Airing Now - Hector Barraza’s “USMC”

September 6th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Alright readers, it’s time to become Vloggers. This is a new Contest Feature encouraging everyone to participate actively as a creative contributor to the community. I’d like anyone and everyone who has something to express, in words, pictures, music, whatever…to make a video, upload it to youtube and pop me a notifying email. I’ll check it out for posting here on the front page. I will hold a vote on the last two days of the month, and the winner will receive $100.00 and a Jihadikiller t-shirt.

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19 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Good vid.

  2. Indy

    Awesome, good job.

  3. Ranger

    Great, now post one on the Army hehe.

  4. HardLuck


  5. Randy Anderson, GySgt

    I like it a lot!!

  6. Lil Mac

    Great Video Hector !!
    Loved the Music & the Posters toward the end
    Nice Job !! :beer:
    Semper Fi

  7. Howie

    Hey Ranger you do know that Army is an acronym
    Ready for

    Get some!!!!!!!!
    Semper Fi

  8. Brad W(the infidel)

    F^(&!&% AWESOME Vid! As a Fromer jarhead, I think this just kicks ass.

    Howie, the ARMY acronym is due to the doggies have to really screw it up befor they ask the Corps to come in and clean up!!

    Semper Fi!!

  9. dad 3/7

    thanx hector.. that made this ol’ jarhead teary-eyed,,and goose bumped..did all u jarheads read the bit about gen. pace spending his last days with his original unit? 2/5 C 2nd plt.. he started with them in combat in tet68 and ends with them in ramadi…40yrs and the dummycrats fired him…it is on the MARINE web site a couple days back,,and pat. ur a MARINE by fire, with p/h to boot…thanx

  10. Alex

    Does your vid software have more options then pan in/pan out?

  11. Ranger

    Howie, you know Airborne smacks the Marines around right? Silly jarhead. :lol:

  12. Dan (The Infidel)

    In this war we are all one. When the war is won, then we can sit back and smack each other over the heads about who is the better service (while drinking many beers). Until then we are one.

    Half of my friends are Marines(retired) and half are Army(also retired) all are former Battalion and Brigade commanders, Rangers, Spec Ops, Marine sniper-types, etc. And are all in agreement on our CIC, our support of the military and the ID’s of whom our enemies are at home and overseas.

    We are one. I say Semper Fi to my Marine buddies and Hoo-ah to my Army buddies. WE ARE ONE. So fuck all the interservice rivalry shit. Let’s save that for a drunken night of debauchery after we win this fucking war.

  13. Hector Barraza

    thanks dan, well put, thanks to you all for leaving great comments, and keeping the negativity to a minimum. i made this video to show my respect for all my marines, past, present, and future, and i tried to make it as such that it showed no political motives, but only to honor the sacrifice of the US Marine. we as american citizens should be proud of our nation, our heritage, and all of our men and women in the armed services, especially on this, the eve of the anniversary of 9/11. remember, its Gods duty to forgive osama bin laden, its the Marine Corps’ duty to arrange the meeting.

    kill ‘em all, let allah sort ‘em out!


  14. Dr D Semper FI

    Well said hector, Semper Fi

  15. Dbo

    where can i find online that pic of the marine tossing that grenade, that was an amazing pic

  16. Al-zahri

    Hey what about the Chairforce? and all of their desk jobs

  17. LftBhndAgn

    Hector - Excellent job!!

    What is the music?

  18. Hector Barraza

    the pictures were all found on Google images, and the music is O Fortuna! im not sure who the composer or artist is. its a well known song.

  19. LftBhndAgn

    Thanks! Found it

    Carmina Burana: O Fortuna
    Boston Symphony Orchestra & Seiji Ozawa

    Excellent choice and deserves to WIN!!

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