The Untrustworthy

September 10th, 2007 Posted By RightHandGirl.

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13 Responses

  1. WatcherWTF

    Don’t trust Iran! Don’t trust the Dems! And sure as hell don’t trust the Dems with Iran!

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Iran is the only third world country that has already announced it’s intention to use nuclear weapons as a first strike option.

    They have made it clear the their government wants world conquest…Islamic supremacy…Ahmedinastraightjacket calls his world hegemony plan our logic and supremacy…

    He’s an insane little Hitler.

    And what is the reaction of some US presidential candidates to that threat? Useless surrender rhetoric. I’ve never seen so many clueless candidates in my lifetime.

    These useful idiots are candidates because we are producing a nation of little Howard Zinnian Marxists, instead of Thomas Woodsonian patriots.

    Fortunately, there are still plenty of fathers, mothers and grandparents out there who have thwarted this Zinnian brainwashing ethos from their children’s minds and hearts.
    Many of those young people now serve in the GWOT. Others are like Right-Hand Girl.

    There is hope yet for a good outcome in ‘08. And my bet is still on if anyone wants a piece of it. The bet is Her Thighness loses the general election by 5 or more points to whoever gets the Republican nod. If I’m wrong, you get one ticket for one person to a free Ruth’s Criss steak dinner.

    Any takers?

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Speaking of the irhabi state of Iraniac there is this report from Reuters (yeah I know Reuters sucks):

  4. Steve in NC

    Are we in a detached reality here?

    Who are these people and who would vote for them?

  5. azbastard

    by the time the ‘08 elctions come, we will probably be knee deep in muslim blood.. and democrats will be hiding under the table

  6. Howie

    Dan I think that you are just a little off in your assesment of the D’Rats (to steal a phrase from Steve). I think that the anti-American cut and run lunatics are going to push Her Thighness off of the ticket because of her stance on the war if not the defense of her vote to go into Iraq.
    Osama Obama will lose by better than 8 points.

  7. John Craig

    You need to quit making ill-informed comments, forget the media spin machine and read your history books in reference to US interference in IRAQ and IRAN which goes back *decades*.

    If you are so determined for the US to be in the Middle East, leave your safe-n-warm college, join the military, pick up a rifle and hit a combat zone.

  8. Moe Al-zahri

    More divine, more eternal than martydom? I think someone is trippin on acid. wait.. were gonna let someone on acid build a nuke?

  9. Bashman

    Good job RHG. Keep it up. :wink:

  10. Rex

    good vid rhg

  11. PHRED

    Hey Girl you are absolutely brilliant! Looking forward to seeing more.

    Now did I hear that right?? :???: “They never did anything to us..” I don`t believe that I heard that..
    Where were they, or what were they on, or have they just forgotten…
    1979 Fifty-two American citizens were taken hostage when militant students of radical Islam stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, They had spent 444 days in captivity.

    Iran was behind the April 1983 Bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut where Sixty-three people were killed, including 17 Americans, eight of whom were employees of the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Oct 1983 Bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut where 241 U.S. Marines were killed and more than 100 others wounded. Hmm…
    Oh well, I guess it was just a long time ago.. and not really that important.

  12. Nutss

    I REALLY dont agree with you RHG. You seem like a very one track minded, ignorant person.

  13. Muir

    I love you. Thanks for the video.

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