Israelis In Man-Dresses On A Donkey Cart Kidnap Hamas Military Commander

September 8th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


J-Post & Ynet:

Special undercover IDF commandos have captured a senior commander in Hamas’s military wing in the southern Gaza Strip, sources in the group said on Saturday. Sources say the terrorist was involved in abduction of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit.

According to the sources, the undercover soldiers were disguised as grocers riding a donkey-pulled wagon. The disguised force even chatted up locals near the crossing.

According to the report, the undercover soldiers approached a plot of land belonging to Muhawesh al-Kadi, a senior Hamas official who acts as spokesman of the organization’s special security forces in Rafah.

Al-Kadi was working his land when the disguised force approached and kidnapped him. The Palestinian sources reported that the operation went quickly and smoothly. The undercover force left Rafah with al-Kadi, and brought him to Israel.

According to the report, the operation was carried out about 2 kilometers from the security fence, in an area where a large number of Hamas gunmen are stationed.

Hamas officials confirmed that this was one of the Israelis’ most daring acts and that troops disguised as Arabs had not entered so deep into the Strip for a long time.

At first, Hamas officials believed that al-Kadi was kidnapped by Fatah members on the backdrop of Friday’s clashes in the Strip, and ruled out the possibility that it was an Israeli operation due to the distance from the fence and the boosted presence of Hamas gunmen in the area.

Hamas even considered launching an attack on Fatah members, but an inquiry in the area revealed that the man was kidnapped by an Israeli force that left toward Kerem Shalom, where it was guarded by two helicopters.

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12 Responses

  1. Future0311

    lol @ the title. Certainly gave me the image of it taking place in my head.

  2. One-Shot

    Dynamite! This certainly is the way to run an operation!

  3. John Cunningham

    And true to form the Israelis also made it away with the poor donkey. Israelis think of everything. Well, I take that back, what is it with Olmert. I know, he was the donkey in disguise.

  4. GBU43

    Hang him over a chipper shredder stationed in view of the gunmen. Give hamas a deadline to return the soldier.. If missed feed him to the pigs.

  5. Clyde Conneer

    Smooth………good on ya IDF!

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Change the rules for him IDF. No Geneva Convention BS. Give him a nice ride on a waterboard.

  7. Laura (no longer liberal)

    Now that would be a fair trade - al-Kadi for Shalit.
    Way to go, IDF!!

  8. Steve in NC

    They should have taken his family first, then find out how much he values their life.

  9. Ranger

    See? You always come up with the best titles Pat.

  10. 31MIKE

    Aw man, this is funny as hell. What a Mission!! My hats off to ‘em.

    Now, it sounds like it’s time for a Pig Roast.

  11. Fight4TheRight

    I figure by tomorrow afternoon, the Israelis should have the home addresses as well as vehicle license numbers for every single senior Hamas leader. And by tomorrow night, there’ll be a quite a “hum” of attack helicopters over the area.

    Bombs away boys!

  12. Jarhead68

    Gee, do ya think we could hire them to get bin Laden and Al Zawahiri? :idea:

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