Video: Mitt Makes Some Shit Up Fast On Iraq

September 4th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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36 Responses

  1. Infidel

    Crotchety old man wouldn’t know a mess if he looked in the mirror and saw one.

    As for Romney, nothing new really.

  2. BILL


  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    The old geezer is obviously uninformed which is not unexpected from someone who only watches MSM. Didn’t expect that Romney was also so ill-informed. That’s OK. I wasn’t going to be voting for him anyways.

  4. Matt

    Maybe I’m missing something here, but that seemed like a very well informed answer. He acknowledged that mistakes were made in that past, but articulated the consequences of pulling out too soon.
    And he basically echoed what the president said yesterday in Anbar; as the surge continues to succeed and more and more Iraqi forces are trained, some of our troops could be pulled out while others move into more of a support role.

  5. LadyAngler

    I kinda have like Mitt. However, I’m concerned if he were elected… the sister wives would come out of the woodwork.

  6. JayMS

    I agree with Matt.

    Romney answered well and at least acknowledged the consequences for cut and run such as the Dems advocate. He also put forth a coherrent plan for dealing with Iraq which is something NO dem candidate has ever done.

    While Romney isn’t my fave, I’d still be happy to vote for him. Especially if the alternative is Hilary.

  7. radgy


    I kinda have like Mitt. However, I’m concerned if he were elected… the sister wives would come out of the woodwork.
    sister wives?

  8. LadyAngler

    He’s a Mormon. The first wife is head wife the ones that follow are “sister wives.”

  9. LadyAngler

    Ragdy: BTW… It was a joke.

  10. A. S. Wise- Commonwealth of Virginia

    This is why I can’t trust Massachusetts polichickens.

  11. jam

    Keeping in mind that he has to talk down to an ill-informed audience, I think his answer was pretty right on.

    I’d like to cut Romney a little slack, but he still comes across a little too slick somehow.

    If it’s Hillary for the dems, my vote goes for the GOP, no question at all.

  12. Kevin

    LadyAngler, with your uninformed ignorant statement you should hang out on the DailyKos website. Not only is polygamy banned in the LDS church, but you’d be hard pressed to find any LDS member who would vote for Hillary or any other Dem. And as far as Mitt’s family life is concerned, why don’t you cross reference his spousal situation to the likes of all other several time divorced candidates. Not that I’m going to vote for the guy, but your ignorance rivals that of the MSM.

  13. radgy


    He’s a Mormon. The first wife is head wife the ones that follow are “sister wives.”
    o…o.k thanx….now that you said somethin,i think i heard that term before

  14. Tim Roesch


    It is a common mistake to presume Mormons still believe in polygamy. Cut her some slack. Just as the MSM doesn’t give out all info on Iraq, it’s religious knowledge is even more out of date and biased. They couldn’t tell a Lutheran from a Seventh Day Adventist.

    Let’s not be jumping down each other’s throats so fast. This post should be a clearinghouse for info not a public whipping post.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major
    tent pegs for sale or loan

  15. Tim Roesch

    Greetings (part two):

    Romney is not a Mass Politician…just ask someone from MA. Part of his problem was that he was an outsider to the highly corrupt, ‘what ceiling tile?’, MA political machine.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major

  16. Evestay

    He obviously knows his stuff.

    If we completely pulled out of Iraq, a regional conflict involving Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia would occur.

    The Turks have been supressing their own Kurdish population for years, so they would not let Iraqi Kurds start an independent Kurdistan for fear of giving their own Kurdish population a “dangerous” idea.

    Iran has already been meddling heavily in Iraq as it wants to create a Shiite Cresent in the region where it will have a high level of influence.

    Saudi Arabia has always been terrified of Iran and in the past has appreciated Saddam’s Iraq as a buffer state to keep Iran away from them. Thus, Saudi Arabia would step up support to Iraqi Sunnis to try to create a Sunni buffer state between them and Iran as a return to the status quo.

    Imagine the these nations with the top 3 oil reserves in the world involved in a regional conflict (Saudi Arabia and Iran within Iraq) and you can easily see oil rising to $200/barrel. This would virtually shut down the US economy and to save it we would have to reinvade Iraq with an estimated million-man force facing heavier resistance. Basically, pulling out of Iraq looks stupid as hell.

    Hopefully not even a Democrat in 2008 would pull out of Iraq as it would be seen as a bigger blunder than going in the first place considering they would have to reinvade due to their stupidity.

    Sorry, I just felt like saying all of that, hah. So I appreciated Romney’s answer except for the “support” phase being acceptable by 2008. It will take much longer for Iraq to have the ability to defend itself.

