Petraeus Letter: “What We Have, And Have Not, Accomplished”
“I feel you deserve a detailed description of what I believe we have — and have not — accomplished,” Gen. David H. Petraeus wrote to the servicemen and civilians serving under him as he foreshadowed the assessment that he and the American ambassador to Iraq, Ryan C. Crocker, are to deliver to Congress next week.
-NY Times
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Well said. This is the guy that I listen to. I have no interest in what the Dhims in Congress or their fellow prostitutes in the LMSM have to say anymore. This guy is the new E.F. Hutton.
September 7th, 2007 at 3:43 pm[…] Petraeus Letter: “What We Have, And Have Not, Accomplished” […]
September 7th, 2007 at 4:08 pmHe forgot to mention how the Democrats are causing an undue burden on the troops and helping Al Qaeda.
September 7th, 2007 at 4:13 pmWhat’s sad is that Reuters and AP are both selling this letter as the surge having come up short.
Leave no stone unturned.
Or unspun.
September 7th, 2007 at 4:38 pmAlso do not forget them slamming the honor of this man in order to portray his report as a political document by the white house.
September 7th, 2007 at 6:32 pmSpeaking of winning. Have you read Michael Yon’s “The Ghosts
September 7th, 2007 at 7:42 pmof Anbar” yet? No? Why not?
I fucking hate the MSM, I just read an AP story over on Yahoo and they used one line from the Petraeus letter and took it completely out of context:
“Petraeus acknowledged the difficulties in a letter to U.S. forces on Friday summarizing the results of the troop increase President Bush ordered last winter.
“It has not worked out as we had hoped,” he wrote, offering a preview of what he planned to tell Congress in hearings that begin Monday amid a fierce debate over whether Bush should begin withdrawing troops from Iraq.”
Fuck you KIM GAMEL, Associated Press Writer, your a shitty reporter and American.
How many people are going to be misled by the MSM and there defeatist vies, because they won’t see the whole letter.
This is why I should never check MSM media outlets.
September 8th, 2007 at 12:54 pm