Scared Ahmadinejad Cracking Up: “God And Math Prove America Won’t Attack”

September 3rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


“I drew up tables, for hours…”
-Mahmoud Ahamadinejad describing how he has used mathematical prinicples to exactly calculate that the US won’t attack Iran

This comes on the heels of the publication of US plans to destroy Iran’s military in a three day attack. No, he’s not sweating it…


President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has sought to justify his confidence the United States will not attack Iran, saying the proof comes from his mathematical skills as an engineer and faith in God, the press reported on Monday.

Ahmadinejad told academics in a speech that elements inside Iran were pressing for compromise in the nuclear standoff with the West over fears the United States could launch a military strike.

“In some discussions I told them ‘I am an engineer and I am examining the issue. They do not dare wage war against us and I base this on a double proof’,” he said in the speech on Sunday, reported by the reformist Etemad Melli and Kargozaran newspapers.

“I tell them: ‘I am an engineer and I am a master in calculation and tabulation.

“I draw up tables. For hours, I write out different hypotheses. I reject, I reason. I reason with planning and I make a conclusion. They cannot make problems for Iran.’”

Ahmadinejad has long expressed pride in his academic prowess. He holds a PhD on transport engineering and planning from Tehran’s Science and Technology University and is the author several of scientific papers.

The deeply religious president said his second reason was: “I believe in what God says.”

“God says that those who walk in the path of righteousness will be victorious. What reason can you have for believing God will not keep this promise.”

Washington has never ruled out taking military action against Tehran, and its tone has sharpened again over the past week with President George W. Bush warning that Iran’s nuclear programme could lead to a “nuclear holocaust.”

Ahmadinejad said that “God willing” one day he would write his memoirs to put the record straight.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has already warned that Iran risks being bombed if the nuclear crisis is not resolved. Ahmadinejad last week brushed off the comments which he said were due to his French counterpart’s inexperience.

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28 Responses

  1. D.C.

    “12 monkeys” :roll:

  2. Future0311


  3. Uncle Sam

    Thsi guy needs only two thing in lfe…either a head-shot by a Special Forces soldier OR the same thing that happend to Saddam..The rope! Forget tables and Excel..this guy is on Persian Crack…and the B-52’s and B-1 bombers will fix that real soon.

  4. Laura (no longer liberal)

    He’s not cracking up… he was certifiably nuts long ago! Bomb the crap out of him and put him out of his misery is what I say!! If he’s lucky enough to survive, then he can use his “engineering skills” to rebuild his totally f-d up country.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    A math genious. ROFLMAO :twisted:

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    And for any libnut who still believes in the IAEA there is this:

    “Alireza Jafarzadeh, a spokesman for the National Council of Resistance of Iran, which uncovered the existence of Iran’s uranium enrichment plant at Natanz, said the IAEA was being strung along. “A number of nuclear sites have not even been visited by the IAEA,” he said. “They’re giving a clean bill of health to a regime that is known to have practised deception.”

    Ref Jihadwatch…and the Sunday Times.

    Nice example of tagyiya on the Iranians part huh?

  7. KB Mills

    I believe that the next 18 months are extremely dangerous ones for Iran…if the present government can not somehow be toppled or if some kind of negotiations do not stop the development of the Nuclear weapons, I do not believe that Pres Bush will leave Office with the Iran situation unsolved and the development of the A Bomb imminent ’cause he has just about as much faith as I do that the next President (if Democrat) will do the proper thing.

  8. JayMS

    America doesn’t HAVE to attack Iran. If the idiot Mullahs try anything cute they will have to deal with several carrier groups and large contingents of ground forces on two fronts.

    Box in your enemy, contain him, and strike at your leisure.

  9. KB Mills

    Did the President of Iran say that he received his degree in mathematics from Tehran Community College?

  10. Jack

    His non-mathematical “proof” is based on false axioms. The mathematical “proof” is a product of his ass. I will laugh harder when/if he publishes it on his blog.

  11. Egfrow

    Pentagon has been hacked by China.

  12. Grumpy

    Math professors are notorious for not understanding reality.
    :arrow: John Nash

  13. Sandy K.

    “I tell them: ‘I am an engineer and I am a master in calculation and tabulation.”


