The Man Behind The De Palma Smear: Mark Cuban Declares War On The Troops
Billionaire Mark Cuban has decided to put all of his weight behind a campaign to smear US troops in Iraq as “monsters’. Cuban has decided that De Palma’s film “Redacted” must be seen as the cornerstone of his and De Palma’s self-declared anti-victory campaign against America and her troops fighing in Iraq. Cuban’s company Magnolia Pictures will be bringing this propganda campaign to a theater near you this winter. According to a source close to Cuban, the decision for Magnolia to develop, finance and distribute the film was personally made by Çuban. Cuban has a full producer credit on the film, and DePalma shot it on HiDef video at Cuban’s request, in order for it to qualify as fodder for Cuban’s hi-def cable channel. So far neither he or DePalma have explained how they can be “bringing the truth of the Iraq war to the American people”, as Louie DePalma has said, when neither of them have ever been to Iraq, filmed any of “Redacted” in Iraq, or spent one minute with any soldier in Iraq. Clearly they are only bringing you their imagined propagandists’ reality of Iraq. Both had the opportunity to go, both declined. They have chosen the coward’s path in a quest for legitimacy as spokesmen for the Iraq war, and as such both have failed in that quest. Indeed, they are left standing as laughingstocks. Their reach has exceeded their grasp. Cuban is a jet-set, armchair “Iraq Truther” who made sure not to have his private jet stop anywhere near Iraq. But he and DePalma are more than anxious to bring you the “reality of the Iraq war”. LMFAO.
DePalma chilling in five star luxury while debuting his film to Europeans, nowhere near Iraq
( In case you haven’t heard of him, billionaire Cuban owns the Dallas Mavericks and supports the campaign against Global Warming by travelling in his private Gulf Stream V jet. He also decided to distribute the 9-11 paranoid conspiracy “Truther” film, “Loose Change”.)
DePalma said that going in it was his intention to make a film that would nauseate the American people, and thereby lead to a US withdrawal from Iraq. Well the only way for him to pull that off is if his film makes the case that the anomolous rape it fictionalizes is not actually an anomoly, but a “typical” snapshot of the US military’s behavior. In short, he would have to make his “troops-as-monsters” conceit appear to be typical of the troops, not atypical. This reveals a desire to create something that is nothing short of a willful and intentional smear built upon a lie. It also means that he decided not to look at Iraq for what it was, but to find something - anything - in it that would allow him to advance his propaganda campaign. Well Louie DePalma gave the game away when he confessed his excitement at his initial discovery of the rape story: “I knew I had a story!”. Now if that doesn’t mean “A story to suit my propaganda interests!”, then what does it mean?
The best defense DePalma has been able to muster about the lack of direct military reality in his film is “I had plenty of real stuff to put in but I didn’t put it in, and can’t show it to you to prove it, because my lawyers won’t let me”. That kind of bullshit pr spin may fly in Hollywood, but it isn’t flying here on earth. If you’ve got the goods, Louie, show them. It would appear quite clear why you haven’t already.
None of the troops in Mr. DePalma’s film are real. They are as imaginary as he and Mr. Cuban’s balls.
Close to a year ago, Daily Kos ran a featured post declaring that it was time to attack the troops if the anti-victory movement was to succeed. Clearly DePalma and Cuban took the cue.
More to follow…
UPDATE: Debbie Schlussel caught this early.:
… Billionaire NBA Owner/Producer Mark Cuban can’t take the heat from Schlussel readers with complaints over this anti-American troops film. Read the comments section on this post, in which Cuban writes that he’s setting his filter to delete all complaints about this movie. Hey, Mark, you know what they say about your promiximity to the kitchen when you can’t take the heat . . . .
Read Schlussel’s February Post
What about doing a film on Cuban? Someone could follow him around and do an expose?
I don’t know anything about this Cuban person…interview me as the expert…
Tim Roesch
September 1st, 2007 at 6:48 pmCommand Private Major
tent pegs for sale or loan
Seems to me a good documentary by someone who was actually there, and actually hanging with the troops and actually being blown up by actual IED’s may be able to paint a more accurate picture of the actual situation in Iraq, actually.
September 1st, 2007 at 6:55 pmIf people like DePalma tried this sh!t during WWII, lib God FDR wd have thrown his traitorous ass into an internment camp, if not had him summarily hanged.
Even for Hollyweird, this type of open anti-victory propaganda is stunning.
Where are the crazed stalker/”fans” with snub-nosed .38s when you need them?
September 1st, 2007 at 7:12 pmAccording to the Wikipedia entry on Mark Cuban he is planning to distribute a version of the 9-11 conspiracy theory bullshitsumentary “Loose Change”. This guy makes my blood boil.
September 1st, 2007 at 7:17 pmWhat’s with Cuban and his new anti-US media campaign?
September 1st, 2007 at 7:17 pmCan he BUY a larnyx and new lungs?
That “documentary” is not showing anywhere near my position.
September 1st, 2007 at 7:21 pmI knew Cuban before he was a “rich” bastard!! He’s nothing special - what makes him an expert on anything??!! He was just lucky in the stock market! He’s always been ambitious but all I can say is that I knew him when……
September 1st, 2007 at 7:24 pmAnd I love how no one else is reporting Cuban’s involvement. Can’t find a single story on Google. Maybe he thought he could hide. Good job, Pat
September 1st, 2007 at 7:26 pmSounds like a good time for Texans to consider boycotting the Mavericks game as a protest. Make the protest loud.
Cuban is another tool of the LMSM. And De Palma is just another shyster hollyweird type with an unamerican agenda. Boy if I could just get him in a room by himself for 5 minutes….
This puke just pisses me off.
Good line Pat: “None of the troops in Mr. DePalma’s film are real. They are as imaginary as he and Mr. Cuban’s balls.”
However, pussies don’t have any balls.
September 1st, 2007 at 7:35 pmCuban should be held to account as much as De Palma. Here’s a link to his company Magnolia Pictures Austin address and email contact:
September 1st, 2007 at 8:05 pmUh would a charge of treason apply here at least? I hope they try to show that trash in main street America. They underestimate the metal of fly-over country.
September 1st, 2007 at 8:29 pmUS Code Title 18 Chapt 115 Sec 2381
“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. ”
Yep, in time of war this clown is guilty. Hang him high.
September 1st, 2007 at 8:49 pmThis guy owns a team in the heart of Texas, I can’t believe that Texans would stand for this guy. What is happening when this guy can get away with this type of behavior in Big D?? Dallas, oh, Dallas….what has happened to what was once a great city?? Revolt…revolt!!! Boycott!!
September 1st, 2007 at 9:14 pmPure vermin. Sadistic commie bastards! Get a freakin rope and let’s watch him squirm.
September 1st, 2007 at 9:15 pmThey need to get that clown out of Texas…Dallas is now the team to be the most pussified and hated. What a freakin mommas boy
September 1st, 2007 at 9:43 pmcuban looks like a cock-gobbler. The politicans makes up and enforce retarded laws, but ignore the most basic and important ones (treason) its insane how this is normal from government this era. Don’t wanna get on a tangent, anyways the south needs to boycott cuban like they did the dixie-dykes.
September 1st, 2007 at 9:58 pmIn World War Two Frank Capra made “Why We Fight”. Cuban and DePalma have made “Why Our Boys Are Subhuman And Why We Must Lose”
September 1st, 2007 at 9:58 pm“DePalma said that going in it was his intention to make a film that would nauseate the American people …”
I don’t know … The bucket of pig’s blood dumped on Carrie at the prom was pretty sickening in its day …
Then there was the staged drill through the sexy girl’s belly and into the floor by the staged would be home intruder in Body Double …
The drug dealers chain-sawing off of the limbs of the chained up Cuban guy in the hotel room shower in Scarface …
But the topper for me was that idiotic would be romantic, anti-gravity, dance between Tim Robbins and Connie Nielsen in Mission To Mars … Yeah, that WAS the MOST nauseating!
September 1st, 2007 at 10:25 pmIt looks like “Peter Pan” has been kicked in his pussy too many times an De Palma is going to lick it and make it feel better. We’ll probally see them lovers together at a Dallas Fairies game
September 1st, 2007 at 10:27 pmIt is not just the movies that are anti-american, look at comedy central on cable. In years past former Presidents did not criticicize the sitting President and a network cable or otherwise never put on a show that showed JFK as a womanizer.
September 1st, 2007 at 10:45 pmComedy Central is part of those to be called enemies with the show Lil Bush.
HANG HIM! Like seriously. I’m soo mad! How can they do this? I hope his stupid film tanks.
September 1st, 2007 at 11:12 pmdrillanwr:
September 1st, 2007 at 11:13 pmNow you know why I don’t waste my time at the movies. There’s WAY too much junk like you just described. I don’t rent them either. I’ll take a TCM movie any day over the trashola you just described. Turner might be a dickhead, but old movies are still better fare than anything that Brian De Puke can come up with.
Dan (The Infidel) -
I hear ya, my friend. TCM is on my list too. I have a collection of Jimmy Stewart movies too.
My 19 year old daughter loves Jimmy Stewart movies.
September 1st, 2007 at 11:19 pmdrillanwr:
Nice choice…Sounds like you have a right sharp daughter. Great minds, you know…
September 1st, 2007 at 11:23 pmWhat do you expect from a guy that hires Dan Rather and green lights a movie like ‘Bubble’?
Conspiracy thought of the day:
September 1st, 2007 at 11:50 pm‘Bubble’ is to Mark Cuban’s stock market miracle as ‘Redacted’ is to Dan’s Rathergate.
Heh, so I’m not the only one that avoids the movie theater then…
September 1st, 2007 at 11:52 pmAs for this guy… can you say ‘firing squad’?
Make sure to load ALL the weapons with FMJ ammunition. No blanks.
September 1st, 2007 at 11:53 pmDe Palma is nothing more than a person obsessed with murder and rape, every one of his films glorifies these sick attributes. He is a contributor to expose youth to graffic violence and he bathes himself with the victoms blood. The hypocracy of this film and his intent with it shows a weak man who will stop at nothing to promote himself at the expense of all victoms of war, the fact that he believes he is on the moral high ground is evident enough of his hypocracy. What happened in Iraq was not the consequence of war but the choice of a sick person and his friends loyal in a combat structure but not to his crime. De Palma will not change the course of Iraq with his film, he will more than likely win praise from the left wingnuts and an increasingly irrelavent Oscar award like M. Moore did. Punishing this country and especially the soldiers in Iraq because of one incredibly awful event seems to be the only trick these anti-victory folk can muster, and we will have to listen to them lecture us on why the world hates us, its because of their greed and ruthless goals of getting rich at the expense of all the rest of us. I never go to see movies anymore, they are nothing but trash, filled with sick horror and twisted messages, messages that the rest of the world sees. The culture of violence in this country rests entirely on the shoulders of those in Hollywood who profit from fictional murder, rape and abuse, hell they give themselves awards for creating this crap. Never again in this age will we see a film director with the skill of Alfred Hitchcock and/or David Lean, whom both managed to show wars without redaction.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:31 amCivil war in the USA looms, IMHO.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:53 amDePalma who? Sorry, don’t and won’t ever give recognition to anyone of that ilk.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:55 amIs Mark Cuban George Soros bastard child? It sounds like they both come from the same pile of shit.
This is the same kind of bullshit that went on during the VietNam war. The enemy love this kind of propaganda. You know what happen in VietNam when the American public feed into the horror spin. It left a lot of good people laying in the killing fields. We as Americans can not let this happen again!
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:27 amI’m sorry but the headline from Drudge really broke my heart. This guy just has no idea.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:28 amThe enemy is desperate and because they are losing the Culture War they are attacking one of our MOST sacred, OUR TROOPS!
The Army, Navy AirForce, Marines, Coast Guard, Law Enforcement & Fire Fighters are all RIGHT leaners and the left will cut off their RIGHT hand as long as they can win a political point.
The Left has our education institutions, mainstream media, hollywood & much of the music industry. These are their weapons and we must defeat them by prosecuting treason & sedition as well as expanding our established footholds in these institutions. We MUST stay vigilant.
September 2nd, 2007 at 5:26 amThat little prick. No more Maverick tickets for me or my family.
September 2nd, 2007 at 5:36 am[…] Pat Dollard spotlights the man behind “Redacted.” Debbie Schlussel has more. […]
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:39 amCuban is just a tool.
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:42 amA note to all you TCM movie watchers, yes the old movies are good but the Tcm movies have almost all been edited (scenes removed , etc) to make an old conservative movie have a leftist anti-gun anti-war tint. I grew up watching the originals and the new edited films are not quite the same…
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:03 amIt’s gonna tank, trust me. America is not up for this bullshit. There is a small minority that will get their rocks off, but the backlash will be significant. Even at the polls. Bring it on you wussies…
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:04 amWell, this is indeed a sad day for us Texans, and Dallasites. First, Jerry Jones, now Mark Cuban, and with the way the Rangers play, only thing left is the Stars, and they like to exit playoffs early.
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:09 amThis breaks my heart, would have never thought a Texan could do this. Hope to heavens he is a tranplant.
If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times, make your voices heard in November and at the box office. I don’t go to movies either and rarely rent. And when I do its typically science fiction. As a scientist it’s far easier for me to swallow the X-files etc. than most of the crap at the theater. I think most of the movies made today are just plain vile.
We’ve come a long way from Jimmy Stewart and blacklisting pinko commie sympathizing bastards. Now conservatives in Hollywood have to hide in closet.
One of the outcomes of a lot of what we talk about on this board is the distinction between good and evil, pro vs anti-Americanism, has never been clearer. We have so much material with which to win the debate regarding who really is part of the “culture of corruption” and on what side the “vast conspiracy” really is residing. It’s not even up for debate that the MSM is completely liberal to the core and will defend liberal democrats at all costs.
To those who read my drivel and who have children or who are responsible for children, make a difference in their lives. Don’t follow the societal recomended norm, question EVERYTHING society and our culture tell us to do. For example, we homeschool our kids and we also talk about good and evil and current events who the real bad guys are. I will never ever teach my kids the moral relativism that is so prevalent today, its been woven into the fabric of our society. PC thinking is so pervasive it’s sometimes hard to spot.
Keep your powder dry and teach your kids the truth.
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:19 amMark truther Cuban…why am I not surprised.
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:35 amWhen the surge began to yield positive results, the anti-war crowd suddenly shifted their focus on the troops. Now they’re spitting their venom on young American heroes because they know victory is attainable.
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:46 amGet a rope!
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:48 amRemember the Pacers/Pistons basketbrawl game? Remember the way Artest was “shown the love” by Detroit fans?
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:49 amBoycott Maverick visiting games? No! Better go to Dallas’ away games and show Cuban some “Artest love” by opposing team fans everywhere that camera-lovin little bitch Cuban travels. Put a little “public” pressure on NBA Commissioner David Stern letting him know American sports has no place for quitters/traitors.
