Iran & Syria: Toxic Twins

September 3rd, 2007 Posted By Bashman.

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16 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Good actor for the role in the flick. Nothing better than recruiting a crazy ass like Robert Blake to play one in a movie….

    Seriously, taking down Iran is the way to take down their puppet in Syria. If Iran gets smashed, Syria will tremble in its collective boots….jack boots that is….

    Tehran+Syria=Dresden=peace in the mideast. I’ll stick to that formula.

  2. KingL

    Hey Bash,..Syria has been a player right along with Iran,..the problem is ,if we do have a bicker with Iran and Syria,..I’m very concerned about China and Russia,.you have to admit brother,.if shit does hit the fan,..its going to a big one,..war I mean,.. I’m not to sure if we can hold back all those guys,..whats your take on that,..hey great vid as always my man, on!!,..your doing an alwsome job with the facts!!Rock On Bro!!

  3. Michael

    High time someone approached the subject. You have doctor evil(amajan…..whatever his name maybe)as it is very difficult to understand what side his belongs too.Sometimes he is supporting or even trying to show that Iranians don’t indudge in stoning as their prime entertainment in the evening. I will wipe Israel off the map of history and all it’s supporters according to doctor evil.Wow am shocked!!!!!!

    Syprian puppet for a president where do I stop apart from I watch these two cloned clowns make a fool of the world. I can almost can tolerate asad but amajan absolutely not as he makes my blood boil. This guy forget what it to live in a free society which is why he likes to brutalize young men and women telling them what they should dress like as all of them celebrate islamic black is the new colour of the season in Iran.

    What a joke of these two clowns that I feel they enjoy eating each others vomit. If you reach a stage where you have to hang people enjoying making porn then am afraid 40% of men and women will be dead guilt in the world. One word for the two clowns they can go and Fxxk Themselves.

    Well done bash……..another classic that has made my monday afternoon. It is a shame that the two relatives for these guys have not appeared in the video. I am told they are shy……oh sama and his brother in law who married his 12yr daughter. Did I mention hilter apparently his invitation was delayed in the post as asad/amajan were looking forward to seeing him…….

  4. Mick

    Yeah. It’ll be interesting to see how that(Iran,Syria) plays out.
    Nice vid….as always.

  5. dadeo

    Sounds like Pelosi missed an important meeting :oops:

  6. dadeo

    Hey Bash, great video as usual and interesting use of the Blake character being in two places at once. Creepy. All those jihady fuckers are different heads of the same snake.

  7. G-Man

    From what I’ve been led to believe by folks who’ve been over there… Iran isn’t just arming the Shiites… They’re also arming the Sunnis. For example they are sending Misagh-1 man-portable AA missiles to both sides. For a while I wondered why they’d be arming both sides. Then it dawned on me… The Sunnis aren’t going to be dropping the Shiite air force with those missiles, the Shiites don’t have one. So the missiles are no threat to the Shiites… They are however a threat to Iran’s true enemy… The US. Iran has been at war with us for quite a long time. They declared war with us when they invaded American sovereign territory in Iran and detained American personnel stationed there. The liberals are wringing their hands and moaning about how W. is wanting to start another war… Well W. didn’t start it. It’s been started for decades by the other side. Just because you ignore the other party’s overt attacks doesn’t mean that you aren’t in a war… It just means you’ve got your head up your ass when Hannibal is at the gate and that you are a dumbass. A war with Iran isn’t W.’s war… It was Carter’s but he simply failed to fight it. He was more interested in cannibalizing the military to fund ill-advised social programs and destroying the American economy.

  8. Steve in NC

    what about the crazy man with the chicken bones in the hotel?

  9. John Goodrow

    DAMN! Blake is one scary mother fucker! :shock:

    Informative and well done as always Bash. :beer:

    To bad all of America can’t be as smart and well informed as us Pat Dollard fans.

  10. RT420

    great vid Bash, whatta mess it is. Iran has to go down first, no doubt about it.

  11. Dogsociety

    Spot on skoop bro.

  12. J cromp

    Hey Bash, what movie was that??

  13. TBinSTL

    Bashman and the Comentariate,
    Have you all seen this? I thought it might be one of yours the first time I saw it…. :oops:

  14. Bashman

    Thanks for the good words.

    The movie was Lost Highway (again, same flick I got the tailgater5 beating clip) directed by David Lynch.

    @TBinSTL.. nah, all my vids say Bashman, LOL.

  15. RT420

    Well Liveleak banned me today lol. not very suprised. I finally got to warren and the rest of the radical muslim sympathizers. mission accomplished in my book. but that site is garbage and very bias to say the least. I’ll keep track of whats goin on here though, you guys rock!


  16. Yahya Bene Dicere

    What facts?

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