Breaking: Government Now Has Actual Bin Laden Tape - Analyzing

September 7th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


WASHINGTON (CNN) — The U.S. government is analyzing a videotape that appears to show Osama bin Laden, according to a U.S. official.

he assessment will include whether it is really bin Laden and if the tape is old or new, according to the source.

On Thursday, al Qaeda’s media production company touted the imminent release of a video from bin Laden.

“Soon, God willing, video message by the Lion Sheik Osama bin laden, may God protect him,” the banner ad says in Arabic script translated by CNN’s senior editor for Arab affairs Octavia Nasr.

The tape comes just days before the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks — planned and executed by al Qaeda.

There was no “credible information” about any imminent threat to the United States, Russ Knocke, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, said Thursday.

But he reiterated the department’s stance that “we are in a period of increased risk.”

“The National Intelligence Estimate cited increases in activity overseas, and we’re mindful of the recent arrests in Europe,” he said. “There has also been an uptick in propaganda tapes and messages coming from al Qaeda and affiliated networks over the past year.”

A videotape from al Qaeda would be nothing more than propaganda, said National Security Adviser Fran Townsend, speaking on CNN’s “The Situation Room.” Watch Wolf Blitzer’s report on the video »

But she stopped short of calling for the media to ignore the tape.

“I just think people have got to be clear that we’re being manipulated every time that they issue a statement, because they’re trying to use the media as a way to terrorize us,” she said. “After all, we haven’t seen an attack, and this is one way that they try to terrorize the American people.”

The ad included a photograph of bin Laden with a completely black beard, although it was most recently seen streaked with gray.

It was not clear how old the photograph was.

“I think it works for [al Qaeda’s] benefit that he looks young, he looks healthy,” said Rita Katz, director of SITE (Search for International Terrorist Entities) Intelligence Group, according to The Associated Press. She said bin Laden’s beard may have been dyed, the AP reported.

One U.S. official said a bin Laden videotape would be eagerly anticipated since he has not been seen in almost three years.

The official said the intelligence community would be very interested in the timeliness of the message — whether bin Laden mentions current events, for example, or some other clue to indicate when the tape was produced — and whether it offers new leads to his whereabouts.

Bin Laden’s last video appearance came days before the 2004 presidential vote and was widely credited with giving a boost to President Bush’s re-election campaign.

In that tape, bin Laden said he decided in 1982 to attack the twin towers of the World Trade Center after the invasion of Lebanon by Israel, which he claimed was backed by the U.S. Navy.

Although the United States launched the war in Afghanistan to find bin Laden and to deny al Qaeda a safe haven with the Taliban, which then controlled the country, he has eluded capture.

Officials have said bin Laden may be hiding in the mountainous tribal areas of Afghanistan or Pakistan. But a military official recently told said there has been no good lead on his location since about 2005.

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12 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    I hope the reanimated Frank Zappa he has some new guitar riffs on his video.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Here’s a message for this irhabi: Sow to the wind, you’ll eventually reap the whirlwind. Maybe not today, tomorrow or next year, but sooner or later, your time on planet earth will be over. And you, like all other irhabi mustifoons before you will enjoy an eternity sucking the dick of your master Al-Shaitan.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    And since we’re on the subject of evildoers, VDH has a book out on AQ called the “Al-Quida Reader”. Any fan of VDH should get a copy. Wanna study the enemy a little closer? VDH has the book for you.

  4. Turambar

    lol he got younger or he got that beard coloring stuff

  5. Clyde Conneer

    Old or new, that dude is foatin’ on ‘ghandaganja.
    Here’s to sulpheric acid in his hookah.

  6. M@

    New Frank Zappa material would be great. “My Sitar wants to kill your mama”. Looks like living in a cave doesn’t do much for the skin.

  7. zXzGrifterzXz

    “I looks so natural no one can tell, its just for men!”

  8. I’m A Pundit Too » Blog Archive » Jihad Central 9-07-07

    […] Government Now Has Actual Bin Laden Tape - Analyzing — Pat Dollard […]

  9. Kriegger

    Probably staying at the Hilton………with Paris

  10. Breaking: Government Now Has Actual Bin Laden Tape - Analyzing

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  11. Mark Tanberg

    Either the mans kidneys and liver have declared jihad on his body or like Sadam he has fifty look similars. New game show — NAME THIS ASSHAT

  12. Jewish Odysseus

    ““I think it works for [al Qaeda’s] benefit that he looks young, he looks healthy,” said Rita Katz”…

    Absolutely, if by “young and healthy” you mean “looks like a f-cking corpse reheated in a microwave.” Does this retarded woman have eyes in her head? I’ve seen 85-year-old stroke victims who looked better.

    Mark Tanberg was right on the $$–”the mans kidneys and liver have declared jihad on his body.”

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