Just sayin…
Well this post sure is catching on, Michelle Malkin is featuring it at the top of her site today.
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:49 am[…] Faces Real War — Michael Yon The Man Behind The De Palma Smear: Mark Cuban Declares War On The Troops — Pat […]
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:54 amThe Iraq was is nothing like the Vietnam war - what is wrong with everyone? And why dosen’t anyone remind the world that the Democrats - (Kennedy/Johnson) started the Vienam war??? They forced us to pull out and Millions died!! Wow - great way to bolster out reputation!
And I do not go to todays movies either!
By TRB, the RIGHT Music for the RIGHT times!
I saw them in Atlanta, Old Bills for a GOP fundraiser & rally in June 2006.
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:39 amMr. Hinckley, I have it on good authority that Brian DePalma and Mark Cuban just screwed Jodie Foster. You ready to go to work?
/oldie but…
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:11 amBashman - checkout Gunner Palace and Outside the Wire if you want to see movies with real soldiers in Iraq.
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:39 amthe bastards.
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:44 amJust as the LMSM writes “news” just to hear itself (See: MSNBC ratings, et al …)
Hollywood, during this presidential administration and this war, and the war on terror in general (See: Spielberg’s sympathetic Munich), is making and churning out movies they don’t give a flying fuck if anyone actually pays to see … just as long as they get it out there for their “peeps” to admire and heap awards onto …
Somebody needs to remind the LMSM and Hollywood that self-gratification can be easier and cheaper with a bottle of lotion and a porn magazine … Invite your friends over and they can praise your technique for hours.
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:26 amMust be nice to be a pretentious billionaire. Must be nice.
Hey everybody, I’m done with Marine Combat Training and off to my MOS school in Meridian, Mississipi. I’m an aviation supply clerk. I’ll be able to post a lot more now, as in MCT we only get Sunday liberty and last Sunday Camp Pendleton’s power went out because of a few raindrops.
You know you’re a Marine when sleeping on a flat concrete surface is a luxury. As for Mark Cuban, he’s a very special man and we have to give him credit: not many people have the ability to suck their own cock. And hey, I hear he swallows.
I’m trying to think of what my drill instructors would say about Mark Cuban. They’d probably have to invent some new cuss words.
Like “fuckbag”. Put that one in your cargo pocket, I just made it up. More to come, brothers.
semper fidelis
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:36 amMark Cuban–champion of the Internet–now has to filter and censor comments that he doesn’t like. What a fucking pussy.
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:04 amHey Rummy:
The word for Cuban and De Palma is sugar-coated fucktard.
Yeah, I grew up with those old movies too. I’ve watched several Gary Cooper movies lately, and TCM didn’t cut shit out.
Still a better choice than anything DePalma and his ilk can produce.
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:09 amThe rapists were tried and convicted by our military. I wonder how many soldiers in other armies were tried for rape?
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:14 amUm… LOUIE de Palma was Danny DeVito’s character on “Taxi” — BRIAN de Palma directed this film.
But anyway, everyone here’s getting so upset — look, what do you expect? It’s Hollywood. It’s a movie, so of course there’s an element of embellishment/fantasy to it, and of course they’re going to present whatever slant on the story they want.
But by getting all riled up, talking about “treason” and watching someone swing from a rope — well, you’re all just playing into their hands. They WANT you to have that kind of reaction, to say those kinds of things — it only makes them look sane and all of you look crazy.
The best thing for everyone to do is just stay home and NOT SEE THE MOVIE. Then you’re sending your own, clear, personal message to the filmmakers and Hollywood saying that you don’t agree with them and aren’t interested in what they are trying to promote. When the movie opens (and from what I hear it will only have limited runs in a few large cities, so never fear — it won’t be coming to a multiplex near you), don’t go see it — instead see some mindless comedy or action film. Keep the numbers down on this and it’ll just go away quietly — next year at this time nobody will even remember it.
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:22 amPat-
What about Mark Cuban’s Fallen Patriot Fund?
It looks like he started it. Did it die out?
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:23 amUnless and until we bring back and USE the Alien and Sedition acts and try these traitors for treason we are stuck with these self-indulgent, ungrateful apparachniks declaring war on America.
This jerk has made a fortune here. He deserves to lose it. Boycott everything he owns or stands for and maybe a contingent of real men, our military, want to make an official visit to Cuban- on behalf of the rest of us who would like to see this phony, at best, have his citizenship revoked. Let him go live with the Mullahs. He can take Rosie O’Donnell, Babs Streisand and the rest of the liberal fatsos with him as wives.
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:23 am[…] as as US Military hater by Pat Dollard in a hard hitting piece seen in it’s entirety HERE. Billionaire Mark Cuban has decided to put all of his weight behind a campaign to smear US troops […]
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:29 amCuban is a total POS for bashing the troops looking to make money off the misery of a family in Iraq while pushing his agenda to discredit the troops. Punishing the entire army for what a few unscrupulous individuals did during war is rediculous. As for the film maker, this is not art or entertainment, just another piece of sensationalized garbage.
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:33 amAbout all the windbag has done is bought low sold high ( he s a fraud who made money off of Al Gores Internet economy when Google was trading for $800 a share.. )
If the little freak wants rape scenes lets give it to him baby , take that little jet of his , put him on it and ship him off to a Turkish prison for a months of r/r …report back on that little Richie rich .
(just because one has money , does not exclude one from being a a member of the stupid club. Ask Barbra Streisand , or any dork who owns an NBA team ..
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:42 amCuban is an American Patriot
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:45 amHey dukerduke -
The Louie DePalma things is obviously a joke on DePalma’s name. Your density on that point explains the rest of your post.
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:53 am[…] Also see: Pat Dollard: The Man Behind The De Palma Smear: Mark Cuban Declares War On The Troops. […]
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:56 amStrategery:
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:59 am“Cuban is an American Patriot” So was Benedict Arnold at one time.
I checked Cuban’s website for the Fallen Patriot Fund, and it doesn’t look like any grants have been handed out in two years. Doesn’t look like a long-standing committment to the troops and their families by MC.
I’m a native Texan and cheer for Texas teams (except the ‘horns…this Ag can’t go that far) but I can no longer support anything that Mark Cuban has anything to do with. Sorry Mavs.
He got rich with a and this gives him credibility? NOT! If you’ve ever seen him on TV, he’s just an idiot with a lot of money. Big deal.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:05 pmi heard this worthless lowlife scum on the radio while back talking about his 9/11 nut ball conspiracy theory movie he was bankrolling saying that the only reason he was making the movie was to show that the crazy theories out there weren’t true. you know to give this person a worldwide audience to get it out in the open so everyone could see it wasn’t true? LOL yeah and that makes about as much sense as my wiping my #ss then taking a sh!t. truth of the matter is this guy is an america hater and he must be trying to have a p!ssing on america contest with his pal george soros. a way has to be found to punish this guy in the pocket book. what’s really scary to me however is that there are enough useful idiots around the world to believe all this trash they put out. i can’t tell you how many european friends (intelligent one’s at that) regurgitating every single line from michael moore’s movies to me as if it were gospel. what a joke. the former head of the soviet union before gorbachav said, “if i had hollywood i’d have the world”. well, it’s obvious now that our enemies have them in their pocket. God help us all. i can’t imagine the hatred this film is going to create for our country all around the globe. how many soldiers are going to be killed because of this disgusting film and how much longer will the war go on because the enemy is emboldened. both of these men should be put up against a wall and shot.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:07 pmCuban can play the fence sitting game all he wants. The real Cuban lies where his money is. Giving money for charitable causes as a tax writeoff to to appear patriotic doesn’t make you patriotic.
You want to be a patriot? Good then be consistant. Don’t support the troops on the one hand then stab them in the back with the other hand.
Anyone who stabs the troops in the back…no matter what else he or she does…is just another useless oxygen thief.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:08 pmwhy is everybody so up set? just relax and practice good old american consumerism. dont see the movie and contact any sponsor of the dallas mavericks and let them know your disgust. consumerism folks thats the key to success.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:11 pm1. Amazing a guy who lost his business’ licenses in college for having high school freshman girls drinking and stripping at his bars has some moral outrage….50K people died on Americas highways last year due to alcohol 3500 have died in Iraq in over 4 years.
2. Who is going to figure and post the odds in Vegas for the remainder of Mr. Cuban’s lifespan? It’s over…get your house in order.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:12 pmWhy would anyone use an extreme,isolated,small incident to inflame others and condemn the huge overall majority that are very conscentious,good,and law abiding group of patriots?There are large groups of people out there that already hate America and Americans and they will take any little tidbit and blow it up to be representative of everyone involved with our freedom efforts.And, what makes it disgusting,sad,and hurtful is that it is our own citizens and neighbors who have greatly benefitted from being an American that do things like that.They “hate” certain American segments of society so much that they do not care that the ‘whole’ will suffer.It must be a terrible burden to be like DePalma,Cuban,and a whole bunch of the Hollywood crowd to be so instilled with all powerful knowledge, that they think their way is the only way.And, being stars and famous, they do not get only one person’s share of the right to make public decisions,but much, much more.I wish Hollywood would just stick to it’s business of entertainment instead of trying to determine policy for the government.It is extremely hard to even find movies anymore that do not contain movie stars or that are directed by folks I consider to have extremely far, fringe left ideas.And, I refuse to see those movies any longer.I will not support any of those movie stars that curse and belittle MY COUNTRY.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:18 pmWar-related movies that I’d pay to see
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:24 pm1. Any movie that shows Muslim expansion, with civilian deaths, for the last 1,500 years.
2. Explanation of Islam, including extra taxation on the Dhimmi (non-Muslims), and the collapse of non-Muslim populations as soon as Muslims reach 50% of population.
I see there were over 300 rapes in Dallas in 2006. I expect there were some in 2007 as well. I’ll bet many of them are unsolved. What’s Cuban doing in his own backyard to help?
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:24 pmUh, Pat, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but your post has made the Drudge Report.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:25 pmThis will guarantee my bocott of all things dealing with the Dallas Mavericks. Glad to be in America where Cuban and me can both do what we need to do. Hope others exercise their right to do the same. Best support for the troops possible is for jerks like Cuban to express their opinion.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:29 pmMost of these comments are kind of strange.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:32 pmThis IS a true story. I remember reading it when it came out and thought about how insane it was. I’m not sure why it would make people upset if it were to be told.
Especially comments about treason… Not sure where that comes into play? Reporting a story that’s been confirmed as true is in no way treason… weird.
Isn’t the respected journalist (puck) Dan Rather one of Cuban’s right hand men with HDNET??
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:33 pmHow about caling your cable company and tell them you want HDNET taken off your subscription. Screw these pigs.
Damn Pat….You made it to Drudge. Congrats man!!! Just goes to show that CNN and the rest of the defeatocratz don’t have a monopoly on the news. One way or another the truth cannot be hidden…even by a large news org like CNN.
You rule dude!!
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:33 pmWhile I share the sentiments of most of you, I shudder to think of what sort of Anti-American propaganda will be paid for out of $100 barrel oil x 700 billion barrels of oil owned by Muslim governments. This $70 trillion (vs. total production spending by Hollywood of $2 billion/year, or $20 million by Mr. Cuban for Redacted) is enough to bring to the big screen everything, real or imagined, that Americans or non-Muslims have ever done that Muslims find offensive. Toss in political contributions to US politicians (who, after Craig, probably seem even more sexually devious than ever) from pro-Islamic, anti-military donors, and Cuban and De Palma will seem like moderates. If and Mavericks games can provide the funding to do this much reputation damage to the US military (which can and should fund its own movies, to tell its side of the story), imagine what 4-5 million barrels a day of $70/barrel oil purchased from Islamic nations can do. It’s only a matter of time before movie producers realize that they can get their movies funded from governments that can, like Billy Jack did, pay for the movies and theaters and four wall them. So much for not seeing movies: they don’t have to make money when they offer propaganda paid for by mosques, charities, and governments sympathetic to those who kill non-believers.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:39 pm@Jim Dowd -
The movie is (one thing) … To be released especially DURING the ongoing war, where the enemy WILL use it for their own propagand purposes to incite violence against our troops … In addition, it is more than obvious DePalma (and it appears Cuban) have an agenda beyond the telling of a horrible story … They intend to paint this as a broad reflection of ALL our troops and their actions in Iraq. Read the comments by DePalma:
“The movie is an attempt to bring the reality of what is happening in Iraq to the American people,” he (DePalma) told reporters after a press screening.
While horrific, the one episode of an entire war IS NOT the reality of what our troops are doing in Iraq.
If you can’t see what is going on here then you have been sold their bill of goods already …
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:45 pmOsama Bin Cuban strikes at the heart of America again. Where is he hiding now?
DePalma must be his bung hole buddy.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:53 pmJim Dowd:
You missed the point. Telling a true story just to put out more leftist agitprop is what has pissed most people off here. De Palma has no intention of seperating out the whaet from the chaff in or Armed Forces…nor will he put up a disclaimer saying that this incident is NOT representative of the actions of the rest of our Armed Forces.
Lastly, if he wanted to do a pic on Iraq, why not show the atrocities commited by AQ and Saddam. Why not show the progress that we have made on the ground thus far? Why not show Iraqis saying to US troops that US troops are more Iraqi than they are?
But no. De Palma is not interested in showing what is going right in Iraq…or in supporting the troops. He is like most of Hollywood from the Zinn view of American Armed Forces.
Enlighten yourself.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:53 pmEvery possible means of embarrassing, annoying and impoverishing this low life should be employed. I hope you Texans will boycott his team and leave them playing in an empty building. A mass return of merchandise to his store would be a news maker if it could be organized. Think of it…mounds of jerseys etc. piled high and on national television.
Parasitic wimp.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:54 pmActually, WatcherWTF, I would say that the use of the joke takes away from the overall message of the blog posting. Just as all the threats and calls for treason on here take away from the overall point everyone’s trying to get across. But anyway, good luck with everything.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:55 pmWhy doesn’t it surprise me that Mark Cuban is behind this. A man who is as classless on the court (oh, wait. He doesn’t actually play basketball) as he is off the court. Something tells me that when the Mavs show up in San Antonio, a big military town, the abuse that rains down upon them will be magnificent.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:56 pmMark Cuban established the Fallen Patriot Fund several years ago to benefit families of injured and killed Iraq War veterans. He decided to distribute the ridiculous “Loose Change” movie because he wanted to expose it as a complete fraud, in his view.
Now, he is involved in a movie showing a different side of the Iraq war than the images fed to you by Fox News.
