Kucinich Flips The Bird At 9-11 Victims

September 11th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

First Kucinich damning America in Syria yesterday:

And now this today at Fox News. Kucinich refused to commemorate the 9-11 victims unless the bill contained language reflecting his personal political views damning America for the war in Iraq. In other words, if he wasn’t getting what he wanted, then the victims shouldn’t get what they would presumably like.:

WASHINGTON — Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Democratic presidential candidate and no stranger to contrarian views, was the sole congressman Tuesday to vote against the House’s Sept. 11 commemoration resolution.

“It is important that Congress wake up to the truth and exercise its obligation under the Constitution to save our nation from being destroyed from the lies that took us into Iraq, the lies that keep us there, the lies that are being used to set the stage for war against Iran and the lies that have undermined our basic civil liberties here at home,” Kucinich said in a statement.

“The September 11 resolution that Congress considers today should have made reference to those matters. It does not, so I cannot support it,” Kucinich said, also calling for a halt for further war funding and the troops to be brought home.

The Ohio Democrat’s statement mirrors remarks he’s made along the campaign trail, as well as those in a recent interview on Syrian television. The interview followed a meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad during a Middle East tour.

“The fact of the matter is we are all being weakened by continuing a war that’s based on a lie. This war was based on lies. Iraq didn’t have the weapons of mass destruction. It wasn’t connected to 9/11. It had nothing to do with Al Qaeda’s role in 9/11,” Kucinich said.

n the Sept. 2 interview in Syria, Kucinich — casting off State Department calls last month for White House contenders to stay out of international politics as well as conventions of U.S. politicians not criticizing each other beyond U.S. borders — described a positive meeting meeting with Assad. He then criticized the war effort and President Bush’s handling of it.

Kucinich said it “was a very good meeting. It was a meeting where President Assad showed a real desire to play a role in helping to create a peaceful settlement of the conditions in Iraq, as well as a grander approach towards creating peace. So it was a very important meeting, and I felt honored to have the chance to speak with him.”

Kucinich then suggested that the United States should pay war reparations to Iraqis. “The United States must take steps to repair the damage that has been done to the lives of the people of Iraq for the people who have lost their lives,” he said, adding that the debate on the Iraq war has been skewed by false information.

Asked if he thought Bush would apply the same thinking in Lebanon — which borders Syria — as he has with respect to Iraq, Kucinich responded: “I think it’s probably true, and of course this is part of the tragedy that our president is not understanding the mountain of evidence which indicates what a failure the policy in Iraq has been.”

Tuesday’s nonbinding resolution was a relatively short document. It had 12 “whereas” clauses — stating things like what happened the day of the terrorist attacks, who was affected and how terrorists have been targeted since then — and six resolution paragraphs establishing Sept. 11 as a day of remembrance, extending sympathies to families of victims who died and honoring those who have fought in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The 334-1 vote, was marked by the absence of 98 members who mostly were either attending other Sept. 11 commemorations, the out-of-town memorial service for Ohio Rep. Paul Gillmor or had departed town early as a result of the Jewish holidays.

Click here to see how your representative voted for the resolution.

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30 Responses

  1. dad 3/7

    why do the people of ohio continue to elect this treasonist???

  2. Moe Al-zahri

    What an ASS! i dont understand he ignores the fact that were in Iraq for a reason, But doesnt want to commemerate 9/11 and blames it on the War? Now someone is seriously FUCKED UP!

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    How is it that the people in his district keep voting for this traitor? He reminds me of the petulent little child, always crying when they don’t get their way, until some adult puts some kiwi in their ass (that’s a swift kick in the ass for those who don’t understand English). Although in this retard’s case, I think a baseball bat is more in order. Since he’s an adult, I would advocate using the side of his face as a baseball…and trying to hit a home run with it.

  4. sully

    Well here you go then you little prick….


  5. Laura (no longer liberal)

    As I watch the parade of American politicians smarming with Assad, I can’t help but be reminded of all the Brits making nice with Hitler before Germany invaded Poland. The difference is that last time it was largely right-wing politicians engaging the soon-to-be enemy. Why the democrats think they have ANY common ground with Assad is absolutely beyond me. Are they really so ignorant that they don’t know who they are being all buddy buddy with, or do they do it, regardless of the consequences, to try to distinguish themselves from Bush?

  6. Phil N Blanx

    Good question dad.

