you gimme a call.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    — On Point 3 —
    He got that story from the news. It was a problem for some NG units being called up. Some of the NG troops did in fact buy their own body armor before deploying because of equipment shortages. That was covered by the LMSM and Defense News…amoung others. And I believe a statement from DOD was also released to Army Times.

    That problem, has been since rectified by DOD.

  8. Iggy

    I remember that. I thought he was talking about damaged gear. I deployed without a lot of gear, to include the plates for the flak jacket. We got all of our gear in Kuwait. Some additional stuff we got in country but that was all specialized gear. I think that was more paranoia than anything else. Sometimes the gear you get comes from the guys on their way out. Many of the people who bought the gear were in a panic. Some of the gear they bought was because they thought it was better than the issue gear. The only time I saw a shortage was during the initial invasion. As for the Marines, every officer and Staff NCO gave up his armor until everyone had it. That says a lot about our leadership. We soon got all the gear we needed, this is 2003 mind you. After that, it was never an issue. And going to Kuwait is not the same as going to Iraq. You don’t need body armor to protect you from the pizza and ice cream.

    Either way, the press got a hold of that and now we have to wear our vests, with the plates, for each and every training event. Day and night. They’re great for the back. But at least everyone has it, so I can’t complain.

  9. France the retour

    I wonder from how long time ago were those videos made

    anyway, this is not a situation that can be solved soon ; your former customers, the Talibans, did help them to train though

    may I risk a question ?

    can any person (a marine for exemple) on duty in Malaysia in the late eighties suffer from PTSD, without knowing it or denying it ?

  10. Iggy


    The videos are but old. The videos were shot not long after NATO peacekeeping troops were on deck to provide security for Kosovo.

    As for your PTSD friend, I would say that you must first determine if he has Post Traumatic Stress, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or some other mental malfunction. Was he part of the Communist Insurgency? I would be interested to hear about that.

    I would imagine that you ask this question because this person is failing to function in a normal manner. He could not know he has PTSD, he may be in denial, or it may be another psychological problem all together. My advice, he needs to see a doctor. If he refuses, than you will never know why he is having problems.

  11. France the retour

    thanks a lot, exactly, well, I think he was there (and in Asia) between 1980-1987 ; he became a close web friend though ; but knowing him better, I had to refrain my opinion on blogs or forums ; he could not stand that I did not always follow his views, alike a subjugated poodle ; I had the impression he was kind of my severe father ;

    once (among many, but that time, was the water-drop too heavy) we encounter a disagreement on a superficial detail of our both countries history, another EU guy was teasing around, my former web friend got crazy upset and ask me to apologize , because he thought I insulted him in quoting different sources ; I had previouly enough that he non-stop denied what we could tell, and I told him to F…

    since then he is attacking me on the different blogs I visit, twisting or lying on our ex-conversations with biased and paranoid interpretations, insulting me with the different nice vocabulary of yours, threatening his arab girl-friend to break if she didn’t condamn me publically on her blog, (she didn’t,you can’t ask to an arab to make a clear choice anyway) then accusing me of being the reason of their rupture ; telling that I am a threat for him, I could provide his name and address to an arab terrorist… he told me he would refer me to the FBI :lol:

    well, he has a kind of paranoia and a stiff upset psycho comportment, but he denies being ill !

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