By the way, I would like to congratulate all of the right-wingers on this board for your lovely Iraq War. Nice job. As you peeled the “W” stickers off of your SUV’s a few months ago (around the time the government quietly changed “Freedom Fries” back to “French Fries,”) I hope you felt some sense of shame, however small, at what your inane, trivial desires created: an illegal, immoral war that will have catastrophic ramifications for years to come.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:56 pmHearing of Mr.Comrade DePalma’s film ,an imaginary indictment for all of our brave military,is disgusting.Is Comrade Mr. Sean Penn starring also?Mr. DePalma and Comrade Cuban(Kuban)are our present day Klaus Fuchs(the degenerate Las Alamos Nuclear Physicist who gave not sold the secrets of the A-bomb to the Soviets).)Of course Mr. Fuchs did it as a matter of “conscience”,just as comrade DePalma and Cuban are venting their anti-American garbage are.Maybe,when the next major terrorist attack occurs on American soil our “comrades” families are the victims.I pray that most level headed Americans see through all the bulllshit.guyg
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:58 pmFirst off, De Palma is a never was. As for Cuban, screw this guy, boycott not only this film, let’s boycott the Mavs and anything else he has his hand in and show this narcissistic prick what it’s like to be hurt in the wallet.
September 2nd, 2007 at 12:58 pm-nuff said.
Yours is the minority view. Treason is what this is all about. We don’t put up with treasonous slackers here.
Calling for this slacker’s head because of his treason, doesn’t take away from the points made here IT IS THE POINT.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:01 pmWhat a group-think circle jerk.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:02 pmMacDaddy:
“Something tells me that when the Mavs show up in San Antonio, a big military town, the abuse that rains down upon them will be magnificent.”
Well said.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:03 pmand yogibard is the pivotman
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:03 pmyogibard:
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:05 pm“What a group-think circle jerk.” Perfect description of leftists and the MSM. And De Palma and Cuban…
It seems Mark Cuban has let his last name take precedence over good sense. As a Fort Worth resident I at times have taken pleasure in his antics as the owner of the Dallas Mavericks. However, I will no longer follow their quest in the NBA nor support them in any way. That frees up some reading time for more important things. It’s a shame, one who made his wealth in this country, now spits on the very ones who make that possible.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:07 pmYogibard was addressing the Daily Kos. Or maybe it was Hollywood.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:07 pmyogitard:
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:13 pmI’d tell you to go fuck yourself but it appears you already do.
If you were going to make war propaganda movie, what subject would you choose? I would fund an epic about how the Chinese annexed East Turkestan, 95% Muslim, in 1949 and used hard core imperialism to make a Chinese-majority state, Xinjiang. This includes the first Chinese nuclear test (Mao though Muslims made the best bomb fodder), industrial scale rape of Muslim women (in the hundreds of thousands, with a smaller army than the US has in Iraq) and mandatory contraceptive use forced on the (Caucasian) Uyghur people up to present day, forced marches out of the cities into wilderness, and starvation, unless you want subsidized pork. I’d have a character explain that the US military has intervened to save China (in WW II, from the genocidal Japanese) and, in 10 of the last 12 US-related conflicts involving Muslims, to save Muslim lives. The movie would ask: When have Muslims or Chinese armies ever shed blood to help each other? Answer: Never. China and Dar al-Islam should be begging to have America’s help to help them fight the other, rather than having both of them pretending they get along, and that we are an enemy of both of them. Any billionaire willing to fund this story? Mark?
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:13 pmWatcherWTF:
“Yogibard was addressing the Daily Kos. Or maybe it was Hollywood.”
No doubt…
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:13 pmPeople in here think for themselves. They don’t need the LMSM or some Hollywood rich boy/girl to do that for them like so many other American Dhimis do.
A quick look at Brian De Palma’s filmography will show he’s always been a pervert, making salacious films in which helpless beautiful young women are tortured, raped, and murdered in long, drawn-out, extremely sexy close-ups.
De Palma’s films have probably inspired more domestic abuse and serial rapists than any other director’s. Anywhere but Hollywood, this lowlife would be considered a sexual predator. Instead, he’s made millions staging and photographing the degradation, torture, and deaths of naked and near-naked women.
That he has the gall now to get on a high-horse, to lecture us all about the Iraq war he knows NOTHING about, is only too typical of Hollywood, where ignorance, arrogance, and obscene wealth lead to grand delusions.
I say this as a screenwriter who worked in Hollywood for years. I know whereof I speak … lol.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:15 pmCuban I hope the military will retaliate on you! It’s great Hollyweird that hates America while in Europe in a 5 star hotel, hm, screw you, good part no one but ultra leftist surrender monkeys like Reid Pelosi care about your crap. With only 3% aproval of congress on the war America will reject you as they have Mike the Blob Moore communist rant about Cuban healthcare and the entire Demoncrap party! To Depalma no one with watch your movies anymore except leftists, the country has had it on military bashing!
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:19 pmTalk about Hypocrisy at its WORST! At least Moore actually believes his own idiocy! DePalma is just the typical liberal hypocrite who hates America and Capitalism etc and here he is exploiting capitalism for buck! “Ive really got a story here”. And as for Cuban. He’s just another man gone mad over money and fame. I hope he “pays” at the ticket counter and Depalma at the box office!
How DARE these people make a buck off the horrible incident of that child and I’m getting so tired and disgusted with people doing it at the expense of the HONORABLE men and women SAVING THEIR ASSES from the horrors of the medieval freakshows in the middle east!
By God if they truly feel the pain and suffering of the innocents in the middle east, they they can take their butts and their/YOUR money over their, set up camp and HELP THEM instead of hanging around here in your filthy displays of wealth slandering HONORABLE people who would DIE for them!!!
It is people like DePalma and Cuban and the like that make me feel sometimes like all that is good and honorable and Holy is lost!!!
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:20 pm
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:20 pmHow to break a Billionaire?
Start a run on his portfolio.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:21 pmyou guys are all brainwashed idiots…
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:24 pmget ur facts straight, know what’s up and then open ur cake holes.
This is a great film.
George Bush and his cronies have killed more civilians in Iraq than all the anti-state terrorists have killed since the history of time.
When is the “war on terror” going to be over? How will we be able to tell when we have achieved victory?
How many of our boys are going to be killed to support a war based on a humongous lie?
We didn’t mind Saddam killing his own people for 20 years. We even supplied him with tons of guns and ammo.
God bless our troops…..BRING THEM HOME NOW!
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:24 pmget a grip..
you mean “your” reality dont you?!
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:27 pmThis quote from a review of the movie proves what I have been trying to get across in the last few days here and over at NB’s about DePalma trying to make this movie into something way more than what it is … a fictionalized account … And NO … Sean Penn isn’t in it … NO actors who are well known. (As I stated over at NB this was done in the HBO series Band Of Brothers in order to not distract from the story by having a well known face playing a real life person the writers and producers and directors wanted you to feel was real and understand.) Well known faces take away from the “story” … Given the review quote below, and the use of lesser recognizable faces gives the movie the feel of some sick surveillance video of the actual event. Call me a paranoid hack, but COME ON!!! I think the bulk of us here, backed by Dollard’s experience with Hollywood, know exactly what this movie is and why it was made.
“Made so expertly that it appears to be assembled from genuine footage …”
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:29 pm“George Bush and his cronies have killed more civilians in Iraq than all the anti-state terrorists have killed since the history of time.”
Here we go again — another outlandish, meta-hyperbolic lefty untruth.
When you write bilge like this, nothing else that comes off your keyboard has any credibility whatsoever.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:29 pmJerome -
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:30 pmSteve-O:
As the old saying goes, “A suspicious mind is a guilty conscience”. DePalma believes that the troops act like animals and rapists, because he believes that that is how he would act.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:31 pmAnybody see his last few movies, or read the reviews? He was a laughingstock long before this film. DePalma is the lowest of scum, a man willing to pick the pockets of dead American soldiers if that’s what it takes to revive his long-dead career. A coward who never served, dares now to stand on the shoulders of giants.
Jerome -
Durka … Durka …
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:32 pmRope. Tree. 2 horses. Cuban. De Palma.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:34 pmSome assembly required.
Hey Jerome, how about I buy you a little port hole for your navel so you can see where you’re goin’ while you’ve got your head up your ass. The war is going to take a long time, the president has said that since day one. You don’t support the troops if you don’t support the mission. When you’ve got rats you have to clean them all out or the rats keep coming. I saw Viet Nam and Desert Storm, I wish I were younger so I could get involved in this too, but I can’t. I have to feel secure in knowing there are brave men and women out there more than likely your age, that have the guts and fortitude to heed their country’s call and fight for freedom. Even some other guy’s freedom. And BTW, hey DePalma and Cuban, how about a film about how those rat faced ragheads blow up little kids and churches? That would be unsettling too, I would think.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:50 pmWell, looks like Pat hit the big time now, drudge put a link out on this story.
As a citizen of Texas, may I just say that Mark Cuban is a fool and looks like Moe from the three stooges and by his actions he has proven that the likness is more than just physical. What an ass. The Mav players also were against our troops and talked major shit about it at the beginning. It was on all the local news channels. I wish some conservative rich guys would start backing pro America movies to battle the commie pukes.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:05 pmMark Cuban is a man who confused luck for ability. Mark Cuban got wealthy when he sold his company to Yahoo for 3 Billion dollars. His was not the only company doing what his was doing, but his was the one that Yahoo purchased.
Somewhere along the line, Mr. Cuban has gotten the idea that his delusional fantasies are somehow rooted in fact. This, along with 3 billion dollars makes him an expert.
If I had 3 billion dollars, there would be people willing to believe in my delusional fantasies as well, no matter what they were.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:07 pmjerome:
“When is the “war on terror” going to be over?”
When the ‘terror’ists and their sponsors will be dead.
“How will we be able to tell when we have achieved victory?”
Uh… the ‘terror’ists and their sponsors will be dead.
“God bless our troops…..BRING THEM HOME NOW!”
Hey, here’s a thought… go enlist yourself.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:10 pmY’know… help out.
Mark Cuban is a pathetic loser and a disgrace to Texas. He should be quartered with a dull knife and fed to the hogs.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:10 pm“George Bush and his cronies have killed more civilians in Iraq than all the anti-state terrorists have killed since the history of time.” You obviously, haven’t any clue as to what you’re talking about.
It is the terrorist that have killed more civilians than anyone else. That’s true in Afghanistan, Iraq, and any other hotspot in the mideast.
Save your blather for the DailyKos, because you have no cred here.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:11 pm[…] the "studio executives" angle to this, and we now CLEARLY see this isn’t about money… The Man Behind The De Palma Smear: Mark Cuban Declares War On The Troops […]
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:14 pmInteresting isn’t it, that Dan Rather is most likely also a part of this crap, since he works for Cuban these days.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:23 pm[…] Pat Dollard | Young Americans - The Man Behind The De Palma Smear: Mark Cuban Declares War On The Tr… Billionaire Mark Cuban has decided to put all of his weight behind a campaign to smear US troops in Iraq as “monsters’. Cuban has decided that De Palma’s film “Redacted” must be seen as the cornerstone of his and De Palma’s self-declared anti-victory campaign against America and her troops fighing in Iraq. […]
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:25 pmI am from Dallas and I am deeply upset that Cuban is choosing to smear the US troops. I’d rather the Mavs not win an NBA title, because I don’t like Cuban anymore
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:25 pmThe easy response to this is to make sure that the Dallas Mavericks have no one at their games. Any one attending a Dallas Mavericks game is a traitor to this country and to our troops. Boycott the Dallas Mavericks and put pain in mark cuban’s pocketbook. I represent a Dallas Company and I will let them know that I will take my business elsewhere if they do not boycott the Dallas Mavericks.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:27 pmThere is one other thing about people like mark cuban. They hide from any personnel contact with the general population. You can bet one thing that mark cuban is a coward. He will not go anywhere without several body guards and or where he might have to answer for his treason and dishonesty on a one on one basis.
Another GREAT post Mr. Dollard!
Also people… Mr. Cuban is the founder and owner of the web and blog search engine, just thought you’d like to know.
I am looking froward to your film!
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:29 pmAn update on Katie Couric in Iraq. Cripes! These LMSM “people” make this so easy … What a shitty bitch:
Video: Couric Says Military ‘Wants’ Her To See Only Good
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:31 pmFWIW - nobody at Magnolia can stand the arrogant prick.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:33 pmCould anyone give me a list of the companys this asshole owns. I just want to be sure I don’t support this Jerks needs. I want to inform my freinds to be sure they don’t support this crap. Please don’t have his private jet land in Indiana, I need a place too piss.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:34 pmOT
Since the busload of tinfoilers has showed up here and they apparently all have their moonbat costumes on, check out how the NEW YORK TIMES asks: Is It Time to End The Tributes to 9/11 ?
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:36 pmCuban is a stupid JOCK, fundamentally.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:39 pmIf they wanted this type of gore, De Palma & Cuban could have easily done the movie of the two freaks (ex-convicts) that raped & burned to death a Mom & her 2 daughters ALIVE in an attempt to get rid of their DNA.
Instead they chose to attack Military with a broad brush like this, WHILE THEY ARE IN COMBAT. This is what makes them seditionists and/or treasonists.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:41 pmTexans should be ashamed to have this looser associated with them………..time to stop going to the Maverick games. He is a true puss-bag. Nice comb over dick-wad
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:44 pmmark cuban’s the guy who gave dan rather a job after CBS had to sack him for his “creative reportage”. he owns HDNet; made his fortune in the dotcom runup and sold high and bought the Mavericks. He graduated from one of the most conservative suburbs of Pittsburgh — Mt Lebanon is one of the top public schools in PA; he thwn left town and made his fortune.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:45 pmI just wish we had finished the job when I was in the AOR the first time.
What one person may see as a failure, others see as a strategy. Rather than cross borders to cull the Jihadis out of the surrounding countries, we wait for them to meet Allah in Iraq. As they show their heads, they are dispatched. This is a war of attrition that will take decades more to finish and one me must stay the course to win.
The alternatives are too horrendous to imagine as our way of life will eventually disappear if the Jihad against the West is successful.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:47 pmQuite possibly worse than Michael Moore. I have never read such moronic statements by an anti in my life. It seems we are all to be saved by the likes of a self-loathing jew and an old, dishonest cowardly anti. (He made the argument that the ones who started this war never served in nam so the mistakes there had to be revisited. I wonder where he was during nam and today. I would suspect not in nam and certainly not in Iraq) Funny the hate comments I get are from anti semetic scum. You would think Cuban would wake from his doldrums and stop marching, eyes averted, toward the ovens. What an ahole.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:49 pmTime to hit Mark Cuban in the pocketbook and in the ego.
I’m sure the following sponsors of the Dallas Mavericks (listed on the official Mavericks site) would love to hear how everyone feels about Mark Cuban’s treason:
7- Eleven www.
American Limos & Transportation
Guaranty Bank
Hilton Anatole - Dallas
Planet Tan
And also, Mark Cuban is scheduled to be a celebrity contestant on ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars” this Fall. ABC and Disney may wish to know your feelings:
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:51 pmAmericans sell your Mavericks tickets.
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:56 pm“pmoshay
Cuban is a stupid JOCK, fundamentally.”
Jock Strap maybe?
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:57 pmCuban looks so alone in that photo without the Larry and Curly at his side. What an incredible Moe look-alike!
