Intel Agents Have Bin Laden Tape Transcript, Say He’s Alive

September 7th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The Blotter:

Intelligence sources tell ABC News they believe the expected video message from Osama bin Laden is authentic, recently produced and evidence the al Qaeda leader is still alive.

U.S. authorities now say they have a transcript which they say is aimed at potential suicide bombers who he urges to carry out missions against the West.

The jihadist Web site announced the tape with a banner, showing a still picture of bin Laden, now 50 years old, looking fit with a full beard of dark black hair, no gray at all.

“It does look oddly like he is wearing a false beard,” Richard Clarke, a former White House counterterrorism official and now ABC News consultant, said. “If we go back to the tape three years, he had a very white beard. This looks like a phony beard that has been passed on.”

The “phony beard” may be an important clue as to where bin Laden is hiding, according to Clarke.

“One place where a beard would stand out would be southeast Asia, the Philippines, Indonesia,” Clarke told ABC News. “No one’s thought he was there, but that is an environment where most men, Muslim men don’t have beards.”

U.S. officials say there is little doubt the al Qaeda leader timed his latest message to the 9/11 anniversary.

“He came up on this occasion to prove he’s alive, to taunt us and to take advantage of the 9/11 remembrance ceremonies to get some propaganda,” Clarke said.

The actual videotape – bin Laden’s first in 35 months since October 2004 – is expected to be released in the next few days or hours.

Sources in the intelligence community, who are already busy analyzing the image of bin Laden for clues of his whereabouts, say the tape is likely to be a direct message to Americans.

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8 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    Does he only have one outfit? One backdrop?
    I have made my hair darker in photo shop too.

    Anyone even seen the movie Weekend At Bernie’s? I wonder how long AQ can drag around OBL’s Dead body and prop him up to make tapes. lol

  2. Randy Anderson, GySgt

    Would love to get him in a torture chamber for about a month or so, maybe down in Gitmo for some R&R perhaps?

  3. Steve in NC


  4. Lil Mac

    The picture on the right
    He looks like Sleepy from Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs
    Snzzzzz Snzzzzz
    Fuck EM

  5. France the retour

    wasn’t he ill , kidneys ? I can’t see anyone lives so longer with dialyse problems

  6. C-Low

    HT Gateway Pundit

    He was one of the first to bust the last rehash of a old tape that fooled near all the ME. And looks like he maybe onto something with this one.

    AQ are not idiots they had to know at a minimum their top echelon would have to go to ground hard at a minimum. The above tape could have been filmed in 04′ then stopped beard blackened and then done again but held for a long later date in the future when needed. 9-11 anniversary is a date that a standard basic speech of Islamic prayers and rhetoric could be spit without question.

    I will be very interested if from Bin Ladens lips a mention of something recent or will one of his side kicks handle that part with Bin Laden pulling the prayers and praises part for 9-11.

    I still think ole Binny’s head is in a freezer somewhere.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    First of all his big video is just more of Qur’an 8:60. An attempt to “strike terror in the hearts of the enemies of Allah (that would be us Infidels).

    Secondly, if that’s black dye that OBL is using, then the use of such dye is bid’a (innovation) which is haram in Islam (forbidden).

    So the irhabi bat cave dweller is just another Islamic hypocrite.

  8. Uncle Sam

    Thsi gut looks weak and is weak. He’s only help is his VHS propaganda videos while his so-called warriors are getting slaughtered everyday by the dozens by US 7.62 bullets and M1A1 tanks.He is holding onto a little straw,thats all.They are desperate and want to be on film to jibberish their so-called ideology to the weak and naiv…including the LibQwacks. Semper Fi and lets open a can of whoopa**! Hoorah!

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