  17. Grumpy

    I would like to see the McCain / Giuliani make a run for it. I really don’t know much about politics, other than foreign policy stuff. You all are very well informed, what do you think? Who is your top choice? :?:

  18. Grumpy

    RE: Evestay

    You brought up a good point: “Imagine the these nations with the top 3 oil reserves in the world involved in a regional conflict (Saudi Arabia and Iran within Iraq) and you can easily see oil rising to $200/barrel.”

    One other result of this is that it would cause our friend, Chavez, to become one of the worlds only suppliers of oil. If oil did go to $200, that would increase Chavez’ oil revenue to go up by 266%. That would suck.

  19. Tim Roesch


    Grumpy…these are times that try men’s souls. We need a real leader, not a politician. McCain is a politician. We need someone who will stand up and fire back.

    I don’t know who, in this cover your ass environment, would do. Maybe one of the military leaders will step up from Iraq and pull a Grant but without the whiskey. How about an Andie Jackson without all that screw the Cherokee stuff?

    Vote libertarian?

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major
    tent pegs for sale

  20. EdinTampa

    Actually I joined the Mitt team here in Florida, saw his son Craig speak here but now, I have not certain of Mr. Romney.

    My initial reason for supporting him is that I felt that he believed in the 3 pillars of conservativism:
    1. Limited Government/Free Enterprize
    2. Strong National Defense
    3. Strong Moral Values
    As I’ve observed this man now for a few months, I see nothing special. He is a typical politician. He will tell you what you want to hear, he will say anything that will get him a vote.

    As illustrated in this video, the questioner led Mitt. He basically told Mitt how he wanted the question answered.

    Mitt’s answer really wasn’t that bad though except the it was the way he said it that irked me a little. He seemed a little pompus, Tuesday Morning QB & Mitt followed the questioners lead. Maybe they had a practice run.

    Mitt is a flip flopper flapping in the wind. Typical politician.

    I will vote for him over any Democrat though.

  21. Dan (The Infidel)


    “Let’s not be jumping down each other’s throats so fast. This post should be a clearinghouse for info not a public whipping post.”

    No junior this palce is for the real story in Iraq and the false story being told in the media. We call a spade a spade here.

    We don’t do the touchy-feely thing either. If you are looking for touchy-feely, go watch “The View”.

  22. Dan (The Infidel)

    One other point:

    No matter what Romney says or does he has zero chance of getting the nod…It’ll either be Guliani or Thompson. And right now it is Guliani’s to lose. Although Thompson is gaining on him.

  23. Grumpy

    What happened to McCain? I always liked the guy. Why has he been written off? I think I must have missed something. I don’t follow politics much but I’m trying to get into it a little.

  24. Jewish Odysseus

    What did he make up?

    He called Iraq “a mess” up front, but followed up by saying that a fast pullout wd make things worse; that he sees the surge as succeeding and continuing to work, so as to enable us to move into “a support role in 2008″; and that the goal is to move our troops out once Iraq is self-sustaining.

    How is this an eccentric view (for a Repub)?

  25. Mark Tanberg

    LADY ANGLER take heart girl I never met a Kevin that I really liked (except KJ and he had the wisdom to go by KJ) I’m not going to vote for a Mormon because they have a religion that is as bogus as Islam itself (without the murderous side) made up on the fly just like Mitts speech. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is all about the money and none about Jesus, it’s good that the morals are all in place and they are solid citizens, all great but the thing is still a made up cult. I :lol: @ the sister wives and @ Kevin too.
    I’ve hired Mormons on my crews and they are good people but until they share a :beer: with me and talk Jesus instead of Joseph Smith :roll: I’m going to PRE JUDGE.

  26. REN

    What’s with the misleading headline? What did he just “make up”? Other than the idea of maybe being pulled completely out before you guys deem too soon, and in “stand-by” mode, I don’t see anything really wrong with his answer. Is it that he doesn’t say “DEMOCRATS AND HADJIS BE DAMMED! WE’RE IN IT FOR THE SUPER-LONG-LONG-LONG HAUL!!”

    If you really knew Romney, you know he’s not the type to quit anything without very good reason. You guys are being too polemic here for your own good. Romney would support the long-war, if he saw good reason for it. He doesn’t use polls to make decisions, he gets smart people together and does some serious DATA mining and analysis.

  27. radgy

    isnt all organized religion a cult?isnt that how we came to be in these wars?cause someone(islam/muslims)says my religion is better than yours?if you wanna beleive in god,fine n dandy,do it at home,leave it out of politics,they were never meant to go hand in hand,beleive me i think this war should be called “The War on islam”because they have declared war on us.

  28. G-Man

    Say what you will… While it is possible to disagree heartily with his stance, at least he enumerated his stance. You’ll never get that kind of concrete response from any of the democrats! They’ll talk for half an hour and in the end it’ll sound like that ditzy beauty queen contending we don’t have enough maps…

  29. TJ (the Kafir)

    he’s definitely a politician as he had to go in circles before answering directly . his answer could have been:
    1. increase the surge
    2. place more soldiers in patrols(americans and iraqis) make them seen often.
    3. continue to train the iraqi police and military
    4. train all soldiers who are stateside in arabic and encourage deployed soldiers to seek language help with iraqi soldiers.