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:57 pmThey both should be tried and shot. How about a film portraying our enemies? You know, gassing their own people, blowing themselves up, attacking civilians and less not forget the beheadings. Now that I vented, let’s all boycott whatever they do and expose them
September 2nd, 2007 at 2:58 pmas the true garbage they are… flush them to hell.
Sponsor’s of Mark Cuban’s Dallas Mavericks include:
American Limos & Transportation
Guaranty Bank
Anatole Hilton Hotel - Dallas
Planet Tan
ABC and Disney put up the television show, “Dancing With The Stars” - Mark Cuban is scheduled as a celebrity contestant in that show this FAll.
All sponsors are as there names are listed + .com except for except for American Limos which is .net and the Hilton Hotel is anatole.hilton then .com
Maybe De Palma will offer to take up the “slack” from those sponsors?
September 2nd, 2007 at 3:01 pmSadly, just as the traitor’s M.M.’s (I refuse to type his name) despicable loathsome propaganda piece Far. 9/11, so to will De Palma’s and Mark Cuban’s (American traitors) movie be seen by the uneducated easily manipulated masses. First pirated to Europe and Asia, then rapidly spreading like a virus to every corner over the world to be sold for $1 or $2 in every bootleg DVD shops from Kuala Lumpur to Kandahar. This is dangerous.
September 2nd, 2007 at 3:09 pmHow about a movie showing linking this type of B.S. propaganda to the deaths of US soldiers and American citizens at home and abroad. For the sole purpose of banking coin.
September 2nd, 2007 at 3:21 pmOnce again an idiot who has profitted on the blood of real men gets a bad case of shit brain. Every red blooded American should boycott this piece of CRAP!
September 2nd, 2007 at 3:27 pmThis site is a leftest gutless pice of crap.
September 2nd, 2007 at 3:30 pmThey refuse to post the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This kind of wimp would be the first one to call the military if he was in trouble in another country. I enlisted in the service so everyone would have freedom of speech, even traitors like this piece of puke. History will castrate this pig. Maybe we should check his history, probably a muslim pig. He definitely hates America. It is time we start watching those 9/11 films for pukes like this that have forgotten the danger. Those brave men and women in Iraq for 6 years HAVE KEPT THIS GREAT NATION BOMB FREE. Cuban should be kissing Bush’s rear for protecting him and his family. Under the impeached felon Americans were blown up every 1.5 years. Cuban you deserve the future you are going to get, trust me, Americans that love this country will let you know and it will probably hurt. Let’s see how many people come see your WAR CARTOON. I don’t blame you for not meeting the troops, their heroism would dwarf your treasonist face and would shrink you to the itty bitty worm you are. Keep it up, shit like this will guarantee a Republican president. We see what your liberals have done to Congress = lowest ratings in history, the truth isn’t on your side, so you HAVE TO MAKE UP your own history……..what sorry pigs and Depalma deserves to go down with you…..God bless this great nation and the finest military in the world fighting World War III with every media and left wing extremist pig fighting against them and they STILL ENLIST AND GO FIGHT. Cuban if you hate it here so BAD PLEASE GET OUT………..GO LIVE IN CUBA, YOU HAVE THE MONEY BUT THE REASON YOU DON’T IS THAT YOU ARE A CHICKEN CRAP, WE DON’T WANT YOU HERE ANYMORE EITHER. After this treasonist crap, you won’t be around long….
September 2nd, 2007 at 3:34 pmas an avid spurs fan, mark cuban is no friend of mine. and up until i read about the guy’s involvement in this new de palma film, i would quickly be the first guy so say i hate the sucker. but now, seeing cuban put his considerable fortune to good use, he is now a hero of mine. this film is not a critique of the troops, that is such a diversionary tactic designed to deflect the real message. the film is a critique of the real life-and-death consequences of the bush administration, and his neo con cronies, who are really the enemies of the troops. they have put them in harms way for no purpose other than their right wing fantasies. cuban should be applauded, not attacked. it never ceases to amaze me the way the right wing is so afraid of hones dissent, discussion, and argument.
September 2nd, 2007 at 3:36 pmTo the tinfoil antenae wearers:
I suppose you leftist trolls also think Allahu Akbar don’t you munafiquun? Your comments are only hiraba at “Team Infidel”.
Hell, if one wishes to be a Dhimi, we may as well address them as such.
September 2nd, 2007 at 3:42 pmFirst off if you want to boycott, Write to the TV Stations that show Maverick Games (your local, the Sports Channels).
Tell them that you won’t watch though nights. Write to the
sponsors with the same. This will mean a big loss of revenue.
If this was just a opinion, I would just think the guy was
ignorant. But this is Propaganda and it is based on internet
stories…..not truth!
As Americans, we have people over there NOW!!! Besides the War stories, there are many reconstruction stories that are never heard. How many lives were and are being saved!!!
For these two to make a story based on rumor is a slap in the of every citizen of this planet! When there are catastrophes, the first thing you hear is where is the USA!
Yes, we are not perfect…….but a bunch of two bit dictators strut around complaining about the USA and everyone in HOLYWOOD (YES, I MEAN IT) believes the USA is
wrong and the Brutal Dictator is a saint sent down from on high.
IF they are so ashamed of the USA, find somewhere else to live and make your fortunes. At this time, I would Like to apologize to all though countries that get stuck with them!!!! I AM SORRY!
September 2nd, 2007 at 3:44 pmface of
Sent to NBA League Officials:
Dear NBA Officials:
Your team franchise owner, Mark Cuban, of the Dallas Mavericks has seen fit to produce and market a movie entitled, ” Redacted.”
This film slanders and degrades the members of the United States Military. Our young men and women are fighting around this World of ours as is their pledge to keep all Americans free, yet your own Team Owner, Mr. Cuban, is seeing to it that the names and actions of those soldiers, marines, airmen and sailors are disgraced.
We, the American People, are watching you….you, the National Basketball Association. We have paid our money to sit in your arenas and watch your product. We have seen the NBA dedicate games and game openings to the fighting American troops overseas. And now, you allow this one owner of one of your franchises, Mr. Mark Cuban, to defame our troops and our Country.
I would expect that you do one of two things: 1. You insist that Mr. Cuban withdraw this movie from production or 2. You immediately strip Mr. Cuban of his team ownership in the Dallas Mavericks.
Thank you and don’t forget…we are watching what you do.
September 2nd, 2007 at 3:49 pmA Fan
here is an email address where you can send treasonist Mark Cuban your thoughts on him trashing this great nation WHILE WE ARE IN A WAR FOR OUR LIVES…………..ARE YOU SURE THIS PIG ISN’T ONE OF THOSE MUSLIMS THAT WANT TO KILL US? HE SURE ACTS LIKE IT…..SEND YOUR MESSAGE TO –PLEASE SEND HIM YOUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH REMARKS…………….
September 2nd, 2007 at 3:52 pmHey Mark. If they kick you out of the USA, you’re always welcome here in Havana. We’ll smoke cigars, drink rum and hate America together, like real Cubans do.
September 2nd, 2007 at 3:59 pmYour pal, Fidel.
I guess this sort of thing isn’t “nauseating” enough for DePalma and Cuban to “Redact” …
The Thailand Jihad
Photographic Evidence
But I suppose George Bush/America is responsible for that too …
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:06 pmNothing that is said here is going to matter because the overwhelming liberal media will drown all of you out. You are not organized and have no voice.
The liberals are extremely well organized and control 90% of the media. Get a clue and organize and protest. While you’re watching the Fooball game they are plotting and planning.
If the liberals win the White House this time around you can kiss the USA goodby.
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:09 pmLouie DePalma…isn’t that the little shister dwarf from the series Taxi????
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:15 pmLouie DePalma…isn’t that the dwarf shister in the series Taxi? Now I know what that sausage wallet has been up too !!
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:17 pmFolks - hit this turd where it really hurts him - his beloved Dallas Mavericks - boycott every game stop buying Mavericks gear. In other words put your money where your mouth his!
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:22 pmHow can Cuban be a so called staunch supporter of the troops with his Foundation for deceased/injured troops and their families and then be involved in such a travesty toward our troops? Makes me wonder if he’s figured out how to capitalize from both sides of the issue.
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:23 pmIt sure would be nice to see a film like this, only about the atroctities done by radical Islamists instead of by American troops.
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:24 pmBut then I guess the film makers would be accused of being racists.
Mr. Cuban (if that’s his real name) has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about. To say that American troops are monsters is like saying that Hitler was the equivelant to Mother Teresa. It just doesn’t wash. After this, I hope Mr Cuban never needs protection from our military, because I don’t think he’ll get it.
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:28 pmI think that Mavericks fans and all fans of the NBA for that matter should “redact” their tickets when it comes to a Mavericks game. The power of the market speaks louder than any weapon of war. I hope all Dallas fans boycott all home games. Then maybe this idiot will realize he’s alone in this large world. Just remember, he still has to pay the players, the arenas and everyone else connected with his franchise.
May Mr Cuban and Mr DePalma both rot in hell.
What would be appropriate is if all the NBA teams refused to play in Dallas or have Dallas play them. The only Cuban could do is to sell the team at a BIG LOSS to whoever would touch it since it would be radioactive from his ownership.
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:30 pmA man who hasn’t the sense to wear an undershirt rather than sweat all over his silk shirt for all to see. A 50-year old who hasn’t grown up is not a pretty sight.
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:31 pmCuban is a very silly person. If he believe’s those 9-11 theories he is a nutjob. I won’t go see his team play anymore.
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:37 pmMark is a true patriot in words of Alex Jones.
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:38 pmIts time America dicover the real reasons behind this immoral war. WTC 7 evidence makes it clear who the real culprits are. Loose Change next !!! Mark Cuban is a genious. I love this guy !
This is just a way for Cuban and DePalma to make money off the sweat of our troops. When you’re a socialist pig, nothings off limits.
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:45 pmMr. Cuban (if that’s his real name) has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about. To say that American troops are monsters is like saying that Hitler was the equivelant to Mother Teresa. It just doesn’t wash. After this, I hope Mr Cuban never needs protection from our military, because I don’t think he’ll get it.
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:47 pmI think that Mavericks fans and all fans of the NBA for that matter should “redact” their tickets when it comes to a Mavericks game. The power of the market speaks louder than any weapon of war. I hope all Dallas fans boycott all home games. Then maybe this idiot will realize he’s alone in this large world. Just remember, he still has to pay the players, the arenas and everyone else connected with his franchise.
May Mr Cuban and Mr DePalma both rot in hell FOREVER.
Another opportunist who has the money to annex to his ‘legacy’ at the expense of true heroes - where does the gene pool end with these guys?
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:51 pmEnough said, Cuban has joined the ranks of the indefensable, face it, the man has mental issues the only question that remains: Can he be a bigger wingnut than Jerry Jones? Either way, he has sent the message, he wants to be dealt with!
September 2nd, 2007 at 4:56 pm[…] The Man Behind The De Palma Smear: Mark Cuban Declares War On The Troops […]
September 2nd, 2007 at 5:00 pmI was looking for something the other night and came across a web site that reportedly shows the jets going into the WTC’s and firing a missile into the buildings as soon as the jets hit the walls. I went to Barnes and Nobles and bought videos just to compare. It it with regret that I saw the same thing in those videos also at five hundred miles per hour. The web site I found is Dubya Dubya Dubya LetsRoll911 dot org. After watching these videos over and over for the last four months and learning about “False-flag” operations to get the oil or we run out I now could care less who actually did it. Just keep the oil flowing.
September 2nd, 2007 at 5:07 pmneed some help please,
email known advertisers, any business associations, any connections to cuban and depalma to:
will compile
any ideas for actions we can do
letter campaign
public opinion pressure
any other ideas please
They have the right to do this, a right obtained by the efforts of those they insult and discount; We have the right to confront them, a right of freedom given to us by the efforts of those we hold in respect and honor
Let’s Roll!
September 2nd, 2007 at 5:12 pm[…] The Man Behind The De Palma Smear: Mark Cuban Declares War On The Troops […]
September 2nd, 2007 at 5:25 pmcuban is taking a great financial risk by going public with his political views. I officially hate the mavericks now. and if i see cuban at a game, he should be prepared to get alot of beer thrown at him.
I think our troops based nearby dallas ought to picket his place. Not in uniform of course.
September 2nd, 2007 at 5:34 pmJoe Scallow:
Take your tinfoil anteanes over to Venezuela or something. And I hear that there are many good programs out there to help you get off of those drugs that you are on. You might also get a checkup from the neckup while you are at it.
September 2nd, 2007 at 5:44 pmI read most of the posts on this story and I can’t believe this Cuban idiot lives in Dallas; where the phrase, “Some people just need kill’n” was coined. Let me see if I fully understand this movie about how bad our troops are a unique and prosecuted case that is a one of two incidents prosecuted by the military. It is compared to internet views provided by the enemy of chopping off peoples heads. Ummm, Me thinks this guy is a real Idiot! That said, lets start the new Iran dance, you know the one led by B1 bombers, stealth fighters and F22 raptors. Like Patton said, we have the army here give me 6 months and I will give you a war. That is my last Maverick’s game.
September 2nd, 2007 at 5:46 pmMark Cuban bought a basketball team so he could troll for cock in the shower.
September 2nd, 2007 at 5:47 pmKev:
You and the rest of the 9-11 “truthers” have already been busted…And WTF does that have to do with the article posted here anyways.
September 2nd, 2007 at 5:50 pmIn case the blood of you red-blooded Americans wasn’t boiling enough, check out this standing O that DePalma got for “Redacted” in [of course]…EUROPE.
September 2nd, 2007 at 5:51 pmB.A. Hokom Said:
De Palma is nothing more than a person obsessed with murder and rape, every one of his films glorifies these sick attributes. He is a contributor to expose youth to graffic violence and he bathes himself with the victoms blood. The hypocracy of this film and his intent with it shows a weak man who will stop at nothing to promote himself at the expense of all victoms of war, the fact that he believes he is on the moral high ground is evident enough of his hypocracy. What happened in Iraq was not the consequence of war but the choice of a sick person and his friends loyal in a combat structure but not to his crime. De Palma will not change the course of Iraq with his film, he will more than likely win praise from the left wingnuts and an increasingly irrelavent Oscar award like M. Moore did. Punishing this country and especially the soldiers in Iraq because of one incredibly awful event seems to be the only trick these anti-victory folk can muster, and we will have to listen to them lecture us on why the world hates us, its because of their greed and ruthless goals of getting rich at the expense of all the rest of us. I never go to see movies anymore, they are nothing but trash, filled with sick horror and twisted messages, messages that the rest of the world sees. The culture of violence in this country rests entirely on the shoulders of those in Hollywood who profit from fictional murder, rape and abuse, hell they give themselves awards for creating this crap. Never again in this age will we see a film director with the skill of Alfred Hitchcock and/or David Lean, whom both managed to show wars without redaction.