    What a piece of work this tool is. He wants to replace the American “occupation” with a Syrian/Iranian “occupation” of Iraq. Yeah, that worked out real well in Lebanon.
    It doesn’t appear this stoner’s problem is so much with the “occupation” of Iraq so much as with just who is doing the “occupying” and Allah forbid it’s his country - you know, the country he reminds us he “loves”.
    Interesting that the arrogant little stoner didn’t bother to consult with the Iraqi Government to get their opinion of just who they would prefer to be their guests in Iraq helping them to rebuild. Wonder why?

  7. Steve in NC

    what a little bitch,

    So now he is connecting the war in Iraq with 9/11?

  8. Riteaidbob

    Democrats can be allowed to run any part of this fine country. They are IDIOTS! Defeatests! :evil:

  9. Riteaidbob

    Oops… “Can’t” !!!!!!!!!

  10. PooleeScore

  11. PooleeScore


  12. bd

    You think that’s bad enough?

    Check this out…


    Their right to protest is gone. Only Muslims (May God destroy them all) can protest now. What’s left of real freedom loving Euro’s are beaten down.

    The COMMUNIST EUROPEAN EMPIRE has begun, and the Commie’s in charge really, really, believe that if they let in the Islamic Invader (May God destroy them all), this ‘voting bloc’ will ‘re-elect’ them. They still don’t undertand the the Muslim’s (May God destroy them all) have no interest in assimilating but converting them by force of arms and ruling Eurarabia.

    May God help the Europeans, because this time, we may not be able to if the Democrats (May God destroy them all) take final complete control of the U.S. (May God bless her always).

    Good bye Western Civilization. We will miss you in the new Dark Ages.

  13. Future0311

    “As I watch the parade of American politicians smarming with Assad, I can’t help but be reminded of all the Brits making nice with Hitler before Germany invaded Poland. The difference is that last time it was largely right-wing politicians engaging the soon-to-be enemy. Why the democrats think they have ANY common ground with Assad is absolutely beyond me. Are they really so ignorant that they don’t know who they are being all buddy buddy with, or do they do it, regardless of the consequences, to try to distinguish themselves from Bush?”

    Laura, to them evil is good, and good is evil. Their morals (or lack thereof) are totally inverted. They attack the USA and practically deify our enemies.

  14. Bill

    He’s worse than the two losers we have out here in California. And I thought the people out here in CA were stupid, I think those in Ohio have California beat. :sad:

  15. Lil Mac

    It was a very important meeting to meet with his excellency
    Im sure Assad took this pussy traitor dip-shit Congressman from fucking Ohio very seriously ,, please someone kidnap this asshole & slit his throat while he’s over there …
    Im all wound up today kiddies :twisted:

  16. Irish Gal

    I wish I could say I’m shocked, but….

  17. Roger

    And he will come back here and sit in his seat as a respected member of congress??????

  18. Brad W(the infidel)

    What you all need to realise is that the evil elf as he is known has bragged about being the only mayor of a large city that took his city into bankruptcy, and has been able to move on to higher office.

    Too many people here in Cleveland vote for the rat turd because thye are dependent upon the social programs that he endorses. Too many do not want to work, they are the perfect victims, and little ole dennis will support them cradle to grave with any handout he can give them.

    We have yet to be able to field a serious contender against the wad, because of the non-working leeches in Cleveland don’t want jobs, they want handouts and the evil elf is great at robbing those of us who work to give the worthless ones an easy life

  19. bd

    He’s just microcosm of the problem…

    Communists think if they act nice with all others, they will win points, voting blocs, and get re-elected…

    Between Europe and us, Western Civilization is nearing the brink on collapse or civil war.

  20. Eric

    I love all the doomsayers, “We are on the brink of total annhilation” “this is the end of Western civilization as we know it”. Need to relax a bit sparky. Humans fight each other. That’s what we do best. It is in our nature. It is nothing new. Be happy that you are an American and have the best military and technology in the world to protect you. Our survival is guaranteed no matter what Kucinich, or Pelosi, or Bush or anyone does.

  21. bd

    Your right Eric, we fight each other

    And sometimes, we lose.

    No matter that Rome was powerful and collapsed. The Dark Ages only lasted a thousand years.

    The Nazis almost conquered Russia…

    yup, guaranteed.

    By whom? New York, San Fran, LA libs? Code Pink? MoveOn? Cindy Sheehan? Pelosi? Kerry? Edwards?