    “I draw up tables. For hours, I write out different hypotheses. I reject, I reason. I reason with planning and I make a conclusion. They cannot make problems for Iran.’”


    The Iranian people do not like this idiot either;
    I feel for them but this loco bastard will be halted. :wink:

  14. Sandy K.

    “God says that those who walk in the path of righteousness will be victorious. What reason can you have for believing God will not keep this promise.”

    God’s promises include the demise of all that oppose Israel and the Jewish people. {I think ahmadickwad forgot about that promise from God.}

    LMAO :lol:

  15. Humble Janoslav

    Does anyone else have images of Hitler in a bunker running through their minds?

  16. TJ (the Kafir)

    you are right ahmedinijad, the usa won’t attack iran, we’ll attack you and the mullahs if we can. I think a bullet in his head would suffice. :razz:

  17. ssgduke54

    :neutral: Hmmmm… When you drop 200 H-Bombs on Iran how many Iranians well be left? Answer: ZERO. That is a math problem Ahamadinejad better study if he and is Fascist friends ever drop one Nuclear weapon on U.S. soil!

  18. Ranger

    This guy is so fucking nuts.

  19. Dan (The Infidel)

    So which god is Ahmedinastraightjacket talking about anyways? Would it be the same god that abandoned his 100 dirty muj in Afghanistan recently? You know the one who always seems to be stuck on the toilet that this fool and the rest of the hajis worship all the time? I believe they call him Allah? Or is it Al Shaitain? :twisted:

  20. danielle

    One of the ugliest evil enemies ever.

  21. TJ (the Kafir)

    He really does look like a monkey! :lol:

  22. B.A. Hokom

    If he would just not wear the same london fog jacket 24/7 we might decide to only bomb the shit out of his military for two days.

  23. just posting

    provoking america yea hes our era’s einstein

  24. TerryTate

    First off, as an engineer myself, let me just say…

    If you have to tell everyone that you are an engineer to prove how smart you are, then you are not as smart as you think you are. People will know if the label applies already. So, math genius, I think not.

    Second, he boasts that he has a PhD in transportation engineering and planning. My god dude, that is about the simplest branch of Civil Engineering that there is. As a civil engineer, if you and I were having a cup of coffee in the break room, I would have little respect for your boasts. What an arrogant tard. If you had said you were a structural engineer then maybe, maybe I’d give you some props, but transportation? The math skills required to perform that type of engineering is simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Again, what a freakin idiot. I am not impressed. Then he tops it off with the Planning degree. Wow, most of the Planners I know are gay, so hmmm, well that explains alot. Its not exactly rocket science to do a city layout either. Geeze, for both of those degrees you pretty much just have to follow the rules which have already been laid out by previous smarter engineers and planners to do the work. So, genius, I think not.

    Funny thing is, having taken enough engineering courses from Arab professor’s myself, I think I could probably guess what this punk suffers from…. Hubris. An inflated ego. Get over yourself Mahmoud, or we are going to help deflate your ego.

    Not to worry here folks, as I said, as an engineer I know the profession, and many engineers suffer from too the arrogance bug. This is it, and he will learn a hard lesson if he really believes what he is saying.

    Idiot, they should take away his freakin degree.


  25. John Cunningham

    Did he factor in the variable that the US military will surgically remove him, the mollusks and their military in three days?

  26. Humble Janoslav

    props to TerryTate. Just one little factor left out of the equation: God. Although Mahmoud is relying heavily on his much-touted engineering degree, he is also relying on God. It conjures images of a company building a skyscraper with shoddy blueprints and then praying to God it doesn’t fall over.

  27. Brad W(the infidel)

    Ahmedinajacket is only proof of on e thing. some Arab bred with a chimp, and the whack job is the precursor to the world actually turning into Planet Of The Apes, unless we take him out before he can forward the breeding program :twisted:

  28. Brian H

    If he used his spreadsheets to extrapolate the decay of Iran’s intellectual and physical infrastructure, he’d start a war NOW, before the whole edifice decays beyond any use or redemption.

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