September 2nd, 2007 at 1:31 am
September 2nd, 2007 at 5:51 pmGet the word out all across Texas. Texas will not stand for this bullshit. He will get run out of town. This freakin scum bag pisses on everything we have shed out blood for. It is safe to say that he has abused the privelage of bieng a US citizen and needs to leave on the next plane to Iraq. Maybe he’ll find some friends there.
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:00 pm[…] Billionaire Marc Cuban: The Man Behind ‘Redacted’… […]
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:02 pmCome on everyone, you’re missing the whole story. It’s George Bush’s fault. Like everything is George Bush’s fault. You know, I couldn’t find my car keys today. It’s because of George Bush. I hear police sirens outside right now and I know it’s because of George Bush. My husband is not getting laid and it’s because of George Bush. It’s all George’s fault, everything from the beginning of time until the end of time. I wish you people would get it.
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:03 pmThis guy is pathetic. Read the book Lone Survivor a SEal from Texas. It is a shame people like Cuban and
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:04 pmDiPalma a forum to defame our military men and woman. I cant understand why anyone in this country would tune into his channel or have anything to do with any of his businesses
Make sure you email the NBA on how you think it is pathetic that the NBA hates our troops. Cuban is an extension of the NBA!!!
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:07 pmBrian De Palma has just nuked his own credibility. Likewise with Mr. Cuban. To make a film damming the Iraq War without actually having visited Iraq is cinematic masturbation. Both proponents and critics have strapped on flak jackets to visit Iraq and see the situation on the ground for themselves. Yet, Cuban and De Palma won’t go anywhere near the danger. Instead, they use the death and carnage of others to promote themselves as some kind of heroes. These guys are worse than ambulance chasers. At least ambulance chasers show up at the site of death and slaughter to make their money. De Palma and Cuban won’t risk danger to even their manicures. They come off as self-glorifying poseurs. This is what happens when two men with no cajones have money to waste.
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:17 pmI love DePalma and can’t wait to see this film. None of the criticisms against him seem to hold any water. He’s a filmmaker/journalist: he pulls together actual footage and shows it to a public that doesn’t get the whole story in Iraq. Good for him. What’s really frightening is how much violence I see in the comment boards directed towards him. THAT is great witness to the type of behavior (of many Americans) that DePalma is trying to show the world.
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:26 pmMark Cuban isn’t worthy of being called a piece of shit. I have followed the Mavs since they started and I wish this diseased scumsucker would sell them so I can enjoy watching again. God knows none of my money will go toward anything that he gets a dime from. I watch free TV only. Mark. Die. Please.
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:28 pmGuys like Cuban and DePalma make this conservative Republican reconsider my stance on abortion. They both are wastes of breath that the rest of us could use. Maybe if some of Cuban’s Maverick hoops fans knew what a moron and coward he is, they might stop attending.
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:31 pmBetter that no one serve these two a drink ever again. Not a waiter, not a host, not a living soul.
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:33 pmCuban is the lowest of the low. Who can stand this guy? His show tanked, his life tanked, he’s a jealous opportunist
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:37 pmIf the footage is genuine, then what is so bad about that?
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:40 pmDePalma and Cuban are VILE. HOLLYWOOD AND ALL THE LEFTIES ARE TRUE TRASH TO EMBRACE THIS B.S.
Make them go to Iraq and see how the vast majority of our troops serve. They need to eat their words like the worms they are.
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:46 pm[…] how Toronto is not NYC (March 18-07). If you have a moment, read the comments that follow this Pat Dollard post regarding the upcoming anit-Iraq war movie Redacted, set to be released by Brian De Palma and Mark […]
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:50 pmPlease join numerous pro-America pro-military groups on Saturday Sept. 15th at the Lincoln Memorial.
September 2nd, 2007 at 6:56 pmThis is our 3rd Gathering of Eagles dedicated to protecting our nation’s memorials and showing support for our military. The George Soros backed commie moonbat ANSWER coalition punks will be up to their usual antics and destructive behaviors and we will not tolerate any of it!
We outnumbered these cheese-eating vermin 3 to 1 on March 17th this year.
Join us and lets tell these bastards where to get off!
I’ll probably see this film. You can’t really criticize it until you watch it, so I don’t see why so many are whining. If you don’t want to support the film, then watch it online or something. Troops in Iraq have done many disgusting things. Of course, whether this is typical or not is a point to be debated, but it can not be denied. This writer speaks of propaganda, but what is his article besides more propaganda? Getting news from sites like this is a horrible idea. If any doubt the atrocities committed by U.S. troops, merely look online for pictures of mutilated children, and tell me that these are not atrocious. I’m not saying that troops in Iraq are evil, most are not. Most have done great things, but like all others, they are human.
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:10 pmHaving not seen the movie, nor possessing any real interest going to watch it, I’d like to say that a majority of you are missing the point.
Regardless of your political beliefs, where you’re from, what you’ve been through, etc. the great thing about the situation is that we live in a country where someone like Cuban (whether you despise him or not) has the right to make such a movie without fear of having someone hunt you down in the night, torture you without reason, then send you to prison for the rest of your life.
Hate it or love it, it’s in the Constitution. God Bless the U.S.A.
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:18 pmjames is correct. Sadly, just as the traitor’s M.M.’s (I refuse to type his name) despicable loathsome propaganda piece Far. 9/11, so to will De Palma’s and Mark Cuban’s (American traitors) movie be seen by the uneducated easily manipulated masses. First pirated to Europe and Asia, then rapidly spreading like a virus to every corner over the world to be sold for $1 or $2 in every bootleg DVD shops from Kuala Lumpur to Kandahar. This is dangerous.
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:29 pmThey don’t care about sales, just the spread of propaganda and lies, just like Al Gore’s bullshit film that is actually being pushed on Our children in public schools, without debate.
This site is hysterical. Not one of you has seen the film, yet you have no problem spilling vitriol and recommending bodily harm. First class all the way.
Check out the very first film i picked up for distribution a couple years ago.
100PCT pro Iraqi war. Got the same shit from the left as you people are giving fromthe right.
If and when you see Redacted, you will know it is definitely Anti War. But it is also Pro Troops. The hero is the soldier who recognizes that those involved in the crime (which takes up just a small part of the movie), are the aberration and someone needs to make sure the truth is told so not all troops are condemned.
THe irony is this soldier wanted to protect his unit from the hate that would be spewed by lack of knowledge. The exact same thing that is coming from most of you.
And to the clueless person who suggested that the Fallen Patriot Fund hasnt handed out grants in 2 years, feel free to check our tax records. We continue to make sure that the Patriots who fall through the cracks and need financial support for themselves and their families get the support they need.
if you all dont like it, thats your own problem
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:35 pmY’all_are_funny:
Yeah you all are funny… all hat and no cow.
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:35 pmI will never ever support any of Mark Cuban’s ventures in the future, including buying tickets to his documentaries/movies, buying stock in any of his future IPOs (if and when) or supporting the Dallas Mavericks.
What a shame to see the same Hollywood that made Yankee Doodle Dandy with Jimmy Cagney singing and dancing his way to patriotic songs, to this hate-filled nonsense. No Democrat/liberal in his/her right mind can defend this project from not being anti-American. What a shame to see foreigners like me come to this country because we want our kids to have a better future and opportunities that we never ever imagined that were there, and to see propagandists like Mr Cuban bite the very hand that feeds them, spit on that very soil that has enabled them to realize their God given potentials and encourage hatred of that very nation that has protected them from all kinds of calamities that they can never ever imagine of.
Where are the Ronald Reagans and John Waynes of the world, that motivated me to leave my friends and family and come to this mighty nation. I find that this nation is run by elites, academics and politicians who have no gonads. If they call themselves men, they should get rid of their skirts, wear some pants and make this nation respected again in the eyes of the world. God bless the men and women in uniform for all their sacrifices — it is those sacrifices that ironically make Mark Cuban hate America and folks like me, fresh off the boat, embrace it and pray for it. God Bless this nation’s troops! God Bless the greatest nation on His green earth!!
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:36 pmHey Rummy: good to see you made it. Good luck with your follow on training.
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:37 pmbite me
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:38 pmChis and Josh:
Raise your tin foil antennas a little higher, maybe you can
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:40 pmcall into the mothership and arrange for transportation to your home planet.
Such potty mouths, threats of violence, and insults about alleged sexuality. Very little facts and linear thinking. I thought the libs were all about emotion.
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:40 pmI just had an idea. I wonder if any of the material (actual footage) that is in the film was copyrighted? I wonder if he asked permission to use the footage. This might be a little like that french mag that used Yon’s pic and didn’t ask him for permission.
Any thoughts?
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:41 pmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:42 pmSounds to me like all you Neo-con’s do not believe in the American Freedoms you think we should impose on Iraq.
Bushit is a American Patriot as Hitler was a German Patriot
I am so glad we live in a country that we can call our leaders on their Bushit.
God Bless America
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:51 pmMan, I’m enjoying that Warriors’ playoff victory over the Mavericks more and more now (maybe as penance for backing DePalma’s film and “Loose Change”, Cuban can distribute a documentary on the coaching greatness of Don Nelson. That would make his blood pressure go up 200 points or so).
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:53 pmAmerican in Philippines
In my opinion Cuban is a traitor and another rich America Hater!
America needs in my opinion to elect a strong Christian Conservative with Judeo/Christian values & a strong military background to clean house of the American haters ASAP!
I think I’m witnessing a coup d’ etat as I’m here in Asia in my homeland by a American Negro Democrat!
How could Americans even think of electing a American Negro Democrat not even born & raised in America & raised as a Muslem have they gone mad? In a mad world only the mad are sane!
God Bless America Always
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:58 pmMarcus
This clown must have a pretty big ego, since he’s scheduled to be one of the contestants on the new season of Dancing With The Stars starting Sept. 24 on ABC. I’ve been a fan of the show but I sent ABC an e-mail stating that I wouldn’t watch any more because of him.
A big fuss over this would be a good way to draw attention to the situation. You know what to do!
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:01 pmRepuke:
Good name.
What is a neo-con anyways? Let’s hear your definition.
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:08 pmCuban is a traitor in a time of war you always support our President Bush
Marcus 68 y.o.
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:10 pmGod Bless America Always
Hey Kev, How many people do you suppose would be involved in a conspiracy to do what you think you saw in 10 miliseconds of Vhs tape? Alex Jones is a paranoid power hungry Bush hater.
And you?
Didn’t you hear the admonition ” Don’t take the brown acid.”
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:12 pmNeo-con = hypocrite
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:18 pmFor Repuke: I’ll break my vow of anger control over violence. Some things are too stupid to be tolerated.
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:18 pmGet up you vomit eating beast. I’m gonna peel you.
US Code Title 18 Chapt 115 Sec 2381
“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. ”
Dan - Do you think we can nail John “Rambo” Kerry for the bovine scatology that the traitorous bastard did back in the 70’s? If consorting with the enemy in Paris at the height of the war ain’t treason, then I don’t know what the hell is!
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:19 pmBrian De Palma is opposed to brutality against women? I guess it’s never too late to repent.
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:22 pmMark Cuban -
I notice you were allowed to post your talking points here. Too bad you didn’t allow the same dissent on your own website when this first came up:
UPDATE: Debbie Schlussel caught this early.:
… Billionaire NBA Owner/Producer Mark Cuban can’t take the heat from Schlussel readers with complaints over this anti-American troops film. Read the comments section on this post, in which Cuban writes that he’s setting his filter to delete all complaints about this movie. Hey, Mark, you know what they say about your promiximity to the kitchen when you can’t take the heat . . . .
So in order to make a pro-troops film you chose a rape as the centerpiece? DePalma: “I knew I had my story!”
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:27 pmI wonder why DePalma and Cuban didn’t focus on Pfcs. Menchacha and Tucker. You remember them, the two Americans who were captured by the terrorists, subjected to several days of torture, during which they were beaten, castrated, disembowled, and ultimately decapitated. All within the bounds of the Geneva Conventions, of course.
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:36 pmDamn the truth is hard to fathom. Dragged into a war by b.s. ‘intel,’ lied to at every corner, and anyone who was 100 percent correct on what would happen in Iraq who happened to be in the govt was fired, while others were completely pushed to the side and we had to hear the crap ad nauseum by the goofballs, politicos and pundits alike (left and right alike as well).
Now we hear these same morons, the 100 percent wrong club, spouting the same crap about Iran, as we knew they would about 8 or so years ago.
So predictable, yet this dead from the neck up country, where ignorance and obliviousness are patriotic, is going ever downhill in every way.
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:36 pmummmmm…..its Brian DePalma
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:37 pmFreedom of speech is the soil in which the flower of liberty must grow.
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:38 pmCuban is a big pussy. He is trying to make money off of ficticious movies about US soldiers as rapist as they risk their lives to defend his pussy ass. And he deletes any critisism against him on his blog. I like the story where he talks about his last fist fight…. haha
Cuban your a Puss!!
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:39 pmPIGS GET FED
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:39 pmAll these misguided individuals who believe the War on Terror is just a bumber sticker had better hope their New World Order takes over the US of A after the next MAJOR terrorist attack. I fully believe that Al Quada will make good their threat to nuke 7 major cities 6 to 12 months after Hilary gets elected. Remeber, The head Saudi Inman only gave permission (FATWA) to kill 10 million Americans, and not more than 4 million can be children. If Hillary or whatever NWO pupet doesn’t retain power, and the American people take back this Great Nation these tratorist idividuals will be lucky to only have all their assets confiscated and be deported to their favorite Peoples Republic!
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:41 pmMark Cuban = Traitor
Plain to me. Too bad our congress is too yellow to do anything about it. Otherwise, Cuban would be in a dark cell.
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:48 pmfor Clyde Conneer: I’ll break my vow of anger control over violence. Some things are too stupid to be tolerated.
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:53 pmGet up you bathroom stall, foot tapping, fgt. I’m gonna peel you.
Yep you’re dead from the neck up. Good point.
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:54 pmWhat a bunch of droolers.
Do you really think that the soldiers of Imperial America should be able to do whatever they want without consequences?
“Because we’re free we rape and murder your daughters!”
Maybe the slogan needs a little work — you think?
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:56 pmMR. CUBAN WITH ALL DUE RESPECT:
The problem is not free expression by DePalma. The problem is not your involvement with a film like this. It is every American’s right to freely express themselves, as guaranteed by the Constitution.
It is this document and the principles it holds that each and every member of our armed forces takes an oath to preserve, protect, and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
The problem is not that Mr. DePalma wanted to nauseate the American people.
The problem is not that many believe Mr. DePalma may be inaccurately portraying the exception rather than the rule in Iraq with regard to the conduct of our troops.
The problem is with the timing.
This war is not over.
Vietnam? Sure, its over. WW II? Why the hell not, its over. WW I? Sure! Its over. Many of us may still find the content of some films about wars gone past biased, despicable, and skewed, but its ok, the enemy can’t feed off of it s propaganda any longer because those wars are OVER.
