Video: Drama Queen Shepard Smith Makes An Ongoing Ass Out Of Himself

September 11th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Shepard Smith has decided that the United States has chosen to “take the side of the Sunnis” in a civil war against the Shiites of Iraq! He has said, “We’re backing the Sunnis, and Iran is backing the Shiites” in a civil war. Shepard, ( the same guy who breathlessly declared that New Orleans was permanently destroyed ) who has no real knowledge of the situation in Iraq and is left to take an amateur’s guess, doesn’t understand that the Shiites in Iraq are not united behind Iran, and many themselves are fighting the Iranian influence, including lately, Moqtada Al Sadr. Shep needs to understand that we are also on the side of the Shiites, and are in fact waging a campaign to weed out those Shiites who are fighting as Iranian proxies. He also doesn’t seem to get that we are looking for a poltical solution between the Sunnis and Shiites, not looking to back a Sunni domination of Iraq. Part of the problem is that he’s misreading our cooperation with the Sunnis against Al Qaeda as some sort of alliance against the Shiites. This is what happens when someone takes a late peek at something and then decides they’re a pundit.

I remember passing Shep once in the Fox newsroom. He was glued to a monitor showing Anna Nicole Smith coverage, and was wearing more make-up than all four of my ex-wives put together.

Update: He keeps going on. He’s demanding that every Senator he’s interviewing stipulate that “We are siding with the Sunnis against the Shiites, and Iran is siding with the Shiites”. No one’s taking the bait. Shep seems to be all excited with himself, proud that he’s figured out something no one else has, and certain that he’ll be accredited for this groundbreaking change in the media dialogue. Shep, do your homework before you declare yourself a genius.

Shep also declares flatly, that we shouldn’t be entering into a war with Iran. And it’s hilarious to watch him figure out, at this late stage, that we are fighting Iran in Iraq.

Here’s some video, there’s more.

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27 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    drama queen is right, and he is left

  2. Moe Al-zahri

    ahhh… people are cute when there stupid. :lol:

  3. sully

    “Drama queen” is a perfect description. I’ve thought that for a long time.

  4. OKA

    Cry me a river Shep is such a Drama Queen. Fox should team him up with Gerry Rivers…a sure hit.

  5. Dan2

    Just saw it…

    He reports good sometimes…and sometimes he falls completely apart.

    The Senator sure quites him down at the end…LOL


  6. Mike F

    Typical Drive-by Media Knucklehead!

  7. jerry


  8. libNOTSr

    Good God!

    I almost exclusively watch Fox News for news analysis and opinion, but this guy is a loose cannon that has said some of the dumbest things ever on that station.

    Hey Shepard….calm down and read before you opine such idiocy!

  9. Phil N Blanx

    Drama queen. Ha. Good call Pat. I couldn’t agree more. Shep showed me what he was made of during his girlie-man hand wringing epidsode in the aftermath of Katrina. Not sure who was more pathetic - Penn flooding his boat or Shep wailing and crying into his mic.
    Sheps reporting comes down to; Now the important news…look how much I care? Sorry FOX but you need to tell Shep to hit the road and take his ego with him. Maybe he could find work on a soap-opera.

  10. Future0311

    *bangs head on wall*

  11. deathstar

    He would make a great boyfriend for that faggot John Edwards.

  12. C.L.Lucas

    Left? Up for debate. He is a product of the Ole Miss Journalism school when it (the university) remained a steadfast bastion of conservatism. He probably straddles the line, but his stance is not Craig-wide and the left foot is closer to center than the right.

  13. Steve in NC

    @deathstar :lol:

    bet they would end up synchronizing their periods too

  14. Lil Mac

    He Hurts My Ears !!!
    Blech…… :mad:

  15. WatcherWTF

    “He was glued to a monitor of Anna Nicole Smith coverage, and was wearing more make-up than all four of my ex-wives put together.”

    LOL. Guess that says it all.

  16. Eric

    That’s the problem nowadays, so many people just want to oversimplify things to ‘good’ and ‘bad’, ‘us’ and ‘them’, ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. All of the nuances and details get lost in this process, and what we are left with is this processed garbage that some idiot or another wants to rant about.

  17. James Hooker - nipple whisperer

    One of the bright spots here in Ireland is that I get Fox on my SKY dish. Every day I sit down with something cold to catch up on America. Today, I watched Shep doing the moron mambo. I very nearly lost my will to live.

  18. Jeffrey Heck

    What A loser. He sure is pretty though

  19. Dan (The Infidel)

    “I remember passing Shep once in the Fox newsroom. He was glued to a monitor of Anna Nicole Smith coverage, and was wearing more make-up than all four of my ex-wives put together.”

    Good quote. And Sheppie claims that he is neither a Republican nor a Democrat. Yeah sure.

    Knucklehead indeed. What a small little man he is. Isn’t fun to watch news media folks who haven’t a freaking clue make complete asses out of themselves on a national program?

  20. dad 3/7

    watcherWTH,,, 4 x wives?!?!?!?!?! man ur a slow learner,, i haven’t watch ol’ shep since he chased that poor cop in new orleans yelling about gettng those poor bastards some help.. then he got in his helocopter and went to his motel for a shit, shower, shave and steak,,,

  21. Ranger

    Hehe I think it’s Pat who’s had 4 x’s.

  22. John Cunningham

    Lately the news cable channels have become background noise. Of late I’ve been known to changeover to CNN. It’s only fair I balance myself.

  23. LftBhndAgn

    Is it “Pulitzer Prize for Journalism” fucking season there Shep?

    Funny I didn’t see the fake tears this time.

  24. Jim

    Has this man never had an original thought before?..Now he thinks he has had one and wants to show the world..

  25. Brian H

    More like “Putzer Prize”, I think.

    :razz: :razz: :mrgreen: :twisted:

  26. Jenfidel

    All these comments are hilarious (including Pat’s!)!
    Not only did Shep drama queen-out on Katrina, but remember when he was covering the hurricane after that (Rita) and got blown over while he was on camera? I loved it!
    What a nasty homo creep! (not that there’s anything wrong with that…)
    I can stand the ‘mo, but it’s the Bush-hating Leftism I can’t take.

  27. Beth

    I saw that shi’ite on Fox the other day and laughed out loud at how brainless he is. He’s forced me to actually watch something other than the news lately, at least while he’s on!

    Shepard Smith: Fox News’ own Katie Couric.

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