    AS a foreigner in korea, i have opened up many avenues with the people by attempting to learn their language and culture. An honest attempt to understand the people through language goes a long way in gaining their trust. :wink:

  30. Brian H

    As Zebari said, the US and Iraq will form a mutual defense pact, and put the ME to rights. Wait for it! :mrgreen: :smile: :cool:

  31. Mark Tanberg

    Dear Mr radical guy, no not all organized religions are cults but thats not whats important, what is important is this world of black and white, yes and no, core beliefs and fundamentals.
    If you say something is grey, I will counter that you need to pull out a magnifying glass and look closer to pick out the black dots from the white ones, it’s all very simple if your willing to spend the time. You are more than correct about Islam and I would even suggest taking a good look at this site — If it weren’t for organized religion we would still be a colony.

  32. TJ (the Kafir)

    #2 above is based on this:

    Sometimes, the More You Protect Your Force, the Less Secure You May Be
    1-149. Ultimate success in COIN is gained by protecting the populace, not the COIN force. If military forces remain in their compounds, they lose touch with the people, appear to be running scared, and cede the initiative to the insurgents. Aggressive saturation patrolling, ambushes, and listening post operations must be conducted, risk shared with the populace, and contact maintained. . . . These practices ensure access to the intelligence needed to drive operations. Following them reinforces the connections with the populace that help establish real legitimacy.

    From “Counterinsurgency/FM 3-24/MCWP 3-33.5”

    Basically, if we dont saturate the people with our presence the insurgency will. thats why i suggest more troops be sent if necessary to do this.

    There should be no drawdown until deaths are lowered to an extreme minimum.

  33. TJ (the Kafir)

    adding to number 4 from michael yons article called: Ghosts of anbar part 3. see

    “They were even studying Arabic in their filthy little compound. Lightweight study, but they were showing the Iraqis they were making the effort. The Iraqis appreciated it. I have yet to see an Army unit undertake such a clear effort to learn Arabic.”

    all our forces should be doing this, not because they will eventually all become fluent , but because the iraqis will see what we all know that america is there to help them not take over or hinder them. :wink:

  34. Tim Roesch


    Mark, before you call LDS a ‘made up church’ and cast it aside like garbage, you might want to investigate further. LDS is built on a Christian model and I, too, believe, Mr. Smith was tricked into believing what he was seeing was the real thing BUT their attitudes are spot on. Christians of whatever stripe could learn a thing or three about compassion, family and preparedness from LDS. Hell, Jews could to and are…LDS is getting a sizable amount of Jews converting to LDS. I have been going to an LDS Church for two years as an investigator. Nicer people you could not find (unless you’re Dan and are low on the compassion and touchy feely ratios).

    Their recent push to make sure all LDS families were prepared to survive for at least a week after a disaster INCLUDED making sure you could help your non-LDS neighbors and friends.

    LDS is VERY family oriented and puts its money where its mouth is. Their job and substance abuse programs are top notch and used by non LDS all the time. If you live next door to an LDS family you have a serious tent peg to tie down to. Yes, they are wealthy but then, so are Jews and any other group who puts family and friends and neighbors first. Money is just attracted to that mentality.

    As to Dannie Boy’s comment that I go to the View…Oh Danny Boy…you are such a kidder! Actually, with Rosie gone the View might be a great place to get a more balanced opinion then from the general MSM now Or not…the point is Dan, we either work together we die apart. Unity, Danny, it’s all about unity. Learn that, Danny. Marine platoons do or they die.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major
    tent pegs for sale (Hey Dan, want one? Sounds like you need an anchor in your wind…)

  35. Mark Tanberg

    Tim, it is a made up religion, and my dealing with those who are still in and those who have left is one that pulls at my heart and noggin alike. Like I said they are chock full of good works but at what price? Those that I mention that got out and have relatives still in, are the ones to answer more than me, but I have heard their stories and agree it’s a cult.

  36. Tim Roesch


    Understandable, Mark.

    To me, religion is a serious issue. God aside…religion offers humans the ultimate prize; complete control of other humans. To many, religion is merely a tool to control people.

    I think God cries when he sees how many people are killed in the name of God.

    When it comes to religion I am more interested in what persons in the particular religion do in the name of God. Call Mormons what you will and call their religion ‘made up’ or a cult. They do good works everyday. I think there are Catholics and Jews and, yes Dan, even Muslims who, DESPITE their religion, do good works everyday.

    I have a button I wear. It has written on it “I love God. It’s His fan club I can’t stand.”

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major
    tent pegs for sale

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