This war is not over, and therefore this film falls into the category that many would consider giving aid and comfort to the enemy. In this way:
Giving the enemy, who is daily trying to kill men and women from my neighborhood, from your neighborhood…images and sound to which they can latch onto and encourage each other by. They can watch something like this and say “See, those Americans are ALL savages.” And become more bold and more angered. Emboldened by the exception rather than the rule.
Emboldened by FICTION.
The idea in war is defeat your enemy, not aid him.
Please think about this.
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:56 pmThe disrespect for our military is blood boiling. And REPUKE you are on the wrong site. The Islamic Fascist sympathizers gather at the Huffington Post, KOS and DNC web page.
Keep trashing the military…people like you and ignoramus cowards on the left will be the first to cower in the corner begging for a Marine or soldier to save your sorry ass.
GOE 9/15
September 2nd, 2007 at 8:57 pmThis is the same person ABC has signed on for Dancing With The Stars this fall. I am going to boycott the show. My son is one of these “military monsters” currently on his third tour in the mid east. Everybody that agrees, please, please contact ABC and tell them you boycotting the show for this reason. I will be boycotting the sponsors also.
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:00 pmMark Cuban is hysterical, not this site. I’d like to see that seld rightous son-of-a-bitch stroll into AQ in Iraq’s HQ tomorrow and declare his politics. I’m sure they would allow him equal time to give his view before they saw his worthless head off and stack it on his lower back.
The sorry bastard enjoys the fruits of capitalism for himself but now wants to deny it to others.
Piss on him. Let him show his movie. It is a long way down from where he is at today. I hope he enjoys the fall. It is only the last few feet that will be a mother.
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:01 pmBashman :
Remember Iraq did not nor did any Iraqis attack us. And please remember that Bushit does not even think about them while they are in their save haven Pakistan. Is it your opinion that to fight terrorist we have to make them.
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:06 pmMark Cuban:
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:08 pmDe Palma already ‘outlined’ its ‘purpose’ for everybody.
More than a few people in this country are completely over your and your cohorts worldviews.
Go fuck yourself asshole.
Mark Cuban and Mr. DePalma wouldn’t be filthy rich and making this movie if the lived in any other country than the United States of America!
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:08 pmIsn’t is ironic they are using their freedom of speech to insult the young men and women who are fighting for their right to make this movie!
Nothing like chewing on the hand that feeds you.
I wouldn’t throw water on either of them if they were on fire.
I have not once trashed the military. Just the worst president ever.
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:11 pmRepuke:
Nope. Wrong def of neo-con. Here’s the correct def:
“The term neoconservative was first used derisively by democratic socialist Michael Harrington to make clear that a group, many of whom called themselves liberal, was actually a group of newly conservative ex-liberals. The name eventually stuck, both because it was reasonably accurate, and because neoconservatives came to accept that they were, in fact, conservative.[2] The idea that liberalism “no longer knew what it was talking about” became one of the central themes of neoconservatism…”
You really shouldn’t be using terms you know nothing about.
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:13 pmNeo-con = Hypocrite
Yea I was right
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:27 pm“You really shouldn’t be using terms you know nothing about.”
Actually a common practice among the libs like repuke. They have a ‘red quenn’ approach… words mean whatever they say they mean. They don’t know anything about the world they live in…. but they do like licking the ass of their ‘heroes’ like DePalma. et al…
“Just the worst president ever.”
Nope. That would be the other guy you got a taste in your mouth for…. CARTER.
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:31 pmMark Cuban, new scumbag billionaire extraordinaire.
Another sleezebag from the internet bust who now believes he’s a legend. Hopefully, the last words he will hear will be Allahu Akbar.
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:32 pmMark Cuban:
If that’s really you…I suggest you pack your shit and move to another country where your kind of treason is acceptable. Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, the western provinces of Pakistan. I mean hell, if you are going to aid and abeit our enemies, why not do it in style. You could be sitting on a beach in Cuba, smoking a fat cuban cigar and talk all the shit about America that you want…Your could even get your buddies Hugo and Sean to join you for the big party.
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:32 pm@REPUKE:
What the fuck does any of what I said have to do with your idiotic response.
The terrorists existed long before the first quarter of 2003. Any other scenario with regard to “coulda, woulda, shoulda” other than what we have happening today is speculation and doesn’t even matter. Its mental masturbation.
Do NOT address me again unless you have something intelligent to say.
And I’m supposed to believe out of 10,000 of the mailman’s sperm, you were the fastest?
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, spunky.
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:36 pmBashman:
Nothing that I said is coulda or woulda it is fact you should look into FACTS some time. what did I specula on,
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:56 pmThat you had a brain!
anti-victory campaign
Victory? Man, you are 18 months behind the curve.
February 24, 2006 2:51 PM
It Didn’t Work
By William F. Buckley Jr.
“I can tell you the main reason behind all our woes—it is America.” The New York Times reporter is quoting the complaint of a clothing merchant in a Sunni stronghold in Iraq. “Everything that is going on between Sunni and Shiites, the troublemaker in the middle is America.”
One can’t doubt that the American objective in Iraq has failed.
September 2nd, 2007 at 9:57 pmApparently, Mark Cuban and DePalma would have the world believe that all of America’s troops are vicious rapists and wanton murderers. Why? Because of the felonious acts of a few who happened to be members of said military, then, by extension, Mark Cuban and DePalma indict *all* military members, past and present.
If memory serves me correctly, another film director (named Roman Polanski) was charged with five counts of rape of a teenage girl (Natasha Kinsky). Thus, by extension (only in Mark Cuban’s and DePalma’s world, apparently), this would mean that all Hollywood film directors are rapists, as well.
Hmmmm. Methinks there will never be a film financed by Mark Cuban which depicts a DePalma as a felon, who by extension, must also be a fellow rapist.
My word. What rubbish.
I’m for sending those SOB soldiers whom raped that girl and killed that girl’s family over to the Iraqi courts. Let the Iraqis, themselves, handle these convicted, sorry excuses of sub-humans in their own, gentle way.
As for Cuban and DePalma?
Freeze all their assets, effective immediately. Grow some balls, President Bush. Treason is treason, and my sons do not deserve to die overseas, and all because some sorry &@%#&!*’s wish to advance propaganda against members of our most excellent military.
A concerned father
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:02 pmRepuke:
No you did not define neo-con correctly. Ajust your the tin-foil on your antenna. Try googling the word. Seems like your brain isn’t working too well. Try wikapedia.
So far your postings are not very smart. Post your facts and the links. The def that I gave you came from Wikapedia.
Get a clue.
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:07 pmI think it’s safe to say that IF (that’s a big if) any American troops are over there raping people, they are the minority, not the majority. And, by America’s laws, they will be punished if caught. Now, if any of these Muslim terrorists made it over here to America, do you think the rapists would be in the minority or the majority? They would be in the majority, of course. Do you think their “government” (for lack of a better term) would punish them? Hell, no! They’d give them a medal.
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:07 pmJust another reason to thank our troops for fighting the war over there.
Those of y’all calling for Dallas to step up, don’t hold your breath. Dallas has a faggot mayor. There’s a song down here in Texas that goes, “I’m not from Dallas, I’m from Texas.” Take that for what it means…anyone that can go to a hockey game in Dallas is not from Texas…Jeez…
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:17 pmTo Mark Cuban and others who seem to think that wars and violence would stop if nobody went to fight, and that it’s somebody else’s fault if something occurs, and that violence can be appeased, or to support a mortal enemy to make a point….
These concepts have an obvious and classical ” fallacy in composition ”
If you can’t find the fallacy , then you truly deserve the future it will bring.
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:23 pmrepuke,
Your English sucks, which leads me to believe that you are either retarded, or not from the US. Maybe both. This Cuban and De Palma project undermines the troops and paints us in a bad light. I risked my life in Iraq, so have thousands of others. Many of the brave men and women did not come back. This film does nothing but make a mockery of our sacrifices. Don’t even think for a second that you can fool us when you say you “are not against the troops”. If you support Cuban and Depalma, you ultimately cross the line. You ARE against the troops. You have no idea what this does for them on the ground. You just love that fact that it supports your political ideology, without regards to what it might do to people actually engaging in the war, rather you arm-chair general it. You mask of support fools no one. I would call you a traitor but you would have to love America before you turned your back on her. I would just call you my enemy. And that is coming from the troops.
Punch yourself in the face until I tell you to stop.
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:23 pm@Repuke:
“Look into the facts…” ???
Look, I know your type, you are a troll. I haven’t read any of the previous posts, I posted my message at Mr. Cuban, you decided to chime in at me with some crap about WHY we were in Iraq which has nothing to do with what I was addressing Cuban about.
I don’t need to go any further, you obviously have nothing new to offer your side of the debate. I deal with mental midgets and e-surgents like you on a daily basis and am not impressed by you regurgitation (hence your name mayhaps?) of left wing blog vomit that infects the www on a daily basis.
Now, I am sure that with regard to whatever problem you have, a cure is being worked on by some kid with a chemistry set in La Jolla. Failing that, don’t fret, the aliens will be along soon to remove your anal probe, and they will also teach you how to pronounce your disease.
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:27 pmDamn Pat, you made it to Malkin and Drudge…What next? Keep raising hell. Next thing you know little Katie will be interviewing you from her new show: “Important things and Stuff” from Katie Couric in Iraq.
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:28 pmI was a big Cuban fan due to his love and excitement for sports….but.WTF is this jackass thinkin?He has everything and wants to do this shit to make sure hes in the headlines everyday.First this fag is “Dancing with the stars”and now attacking the people who are fighting to give him the freedom to be jackass SOB!None of us like the war,none of us want theim there,none of theim want to be there so the least we can do is support theim here.
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:29 pmIf and when you see Redacted, you will know it is definitely Anti War. But it is also Pro Troops. The hero is the soldier who recognizes that those involved in the crime (which takes up just a small part of the movie), are the aberration and someone needs to make sure the truth is told so not all troops are condemned.
I call B.S. Cuban’s money might buy him faux respect for a time but the lovefest with Cuban isn’t going to last forever. Cuban’s now joined the club consisting of Michael Al-Moore, Cindy Sheehan, and fellow scumbag and American hating billionaire George Soros. And I hope I convince others to think likewise. Let Cuban take his money and choke on it.
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:30 pmIggy:
Two beers for you.
And Semper Fi
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:31 pmoh I forgot,their may be some soldiers there who are raping or whatever but their people here that do it everyday.That dont make me a rapist or killer.If you send 1000’s or people somewhere you cant be sure they are all good people.
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:34 pmI live in Dallas and love what Cuban has done for the Mavs..but othewise he is an ass and I hope this brings him down….I am tired of all the American bashing by people with alot of money.
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:41 pmGuys - His last name says it all. You can’t get any more commie then Cuban.
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:44 pmoh crapnow he get a month of Rush talking about this instead of giving us the real scoop on the dire situation in iraq. oh well atleast we will invade iran soon so there will be something else to rant about. the msm wants more wars. i am sure rush will go along for the ride
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:47 pm[…] Source: Recent Headlines […]
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:57 pmThat SOB DePalma probably “redacted” all of the many many atrocities against our troops and innocent Iraq’s by the terrorist scum they support in this POS of a movie.
September 2nd, 2007 at 10:58 pmPD criticizes film “Redacted,” claiming Cuban and DePalma lack credibiity because neither went to Iraq — and yet PD has not even SEEN the film! What hypocrisy!
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:11 pmOne word sums up Mark Cuban: TRAITOR
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:16 pmPeople, listen to yourselves. How would you like it if some country just decided to overthrow your government, make a new one in the image they want, and come into your home in the middle of the night and start gathering up the males and/or shooting everything?
UNJUSTIFIED MURDER is happening on ALL sides. It’s easy for you all in your cozy surroundings to denounce others actually trying to show what it is that’s actually happening.
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:21 pmPassionate Conservative Wrote:
“Mr. Hinckley, I have it on good authority that Brian DePalma and Mark Cuban just screwed Jodie Foster. You ready to go to work?
/oldie but…”
Yeah, PS maybe the Pres. Bush can pardon Hinckley so he can go after them. It might surprise you to know the Bush family are good friends with the Hinckley’s.
Scott Hinckley, was supposed to go to dinner at Neil Bush’s house the day after John Hinckley shot Reagan.
Bush Son Had Dinner Plans With Hinckley Brother Before Shooting
The Associated Press Domestic News
March 31, 1981, Tuesday, PM cycle
The family of the man charged with trying to assassinate President Reagan is acquainted with the family of Vice President George Bush and had made large contributions to his political campaign, the Houston Post reported today.
The newspaper said in a copyright story, Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley Jr., who allegedly shot Reagan, was to have dined tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the vice president’s sons.
The newspaper said it was unable to reach Scott Hinckley, vice president of his father’s Denver-based firm, Vanderbilt Energy Corp., for comment. Neil Bush lives in Denver, where he works for Standard Oil Co. of Indiana.
In 1978, Neil served as campaign manager for his brother, George W. Bush, the vice president’s oldest son, who made an unsuccessful bid for Congress. Neil lived in Lubbock throughout much of 1978, where John Hinckley lived from 1974 through 1980.
On Monday, Neil Bush said he did not know if he had ever met 25-year-old John Hinckley.
“I have no idea,” he said. “I don’t recognize any pictures of him. I just wish I could see a better picture of him.
Sharon Bush, Neil’s wife, said Scott Hinckley was coming to their house as a date of a girl friend of hers. “I don’t even know the brother. From what I know and I’ve heard, they (the Hinckleys) are a very nice family and have given a lot of money to the Bush campaign. I understand he was just the renegade brother in the family. They must feel awful,” she said.
The dinner was canceled, she added.
George W. Bush said he was unsure whether he had met John W. Hinckley.
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:22 pmYes that really was Mark Cuban who responded on the board. I know that because I emailed him directly and actually received a response from him. He found out about this article because of my email to him blasting him. He was forefront enough to respond to a very aggressive email from me and we exchanged a couple of additional responses/follow ups. IF what he said in his email to me is accurate then the context of the reviews of the movie have been grossly misleading. I don’t know and only time will tell. when it hits the states I guess we will all know where he stands. I do know that DePalma is a complete ass though. He and his fellow members of the Church of Liberalism.
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:25 pmwell first of all i think that anyone who is bashing cuban on this needs to research it alittle better. read up on the actual content of the move!
it is not just troop bashing, it is get a clue people.
it goes to show what being in the war does to our guys and the issues (mentally) it can cause. it is about awareness. from other sources that have been in iraq and it is their story that they are bringing.
yes it may be classified as a fictional move but it does depict some truth.
if you believe all the b.s. you read that only comes from one source then you need to open your eyes and do alittle more reasearch before you judge.
hello tabloids ring any bells!
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:35 pmcuban and dallas mavs fan and supporter.
This gutter trash filth made news last spring when it was reported he was going to bank-roll a theatrical version of that loony 911 conspiracy mockumentary, Loose Change. He folded like a cheap tent at the first sign of a backlash, though.
