Breaking Video: Fox’s Catherine Herridge On Osama’s “Special Gift” To America

September 6th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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9 Responses

  1. GBU43

    If its audio with old video footage then I still believe that OBL is dead.

    Until then this is just wishfull PR.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    I think this big “gift” is big bullshit. If the bitch wants gifts…we can give him one. How about a nice gift-wrapped .50cal round from a Barret? Naturally, OBL is too busy playing with the moles and the bats to accept such a gift.

    And NY security is ALWAYS higher than the rest of the US. No doubt NY City Police will be on Higher Alert status than they already are. That’s why I believe OBL is just talking shit.

  3. TJ (the Kafir)

    with the successes in iraq and afghanistan lately its no surprise to me AQ et al are talking shit. they are trying to say: you guys we are still relevant, look at us.

    Bunch of pussies! :lol:

  4. LadyAngler

    He’s dead. It’s all bullchit.

  5. Indy

    Just more AlQ propaganda. They have been so desperate for recruits, they are paying children to martyr themselves. Sick bastards.I still think the jerk has been dead since 04.

  6. chay

    Osama bin laden used to plan terror attacks. Now he plans release dates for his videos. Thank you Armed Forces and Commander-in-Chief. :beer:

    I think he’s dead, too. Or worse, he’s insignificant.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    If Bin Laden was dead the jihadis would not be able to keep that fact secret. The news would have been all over the jihadi world and we would have found out about it by now. No, OBL is alive and is probably hidding in the area between Afghanistan and North Waziristan…or in that samll sliver of Afghanistan near China.

  8. J cromp

    Hey Dan,I think my boy Marcus is looking for some major pay back,IAnd I think he will get it. If not I owe you a few Beer’s! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  9. John Cunningham

    Looks like the breck girl flew in his hairdresser to trim and color obl’s chin pubes.

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