Commander Of 750 Man Terrorist Brigade Captured - Iran Training Iraq Snipers

September 7th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


RELEASE No. 20070907-04
September 7, 2007

Iraqi Forces, U.S. Special Forces detain six Shi’a extremists in Baghdad
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO

BAGHDAD – Scouts from the 6th Iraqi Army Division detained an alleged extremist militant brigade commander and one other suspected terrorist Sept. 6 in Rahmaniyah, near Baghdad.

The alleged brigade commander operates out of Karkh and leads a group of more than 750 insurgents to conduct improvised explosive device and sniper attacks against Coalition Forces and civilian contractors in the Aamel area.

Both detainees are believed to be linked to a brutal attack in May that targeted Sunni residents in the Saddam Place apartments, which resulted in the deaths of 13 innocent civilians. The suspects are also alleged to have ties to an execution committee that is responsible for assassinating innocent civilians fighting for a safe and secure Iraq.

Intelligence reports indicate the suspects are cooperating with foreign fighters and assisting other insurgents in acquiring sniper training in Iran. In addition, one of the detainees has been facilitating meetings at a local mosque to hold clandestine meetings and to collect information on Coalition Forces.

In an earlier operation, Iraqi Special Operations Forces detained four Shi’a extremist militants during an intelligence driven raid Sept. 6 in Baghdad.

One of the targeted individuals is accused of murdering a member of ISOF and is further suspected of distributing Shi’a extremist propaganda in Hay al Amel. A second detainee is reportedly to be physician who works in a public clinic in Hay Al Jameyat where he allegedly killed four other doctors. Forces detained two additional suspicious individuals during the mission.

U.S. Special Forces served as advisers during these operations. No Iraqi or Coalition Forces were injured during these raids.

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12 Responses

  1. dad 3/7

    i think he needs a helocopter ride,,,,

  2. Marc

    They’ll never break this big fish…. wait what am I saying just play a little Metallic followed by some Anthrax (the band not WMD that’s all in Syria anyway) and the whole house of cards falls. LOSERS!

  3. LftBhndAgn

    Iraqi Special Operations Forces? Cool!

  4. Lil Mac

    Tie his hairy ass to a chair and blast Muskrat Love
    in his ears fer about 2 or 3 days ,, He’ll talk
    or maybe drop dead :lol:

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    I second the idea of a Helicopter ride. Take his buddies with him.

  6. Grumpy

    Make him listen to John Edwards spew bull shit for an hour. the guy will probably want to kill himself.

  7. Howie

    Fuck the music waterboard his ass!!!! He’ll tell us everything.

  8. Uncle Sam

    two things you need for this guy….a long rope and a high tree…thats how the German SS did it.

  9. Mess

    An example needs to be made of this human garbage.

  10. Brad W(the infidel)

    All very good points everyone, let’s just get the intel from the scum first. It might help chagne the order on those 1200 targets in Iran….

  11. Mark Tanberg

    whats that rifle with the foldup bayonet?

  12. Cridhe Saorsa

    Mark - it’s an SKS.

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