It’s ridiculously obvious that this scumbag is pure anti-American, through and through. A kook leftist loon grade A @sshole. And, a coward who will tuck tail and run at the first sign of opposition.
Oh, of course, dickhead, this is just one man’s optinion.
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:38 pmWhy is Cuban un-american? Could it be because he has a different view from you? Is it un-american to question the government? Have you met Mark Cuban? What makes him different from the hordes of the super-rich who support Bush? Is there a difference other than the political affiliation? Would he be your hero if he bashed “dubya”? He is not even from Texas like us but from the super rich east coast. Do you know what Cuban thinks about the war? Did you watch the video? People who automatically jump to conclusions are idiots (like me). I agree with Cuban on this point if he is talking about the troops having no choice to fight this war. If you think that you can hang with me for 5 minutes because of my view then please by all means come to the gracie jujitsu academy and act like you are a tough guy. Democrats and republicans are exactly the same, neither knows what they are talking about unless they live with the iraqis who are dying and I find that hard to believe as they would find it hard to actually go to Iraq in an upcoming election year. Did Jesus ask questions or go along for the ride? Asking questions and being doubtful of your government does not make you a traitor, going along without asking real questions does. If you think different than I truly feel sorry for you as you are not only a true traitor to the U.S. but a traitor who is spineless and a coward. Please leave that to the french.
September 2nd, 2007 at 11:45 pmIsn’t it funny how ultra-rich, mansion dwelling elitists claim to speak for “the little guy” who they would NEVER even speak to in real life?
Elite, millionaire liberals with their body guards, their plastic surgery and their maids cleaning up after them demand we take them seriously. I will take Keith Olbermann seriously when he stops gluing a toupee to his bald pate daily. And I will take Arrianna Huffington seriously when she flies coach instead of a private jet. Has anyone seen Bill Maher’s botox and hair plugs?
Will Bill Maher’s hair plugs or Keith Olbermann’s toupee protect us from terrorists? Let’s hope so.
Liberals are true men and women “of the people”.
September 3rd, 2007 at 12:40 amLeftist scum! Someone oughta shove a basketball up Cuban’s ass!
September 3rd, 2007 at 1:49 amCuban is going to be on Dancing With The Stars? Seriously? That’s so funny.
September 3rd, 2007 at 1:51 amalmost all of you need to let jesus in your hearts and let go of the hate.
September 3rd, 2007 at 1:56 am“DePalma said that going in it was his intention to make a film that would nauseate the American people, and thereby lead to a US withdrawal from Iraq.”
That is what the problem is, period. If that doesn’t spell out an agenda I don’t know what else does.
Cuban and Depalma can say what they wish and look like the fool. I just won’t be the fool buying a ticket.
I would buy a ticket to Shock and Awe Part 2 though.
September 3rd, 2007 at 2:07 amAwwww Pat, so many crankies and angeries! It sounds like you could use a li’l ole eHug to brighten your day:
September 3rd, 2007 at 2:19 amBeing a European and having read most of the inflammatory comments above, I am wondering: Whatever happened to America as ‘the land of free speech’? Just a thought.
September 3rd, 2007 at 2:56 amCuban is a businessman trying to make a buck. That he would sanction the use of one criminal episode to smear the rest of the troops is opportunism at its worst. It’s like showing a gang rape in any world city and insinuating that the entire population is as guilty and as abhorrent. People will see this film for what it is. A deparate attempt by the left to undermine the US. All it will do is give Muslims more reason to hate America. But Cuban doesn’t care. He cares about making more money. I feel sorry for such a worthless, empty individual.
September 3rd, 2007 at 3:26 amI can’t remember if I posted on this already or not.
Fucking Cuban, what a scumbag. First the bastard wants to buy my Cubbies, then he funds a piece of shit hit-job like this? We should tar and feather his ass like those people in the UK just did.
September 3rd, 2007 at 3:27 am“People, listen to yourselves. How would you like it if some country just decided to overthrow your government, make a new one in the image they want, and come into your home in the middle of the night and start gathering up the males and/or shooting everything?
UNJUSTIFIED MURDER is happening on ALL sides. It’s easy for you all in your cozy surroundings to denounce others actually trying to show what it is that’s actually happening.”
September 3rd, 2007 at 3:29 amDi Palma isn’t showing what’s actually happening which is that our good soldiers are raging a righteous fight against IslamoNazis.
Di Palma picked one isolated incident where some soldiers did a very bad thing for which they’ve been given long prison sentences.
Cuban should be heavily punished for backing this piece of trash, which is like Scott Thomas Beauchamp’s “stories” come to life.
Boycott the Mavericks and boycott this POS movie.
Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. Or in this case a docu-drama. Got a cable channel you are desperate to make a sucess out of? Grab the first big story you see that is getting some traction in the spin cycle and spin it faster so crap starts slopping off by virtue of centripetal force.
September 3rd, 2007 at 3:47 amTo add to my previous comment: This is about Cuban and money. He may or may not be a lefty but more germane is that he IS about money. Thus if you want to hit it where it hurts find some way of crimping the money without touting his docu-propa-drama. ( read do not promote his movie for him )
September 3rd, 2007 at 3:51 amThis posting is way too long. Interesting that all the republican right is upin arms when noone seems to have seen the film/doco/bullshit. Interesting that this post has encouraged the feedback on >250 posts and that the objt of the vitriol has even posted a reply.Give the guy a break, its only a movie. See it if you wanna see rape and torture, stay home if you want to see the same stuff on the tv.
get a life. The guy is a dandy,although a rich one and if he wants to buy a team good luck to him. To say that you aint gonna support the team anymore, well remember there are lots of other people who support opposition teams that would have nothing to to with the TEAM. so what.
I get the feeling that cuban wants to stir the pot and what a pot he has stirred here, if flushing out the rabid right was his objective, hes won, and if his objective was to denigrate the wonderful job the troops have /are doing in Iraq & Afghanistan then he won again.
If this site has flushed out upteen trolls and they have beensorted by the team and others then so be it.
Keep in mind that in war lots of terrible things happen, bringing them to a movie house near you dosent make them go away nor does if make them of lesser important. Its the way war is., Kill or be killed. Lots of atrocities ahppen in wars, they arnt a bible sunday school picnic, and neither they should be lampooned in a sick movie to show that one army is worse than another. RTake the case of the USSR finally taking over Berlin. Read the history.That was mass.
You know what, shooting or hanging the messenger is not really the way to prove a point.
Neither is punishing the team by redacting support.Most of these guys are in it for the game. They may make statements that rile the supporters but if the guy signing the pay cheks sez boo, then they say boo too. Its called survival of the fittest. The alph male sh*t.They all wanna be alpha males, if the #1A/M sez BOO then why shouldnt they copy.
As Bashman says, its all in the timing, and unless cuban if rooting for the jihadis and wants a complete surrender by the American people then this movie is not really the right time to be made.
Remember the main VietNam movies were made years after the americans and Australians ran away from thieir responsibilities and left their allies to be butchered by the cong and the NVA who couldnt get steam up in the real war.I remember it well, I dont want to see it happen again to those who support us in Iraq. We cannot leave them to the fate that they know will decend on them if the American public loses faith in the conflict and votes to pull out.
Remember there is only one super power, its the American People, not the American Military, The military is ordered by the CIC, not by a general staff. Thats why the American military is so good at what it does, and isnt looking over its shoulder to see if it needs to turn to weapons on the civilian population at home like most other militaries.
Perhaps that wouldnt be a bad thing at this present time as from what I see on the MSM and the internet, the fifth column and the ones who give comfort to the enemy are becoming increasingly vocal as they have no fear of retributiuon.
September 3rd, 2007 at 3:58 amPatriotism? whats that, something to wipe your ass with, but not here jack, most of us love our countries and will defend them with our lives.
Just a thought from an Aussie
Let’s start a BOYCOTT of his dumb movie over the internet. If enough people hear what he is trying to do to our troops they won’t go to his sedistic movie. If enough of us start a chain, it can be around the country in just days.
I will get one started today. Will others please help?
September 3rd, 2007 at 4:02 am“Why is Cuban un-american?
Could it be because he has a different view from you?”
Nope. It is the REASON why he has this point of view.
“Is it un-american to question the government?”
Is it un-american to kill armed people? (I’ll give you a hint: it matters what people and why.)
“Why is Cuban un-american?”
BECAUSE HE IS SPREADING AND BELIEVING OBVIOUS NONSENSE (”Loose Change”, “Reacted”) WHICH DEFAMES USA AND ITS TROOPS. A nonsense with the level of intellectual sophistication about the same as Hamas cartoons for kids in Palestine. So either Cuban is a COMPLETE idiot (which is not the case) or he has a desire to believe and act this way (which is the case). And that’s of course un-american.
September 3rd, 2007 at 4:18 amDePalma said that going in it was his intention to make a film that would nauseate the American people, and thereby lead to a US withdrawal from Iraq.
“Everything that is in the movie is based on something I found that actually happened. But once I had put it in the script I would get a note from a lawyer saying you can’t use that because it’s real and we may get sued,” DePalma said.
No one is jumping to conclusions. They’re reacting to what DePalma and Cuban said that they hope to achieve by making this movie.
Just because the movie is based on a true story doesn’t mean it’s the gospel. It just means DePalma got an idea for a movie from something that really happen. In news its called spin. During war time its called propaganda and during anytime in Hollywood its called just plain bullshit!
So Rob, Connie In Dallas, GJCA, hardrain77,(Oh yea in your post you said something about come into your home in the middle of the night and start gathering up the males and/or shooting everything? The Iraqis said that Saddam Hussein was real bad about doing that shit.I like to know where was the protest when that was going on.),Robert S., Repuke, and Steve “Radamisto” J. When DePalma and Mark Cuban come right out and say what they are up to. We are not judging. We are just reading what they’re advertising.
Steve J. I have to say that you are a very intelligent young man. I was impress with what I read. When you get some common sense to go with that intelligences come on over to the American side we love to have ya!
September 3rd, 2007 at 4:37 amIt’s really something to see so many posts saying things like ‘give me five minutes alone in a room with Cuban’ or worse. Lots of armchair bravado. Reminds me of a pipsqueek poodle yipping furiously at a Great Dane, knowing a cyclone fence separates them. Is there one among you who can do more than yap? Thought not.
September 3rd, 2007 at 5:09 am[…] speaking of anti-war stormtroopers, Pat Dollard blogged yesterday about billionaire Mark Cuban, the apparent money man behind Brian De Palma’s despicable […]
September 3rd, 2007 at 5:44 amOh look, the KOS kids have come out to play. I love it when these Useful Idiots express their support for the troops by trying to smear them all as rapists and monsters. Here comes another great recruiting film for islamo-fascists and they have Cuban and De Palma to thank for it.
All the Dhimmi lies in the world can’t force the majority to mistake treachery for “I was only questioning our involvement.” Big difference between the two.
I wish they could be honest enough to make a stand. Are our soldiers their Band of Brothers or Rapists and Baby Killers?
September 3rd, 2007 at 5:53 amLast year, I watched about ten minutes of NBA basketball. I could not believe how hard it was to watch. I think the players, as a group, are one of the most selfish, uneducated, utterly moronic, criminal sets of people to walk the earth. The guys calling the game, especially the ex-players can’t even speak our language. FYI “this” in not spelled dis. And the phrase “there it is”, is not spelled/pronounced, “day it is”…I could go on. And now Mark Cuban. I hope he is booed alot this year. However his audience is probably not very well informed. I wonder what his players think?
Oh Well, I will TiVo a game and only watch the commercials. Then I will make it known to all of the sponsors, that I and everyone I know will not be buying their products. FWIW
Great site…good job
September 3rd, 2007 at 5:59 amYeah, it’s only being in war that it does this to people. We have no rapist (child or not) and no murderers in the good ole USA. As I have said many times, our United States Military gets a percentage of what we as a society give them. You can blame the military all you want, but these rapists and murderers would have done this even if not in the military, it is their character. When will parents stand up and admit they have failed society and stop blaming everyone else including our military. ITS BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH’S FAULT. LIKE EVERYTHING IS.
September 3rd, 2007 at 6:15 amhardrain77:
WTF are you talking about.
September 3rd, 2007 at 6:30 am“rob-Why is Cuban un-american?” you are a buffoon. Questioning a war that the majority of congress and the American people supported getting into while we are in the middle of it is treason. We don’t get to change our minds once bullets start flying. There will be plenty of time to bitch when we are standing over ruins of our enemy’s camp. It’s about survival of the nation.
Also, challenging those who disagree with you to come down to your jujitsu academy for a little fisticuffs is just plain juvenile. I’m sure if anyone wanted to show up you’d just get a mud hole stomped in your butt and then you’d be off to the races to file assault charges.
Like Mark Cuban, rob with a little “r” is an american with a little “a”. That my friend’s is all the difference.
September 3rd, 2007 at 7:06 amAt worst, the right makes mistakes. But at worst, the left devolves into deep mental illness. Apart from how it’s “all about money” when you see wacko Americans want to ruin their own country (not understanding how if they help defeat America, their riches and privileges largely vanish), the Cubans and DePalmas of the world aren’t worth paying attention to or worrying about, not unless/until they run for Congress or the White House. Everyone who supports our way of life had better vote in 2008, and everyone who wants to wake up five years from now in a free and strong country, had better not vote Democrat, because the libs want to take money from hard-working people and give it to the criminals and irresponsible folks out there who are, in a real sense, bigger enemies than Cuban or DePalma would be even if they made 1,000 of these films. The biggest propaganda danger to America is the insane “peace” movement, which is intellectual fraud of the highest order. The weaker and blinder America becomes, the more likely more wars we’ll be in. But the most dangerous thing of all, something that makes DePalma and Cuban look like the mosquitoes they are, is the fact that the stupid, the criminal, and the socialist elements in America are fast outbreeding the smart, the honest, and those who favor merit and private property and freedom over irrational living (socialism ignores rational thought, basic human motivations, and common sense on nearly all levels). Stop posting and starting having more babies, and bring them up the correct way. Apart from voting, it’s the most power you have to save America, a generation from today!
September 3rd, 2007 at 7:20 reports that De Palma has a house in LA, and
one in Sarasota, FL. (with address)
I think a lawfull protest should
September 3rd, 2007 at 7:37 ambe staged to let the neighbors know what the shit bag next door has been up to.
It’s civil war time boys and girls! Screw these treasonous useful idiot liberal pieces of shit that are bringing this country down and undermining our troops’ efforts at keeping THEM safe!
September 3rd, 2007 at 7:42 amTo: connie in dallas
Do you think giving your enemy ( in your cases it seems an enemy is just an opposing team ) encouragement to defeat you by showing your weaknesses and demoralizing your own fans, is how to survive ?
In war, your Soldiers die, your society dies, you die , you don’t just write off the season and go play jumprope.
