Muslims Blow Up Mosque

September 11th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Mosul, Sept 10, (VOI)- Unknown gunmen blew up the dome of a mosque in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, an official source from Ninewa police said on Monday.

“Unknown gunmen blew up the dome al-Sabrin mosque in al-Wahda neighborhood, southwestern Mosul, on Sunday evening, after they remotely detonated explosives planted into it,” the source, who asked not to be named, told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).

The source added “the blast caused the mosque dome to collapse.”

Last Wednesday, a truck crammed with explosives detonated near the same mosque, severely damaging it.

Mosul, capital city of Ninewa province, is 405 km north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

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10 Responses

  1. Future0311 (the infidel)

    You know, Muslims are the single biggest danger to their own places of worship.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    That’s got AQ written all over it. AQ has been trying to ignite a war between Sunni and Shia since they blew up the Golden Mosque. So far they have failed.

    It is obvious that AQ has lost momentum in the west, and in the south. So now they are concentrating their efforts in areas with fewer coalition forces.

    And the Kurds are probably too busy with the Turks and the Iranians to deal with AQ. So it is up to us to kick their asses.

    Isn’t interesting that the Religion Of Peace also picks on their own.

  3. John Cunningham

    I’d stop building so many mosks.

  4. Jim

    Hmm..All I can say is I can see this being made into a video game called “JIHAD HAJI” or “ALLAHAKBAR”. For starters, base points for blowing up mosques and killing innocent bystanders, women and children. Hideous torture and decapitation for bonus points… Creating propaganda would make your life bar (or your allah ak”bar”) get full by collecting American liberal “idiot points”. You’ll have the choice of 4 different flavors of terrorist groups (each backed with its own U.S. democratic politicians or hollywood liberalnuts) …. next, version 2- “jihadovich allah akbarski” :mrgreen:

  5. bd

    Vietnam Memorial Wall Defaced This Weekend (September 7-9, 2007)

    Vietnam Memorial Wall Defaced This Weekend (September 7-9, 2007)

    Vietnam Memorial Wall Defaced This Weekend (September 7-9, 2007)

    Vietnam Memorial Wall Defaced This Weekend (September 7-9, 2007)

  6. PooleeScore

    Jim you totally forgot camel fucking level to increase stamina for idiotic rants from inside a cave.

  7. Jim

    ….Poolee, that’s fucking hilarious, still LMAO :beer:

  8. Korndawg

    Jim, you also forgot to add that you can download Paris Hilton or Britney Spears to be one of your 72 virgins when you die for your cause…

  9. Ranger

    Jim, “your life bar (or your allah ak”bar”)” is one of the funniest fucking things I’ve ever read….seriously mate…i’m choking here…

    If you don’t make that game, somebody else will. But don’t forget the bonus levels. Every five levels, if your score is high enough, you get a secret round where you get to sodomize young muj to replenish the “islamist-misogynist-insano fury bar” which increases the speed of your honor-killing sword and allows you for impressive feats like standing in the middle of the street firing your AK at an Abrams.

  10. Jim

    “islamist-misogynist-insano fury bar”…thats great :lol:
    …allows you for impressive feats like standing in the middle of the street firing your AK at an Abrams.”…This game would make me cry from laughter!

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