    In the dark days of WW2, even the US wasn’t sure it was going to win. And we didn’t have the traitors we have today.


    Ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.

    Don’t know how to translate it in Latin.

    It’s a dead language remember?

    Sparky will still be worried, Neville.

  22. Bashman

    WTF, doesn’t Kucinich know that Assad will ose a billion dollars in military spending from Iran if Syria enters into peace talks with anybody?

    FFS, Kucinich is like a bull in a china shop here, he’s a fucking idiot that has no fucking clue.

    The people in that region only understand power, brute force, and the business end of an ugly stick. They aren’t inetersted in Care Bears touchy feely Kucinich-look-to-the-sky-in-Disneyland’s ideas of kumbaya.

  23. Patriot16

    The fuck is wrong with this asshole?!

  24. Dan (The Infidel)


    You don’t read much do you? Your comments betray a total lack of understanding of the jihad that is being waged against the world. This jihad will stop until the jihadis or defeated or we are. That is the Muslim cultural mindset in jihad.

    You might want to get your head out of your ass “sparky”.
    This fight has only just begun. Our security IS NOT guaranteed.

    Too many of you libs want to treat this threat like it is a who-cares-item or a police action. Billybob Klintonista tried that game in the 90’s. It didn’t work.

    What did it get us? The Cole bombing, Khobar towers, the embassy bombing in Tanzania etc.

    His response. Launching missiles at aspirin factories and an empty camp in Afghanistan. Yeah real tough guy that Klinton was?

    And turning down ten opportunities to capture OBL got us what? Fucking 9-11.

    I learned long ago that you don’t run from bullies or any kind of fight. You strike hard…you knock him down and you win…being a pussy only invites more attacks.

    You don’t turn your back on your enemies and assume…that all is well and will stay that way… It will not.

    Kucinich and his ilk are damn fools. We gave peace a chance. It’s time for war.

  25. Jim

    No one takes this guy seriously, besides Look, he’s campaigning in the wrong country…

  26. bd

    Has anyone at all heard of this?


    U.S. discovers ‘Pearl Harbor II’ plot
    China’s cyberwar plan to cripple Pentagon, battle fleet

    Posted: September 11, 2007
    11:32 a.m. Eastern

    © 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

    Could it happen again?
    America’s key allies in the Pacific – Japan and Taiwan – could be left virtually defenseless in a deadly cyberwar attack China has secretly prepared.

    Codenamed “Pearl Harbor II” by the Pentagon, the plan calls for a simultaneous attack on the U.S. aircraft carrier fleet in the Pacific and the disabling of communications at its headquarters at Pearl Harbor and with the Pentagon.

    The plan has been uncovered by signals intelligence specialists at Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters and at the equally ultra-secret National Security Agency base at Menwith Hill near Harrogate in the north of the country.

    Using a state-of-the-art software program called Moonpenny, the specialists have tracked the activities of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army scientists based at their underground headquarters in the Western Hills outside Beijing. The scientists have been briefed to achieve “electronic dominance” not only in the Pacific but over all China’s global military rivals in the U.S., Britain, Russia and South Korea.

    So serious is the threat to the U.S. battle fleet that President Bush raised it with the Chinese President Hu Jintao when they met in Sydney at the Apec summit.

  27. Dan (The Infidel)

    And Kucinch sure got his ass kicked in Congress the other day. What was the vote again? 310-1 or something? The one of course being Kucinch. Does this dumbass actually think he has a chance to get the Dhimi nod for POTUS? Give me a fucking break already. Even the pussy-ass Dhimiratz aren’t that stupid.

  28. Dr D Semper FI

    Anything to stick a finger in the eye of President Bush, God Bless the President, and fuck Kucinich and the other turds in the Democratic Party. I was pissed off at the amnesty deal and said that i would not donate to the Republican party until they got their act together, but after this and Move On. Orgs cramp in the New York Times, you bet your sweet ass, I’ll donate.

  29. bd

    Vietnam Memorial Wall Defaced This Weekend (September 7-9, 2007)

    Vietnam Memorial Wall Defaced This Weekend (September 7-9, 2007)

    Vietnam Memorial Wall Defaced This Weekend (September 7-9, 2007)

    Vietnam Memorial Wall Defaced This Weekend (September 7-9, 2007)


  30. FutureC-RAM3vet

    Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and Benedict Arnold would be proud.

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