September 3rd, 2007 at 7:43 am[…] While Bush is in Iraq, the Hoosiers are mobilizing against him. […]
September 3rd, 2007 at 7:46 amI think the LEFT has shown that they are siding with the enemy, just listen to THEM.
On the human side of WW III: We CANNOT & WILL NOT depend on the LEFT to defend America!
On the religions side: ALLAH IS SATIN HIMSELF!
Assad & Amadinajad are ready to control Iraq! All they want is for America to leave.
September 3rd, 2007 at 9:21 amPeterJensen asked:
“Being a European and having read most of the inflammatory comments above, I am wondering: Whatever happened to America as ‘the land of free speech’? Just a thought.”
Watch Mr. Jensen….
Brian DePalma said in an interview:
“The movie is an attempt to bring the reality of what is happening in Iraq to the American people.”
And I said:
There… see how it works?
September 3rd, 2007 at 9:26 amCount me in on the Mavs boycott. I like the players and I live in Dallas, but I have given my last dollar to Mark Cuban, and I have attended my last Mavericks game so long as he is the owner. This is beyond outrageous
Cuban does not hesitate to spits on the country that made his wealth possible for him. He is a narcissistic wannabe with a ton of money and the common sense of a horse’s ass.
I agree with the earlier comment: someone needs to do a documentary/expose’ on Cuban and follow him everywhere. I am embarrassed to even share the same city streets with this pretentious, disgusting excuse for an American.
September 3rd, 2007 at 9:28 amsullly -
THAT was a magnificent example of free speech in America!!!
September 3rd, 2007 at 9:47 am@Bob USMC
It’s civil war time boys and girls! Screw these treasonous useful idiot liberal pieces of shit that are bringing this country down and undermining our troops’ efforts at keeping THEM safe!
Yeah, every time I hear someone demand “Bring The Troops Home NOW!”
I always insist, “No, you REALLY don’t want them home … They’re pretty fucking pissed at you people right about now …”
September 3rd, 2007 at 9:49 amI am tired of the moonbat lefties that showing up here
I love DePalma and can’t wait to see this film. None of the criticisms against him seem to hold any water. He’s a filmmaker/journalist: he pulls together actual footage and shows it to a public that doesn’t get the whole story in Iraq. Good for him. What’s really frightening is how much violence I see in the comment boards directed towards him. THAT is great witness to the type of behavior (of many Americans) that DePalma is trying to show the world.
The problem with your thiking is that he did not use actual footage and if he did it was taken out of context.
Pat Dollard, Michael Yon, and Matt Sanchez are all credible journalist who are only sited by certain news outlets. But these three and others are the only real deal, Katie can go to the “Green Zone” for ratings,DePalma can slander the heros of our day and call themselves the authority on the GWOT (Global War on Terror for you lefties). They don’t go on patrols, or hang out with the troops on the ground but can pass judgment on the actions and reactions that can mean life or death for a Soldier, Airman, Sailor or MARINE.
It is easy to sit back in the armchair and scream at the TV when you think that the faild play called by the football coach did not work, but put your own ass on the line and watch these very same people decide that the freedoms that they take for granted are not worth defending.
Pat I may finish this up as a Readers Post
For all of you new moonbats thank you for giving Pat higher numbers, it can’t hurt when he looks for sponsors.
September 3rd, 2007 at 10:52 am“…. GWOT (Global War on Terror for you lefties).”
Further definition/clarification for you moonbats out there is available on your SUV’s bumper.
September 3rd, 2007 at 11:07 amIf he loses money on this piece of slime -AND- it spills over to his other money mking ventures…the rest of Hollywood money guys will stay away (esp the SAN ANTONIO Mavericks games) … When it comes to showing who’s got the biggest one…Hollywood has many who will whip it out and lay it on the table… But if Cuban’s gets whacked hard… Nobody will put theirs on the same table in the future… It’s Holly-Weenie-World poker. The one with the biggest weenie usually wins… Getting your weenie whacked causes people to remember for a long time. Even if it wasn’t theirs that was hammered…
September 3rd, 2007 at 11:46 amRoman Polanski raped a 13 year old. Why no movie about his and his conviction? What phonies these Hollywood types are.
September 3rd, 2007 at 12:03 pmWow, Mark Cuban look like a fucking total homo. I bet that ball sucker has gay restroom sex.
September 3rd, 2007 at 12:05 pm“Also, challenging those who disagree with you to come down to your jujitsu academy for a little fisticuffs is just plain juvenile.”
Ha ha. He makes me think of the martial arts “expert” in Napoleon Dynamite.
September 3rd, 2007 at 12:07 pm“People, listen to yourselves. How would you like it if some country just decided to overthrow your government, make a new one in the image they want, and come into your home in the middle of the night and start gathering up the males and/or shooting everything?”
I’d be pissed. However that is not what is happening in Iraq. If some country just decided to topple the brutal dictatorship that had oppressed my county for decades I’d be happy (as the vast majority of Iraqis are). I’d be even happier if the liberators brought more electrical power, better water and the chance to vote for my own leaders in democratic elections. If on the other hand some liberal bitch in the nation of the liberators began belittling my new found freedom I’d be quite angry, probably angry enough to call them stupid, uneducated liberal turds or something like that.
September 3rd, 2007 at 12:20 pmTwo more names on my Cancer List. They better pray for my health.
September 3rd, 2007 at 12:40 pmThere is a lot of spitting back and forth here. I’m not taking sides either way. But has any one actually SEEN the movie yet? There is a lot of anger for something that is unknown.
September 3rd, 2007 at 1:35 pmAndyJ, I don’t disagree with the main point of you post, but as a Spurs fan, I have to point out the differences between the Spurs and Mavs:
Dallas Mavericks: owned by an anti-american conspiracy nut. Zero championships.
San Antonio Spurs: owned by a Republican decorated Vietnam vet . Win the NBA championship every other year.
Pat, thanks for this article. These guys are slime.
September 3rd, 2007 at 1:40 pmWhy not make a movie about a near-do-well young film maker that drugs and rapes a 13 year old girl and then leaves the US to avoid prosecution. When the douche bag finally returns to the US, much to his surprise, he is greeted with open arms from the Hollywood people, who want him to make more films. He goes on to make more fictional films under the guise of being non-fiction and gets an ego-centric buffoon that looks like Frankenstein without the neck bolts to fund him. Now here’s the part I like - Frankenstein has rapist over to his house and the guy does all sorts of nasty stuff to Frankenstein’s family (I mean, who’d of thought?). To avoid prosecution, film douche goes out of the US to avoid prosecution and everything keeps going in this circle. Hilarity ensues. Boy, this Hollywood movie idea stuff isn’t hard at all. Where’s my money?
September 3rd, 2007 at 1:54 pmREPUKE,
I’ll be in Washington,DC 15 September 07. Look for me in front of A Gathering Of Eagles, 5′10″, 200#, Stetson.
Don’t cry. You’ve got it comin’ to ya.
September 3rd, 2007 at 1:58 pm@Michael
There is a lot of spitting back and forth here. I’m not taking sides either way. But has any one actually SEEN the movie yet? There is a lot of anger for something that is unknown.
It’s not necessarily the “movie” we are all in an uproar about (although the timing sure the hell plays into the propaganda hands of the enemy) …
It IS the agenda DePalma and Cuban have telegraphed about the intent of their movie. To [lie] and say THIS is what’s REALLY happening in Iraq (i.e., our troops are raping, murdering and burning bodies on whole) … and to try and turn the public against the war through this movie because of this one horrific incident.
If you’ve never visited this site before then you are unaware that we are a mix of active duty military, “retired” veterans, family members of such, and plain old American Joes/Jills that refuse to allow anyone to shit all over our troops.
September 3rd, 2007 at 2:46 pm“….. Boy, this Hollywood movie idea stuff isn’t hard at all. Where’s my money?”
Mark Cuban has it. Just call and ask….
September 3rd, 2007 at 2:49 pmMark Cuban said:
“This site is hysterical. Not one of you has seen the film,….”
Mr. DePalma (in his interview) as well as you (here) Mr. Cuban describe it sufficiently to know that should not and will not happen.
“… yet you have no problem spilling vitriol and recommending bodily harm. First class all the way….”
Oh I get it…sarcasm. What is definitely NOT “first class” is propaganda like this film while boots are on the ground and Americans are fighting and dying.
“Check out the very first film i picked up for distribution a couple years ago.
100PCT pro Iraqi war….”
Blind squirrels…. acorns…. Hey! How about a sequel?!?!
“…Got the same shit from the left as you people are giving fromthe right….”
NUH UH!! People on “the left” don’t like this war?? Some of them think soldiers should even shoot their officers?? Would be happy if our President were to die? As this ever present MSWORD Paper Clip might say: ‘You seem to be equivocating under morally dubious circumstances. Would you like some help?’
“…. If and when you see Redacted, you will know it is definitely Anti War. But it is also Pro Troops…..”
Yeah? There’s some “troops” here that disagree with you. This is war Mr. Cuban. I understand you have never served yourself so you assuredly do not know this but ‘support’ of “troops” includes supporting their will to fight. Propaganda directed against that has been considered criminal activity in the not so distant past. And ‘dissent’ and ‘propaganda’ are not the same thing.
“… The hero is the soldier who recognizes that those involved in the crime (which takes up just a small part of the movie), are the aberration and someone needs to make sure the truth is told so not all troops are condemned….”
Really? That does not jibe with Mr. DePalma’s characterization and a review in the Hollywood Reporter. Are you sure you’ve discussed the aims of his film enough to be financing it?
“…THe irony is this soldier wanted to protect his unit from the hate that would be spewed by lack of knowledge. The exact same thing that is coming from most of you….”
Wrong again. There is no moral equivalence between ‘the right’ and ‘the left’ on this issue. Particularly once boots are on the ground and American men and women are wounded or dying so that those of us at home (some actually in mansions if you can believe THAT) don’t need to face the jihadist menace ourselves. NOTE: Although I may enjoy that opportunity myself, innocent civilians might get hurt before they get around to me. Say in a REAL tall building in a major American city.
“….And to the clueless person who suggested that the Fallen Patriot Fund hasnt handed out grants in 2 years, feel free to check our tax records. We continue to make sure that the Patriots who fall through the cracks and need financial support for themselves and their families get the support they need….”
Run your plans for the film by any of them? Get THEIR thoughts in a ‘focus group’?
“… if you all dont like it, thats your own problem”
roger that…. reading you loud and clear… one last thing…
From the mouth of Depalma:
“The movie is an attempt to bring the reality of what *IS* (emphases mine) happening in Iraq to the American people,” he told reporters after a press screening.
“The pictures are what will stop the war. One only hopes that these images will get the public incensed enough to motivate their Congressmen to vote against this war,” he said.
And from your reference of choice, WIKIPEDIA…
September 3rd, 2007 at 5:23 pm“Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist.”
sully -
Take a breath … Good job … Here, have a swig of this
September 3rd, 2007 at 5:39 pmThose two pathetic fcktards make me so ill with animosity I refuse to say or type their names. I seriously hope they are ruined financially and professionally for their malicious arrogance..
September 3rd, 2007 at 6:20 pmStupid ass neurotic wanna be socialist liberals are RUINING this country, STAND UP AMERICA!
September 3rd, 2007 at 7:15 pmGood men will die because of this film being released while we are still in the fight. I hope Cuban comes to realize the evil that he has done. I doubt DePalma ever will. He is a reptile with no conscience.
September 3rd, 2007 at 7:33 pmrepuke or retard or whatever you call yourself,
Ive got news for you. WE all believe in the freedom to hate whoever we want. and we have overwhelmingly suggested we hated mark cuban just like you hate george bush. Only you cant really hurt Bush can you? but we could hurt cuban financially big time. Conservatives are a big part of the NBA fan base. we could definitely screw him. But you cant tougch Bush with any of your e-surgent drivel about conspiracies and lies and crimes because you lack one very important ingredient: proof!
so instead your dhimmacrat friends go after his underlings with flimsy evidence. yet still , despite the all the “evidence” that bush was behind 911 you still cant muster an impeachment? You accuse him of being a nazi, war criminal, who has committed the highest act of treason in our history and yet No impeachment?
As bashman said, take off you tinfoil hat, and wake the F*** up.
September 3rd, 2007 at 11:07 pmTo: Peter Jensen
September 4th, 2007 at 12:19 am“Being a European and having read most of the inflammatory comments above, I am wondering: Whatever happened to America as ‘the land of free speech’? Just a thought.” Well Peter what you are witnessing is the free speech of the majority of readers of this site which happen to be real Americans, involved in voicing their opinion about whats going wrong with our country (before the turbins take over as they are in Europe) and making a verbal stand to warn the other side that there is a limit to our tolerance of traitors in our midst.
Quote from Marcus Tullius Cicero
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear.”
September 4th, 2007 at 12:25 amNot a surprise. Cuban is no stranger to conspiracy theories. He even thinks that the NBA has a running conspiracy to grant one of the smallest TV markets in the league (San Antonio) the championship every other year.
The latest example of his stupidity is just one more reason to root against the Mavericks….that and our coach is an Air Force Academy grad.
September 4th, 2007 at 10:23 amJust to keep your facts straight, the name of the cretin director in your article is Brian De Palma, not Louie De Palma, who was the Taxi character portrayed by Danny DeVito in series television. Has someone suggested a “collective thumbs down” to any Palma-directed films and Magnolia Pictures-produced films? These include the following currently or about to be shown in theatres: No End in Sight, Broken English, Cashback, Closing Escrow, Crazy Love, Dynamite Warrior, Exiled, Fay Grim, Great World of Sound, Ira and Abby, The Signal, and Weirdsville. Boycott these movies!! Get ‘em where it hurts most–in their glorified pocketbooks!
September 4th, 2007 at 12:14 pmThey’re trying to pull a Kronkite. come on lefties let the sixties go.
For the rest of us dont worry they’re firing blanks. but as for me im still boycotting mavs and their sponsors.
September 5th, 2007 at 12:12 amIt’s simple folks. We need a national boycott of “Redacted” and anything else made by DePalma and the same for Cuban’s Dallas Mavericks and anything else Cuban is associated with. They are both reprehensible pond scum. Don’t give them your money!
September 5th, 2007 at 6:08 amSome things don’t need to be seen to know what they are. Dog shit comes to mind, for example.
Cuban, thanks for bringing all the new people to Pat’s site. The more that visit here, the better. Now go fuck yourself.
September 5th, 2007 at 7:19 am[…] it’ll be a fight to watch long enough for Truther backer, troop-smear financer Mark Cuban to go down in flames. (H/t: […]
September 5th, 2007 at 11:30 amI used to own a chain of movie theaters. I remember I passed on Brian DePalma’s early piece of garbage film Phantom of the Paradise, a miserable ripoff of Phantom of the Opera. Redacted should be retitled Phantom of Iraq. He’s a hack director wannabe that never made the big times.
September 9th, 2007 at 7:55 am