Security Chief Arrested In Golden Dome Bombing

September 7th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Baghdad, Sept 6, (VOI)- Security forces in Mosul arrested the former official responsible for protecting al-Askari shrine in the city of Samara, the official spokesman for the interior ministry said on Thursday.

“Aws Tareq Farid, who is suspected of colluding with the gunmen who blew up the mosque on February 2006, was arrested in the city of Mosul at 12:00 pm on Wednesday,” General Abdul Karim Khalaf told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) by phone.

“Intelligence reports asserted that the suspect had returned from Syria, where he fled to, and security forces arrested him in Mosul,” he also said.

“The arrest warrant was issued last year and the judicial order to arrest him was implemented only yesterday,” the general said, noting that he was sent to Baghdad for investigation.
Al-Askari Mosque bombing occurred in the Iraqi city of Samara on February 22, 2006, at about 6:55 a.m. local time.

The attack on the mosque, one of the holiest sites for Shiite Muslims, is believed to have been caused by al-Qaeda in Iraq. Although no injuries occurred in the blasts, the mosque was severely damaged.

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14 Responses

  1. France the retour

    what the hell he has to blow a mosquee ! (I mean, he is muslin or ?)

    now, this mosquee was a treasor of architecture, therefore I would condamn him to be a slave whose life is dedicated to restaure the building till the end of his days

  2. John Cunningham

    France, appreciate your effort with English. Saying “blow a mosk” has sexual overtones, that he may even do. You may have hit on something there. Should read “blow-up a mosk”. Now, I’m purposely mis-spelling mosk, my special way of taking shots at the cult of death. See, I did it, again. Now, I think you were asking why did he blow up a mosk, because he’s a fucking idiot.

  3. France the retour

    John, I knew the sexual connotation of blow (blow job :lol:) but I sometimes forget to addd “up” or any other particule; but I appreciate your subtility in using one word rather than one another :lol:

  4. tedders

    Where was the Muslim outrage at the destruction of one of their mosques? Oh, but draw some cartoons of the pedophile and all hell breaks loose. It’s hard for me to see Islam as anything but a way for politicians to control the masses.

  5. France the retour

    Tedders, I would not go so far though ; the problem with islam, nowadays, is that only biased imams have the education and the ability of interpreting Mohamed words ; I remember that wasn’t the case in Andaloucia, in Palermo kingdom, in Istambul , Damas or even Bagdad in the glorious times when there were scientists, poetry,, tales etc… in contrary islam was know for their tolerance and opened-mind to other religion people

  6. Joe in MD

    There have been times in history when people who claimed to be Christians were doing things that were not in line with what Christ tought (think Spanish Inquisition). There have also been times in history when muslims were doing things that were not in line with what Muhammad taught (”tolerance and opened-mind to other religion people”). True Islam is not tolerant of anything or anyone who is not part of that cult of death.

  7. France the retour

    Joe, that’s not our moderated muslins say about their prophet though :,CmC=1665654.html

    sorry in french

  8. Joe in MD


    I understand what moderate muslims have to say about Islam. I work with a guy who is of Pakastani parents who is what I would consider moderate. From reading the koran though, his moderate stance towards kafirs is not consistant with his religion. You have moderate muslims and true muslims and they are not the same thing.

  9. France the retour

    generally what you consider true muslins are not educated persons, rather naive ones

    The persons I linked are educated, university teacher and writer whose speciality is litterature and erotism in islam

  10. Dan (The Infidel)


    Moderate Muslims or jihadi muslims are not either because of “education”. The 9-11 hijackers were all moderate Muslims at one time in their existance. All were educated, some had degrees, all had good parents, and all became jihadis.

    Education and upbringing have nothing to do with the rise in jihadiism.

    Lastly, doesn’t matter what any Muslim SAYS about their religion. It’s the Koran that is the final authority.
    Jihadis are true Muslims according to the Koran and the Hadith. So-called moderate Muslims are apostates.

    Those are the facts. Try reading the Koran and the Hadith for yourself. It’s the same in French as it is in English or Classic Arabic…same meaning….

  11. Ranger

    Eroticism in Islam eh? Little boys and bound women?

  12. France the retour

    ranger, you would be surprised as I was, try to take of your sun glasses :lol:

  13. Mark Tanberg

    Religion is my strong suit but I will defer to the NT scripture “you will know them by their fruit”
    Matthew 7:19-21, when I run into people who say “who made the United States the world’s police force” my reply is God did when he allowed our forefathers to build the foundation of our nation on Biblical principal. because we are our brothers keeper we do counter insurgency against the devil.

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    […] Security Chief Arrested In Golden Dome Bombing — Pat Dollard […]

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