No Bin Laden Tape

September 11th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

I’m not going to be posting the new Bin Laden tape today. It’s not his day. There’s nothing urgent on it, just the usual mouthy bullshit. Check back tomorrow.

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9 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Amen, Pat.

    As I sit here and watch the “replay” of network news of 9-11-01 I say fuck Bin Ladin and his Queer Eye For The Jihadi Guy make-over … Fuck them all …

  2. drillanwr

    Drudge Report:

    [FLASH: Ted Olson becomes frontrunner for Attorney General, top sources tell DRUDGE REPORT; announcement could be imminent… Developing… ]

    Least we forget, Ted lost his wonderful and brilliant wife Barbara Olson on this day on the plane that slammed into the Pentagon … The couple talked by cell phone before the plane crashed …

  3. John Goodrow

    Fuck yeah Pat!

    The news shouldn’t even acknowlage that piece of shit.

  4. Uncle Sam

    Way to go Pat, I appreciate it! Lib media is gonna play him over and over today, not because of “them saying “We are gonna get this guy”, but just because of their ratings! Here over in “Appeasement Europe” their gonn probabaly get out the Kleenex and Vasoline and watch his tapes. Excuse my French but their down like that especially when they let anybody in their country even if they know that they trained in Al-Qaida camps and not prosecute them.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Good move Pat. This ain’t AQ’s day…It’s Sept 11 rememberence day…


    Hot damn. I love Ted Olsen. And Barbara was better than Malkin…She was a giant among women. A credit to her gender. And more ballsy than 99% of the Dhimis in Congress.

  6. Brad W(the infidel)

    Let’s hope for Olssen!!

    Proof the lib MSM are a bunch of traitorous bastards. Thepalster OBL all over the airwaves, make him out to be a public figure to be revered, and still won’t show the tapes from the towers being attacked or crashing, because the public can’t handle it. Bullshit, they won’t show them because the want the US public to roll over for the Islamic radicals, they are trying to destroy us for the Muslim extremists. Did those wastes of skin take lessons from the VC?

  7. LftBhndAgn

    Thank you Pat. That miserable bastard deserves nothing but a bunker buster today.

  8. Kathy Ozanne

    Dan said it’s September 11 remembrance day. I wish you could have been in my office this morning, folks. My pos boss came in while I was running Fox News livestream broadcast of the WTC memorial ceremonies in the background. He said “Well, at least they didn’t ADD to the list this year. After all, it’s been 6 years!” And he laughed. laughed.

    I turned to him, told him he was insensitive, disrespectful and to get the hell out of my office.

    I went outside to have a smoke, looked at the buildings in the downtown where I work. Of the 5 American flags I saw flying, 2 were at half mast. 2. Out of 5.

    I am beginning to wonder how many of ‘us’ are left, really? It seems like if something doesn’t impact what’s going into people’s guts or their cars and houses, it isn’t important. This morning, as I left for work, I stood for a minute in front of the flag at my house and asked God to be merciful to this nation just one more time. And I looked around to see that I was the only one flying the flag in my neighborhood. The only one.

    Truth be told, this is probably the saddest 9-11 anniversary I’ve had so far. I fear the truth behind that old saying that people who forget history are condemned to repeat it. I think that is what has happened.

    It’s enough to make me just want to give up hoping. But….you all are out in the sandbox going through something I can’t even begin to approach or understand. You have more hope than I do, I think. So I’ll keep praying and keep hoping as long as you all do.

    God Bless America
    God Bless our Troops

  9. Sandy K.

    Thank you Pat for not allowing the “Queer Eye For The Jihadi Guy make-over” vid as drillanwr said.


    “That miserable bastard deserves nothing but a bunker buster today.”

    It would have been a great sight to see that happen
    on this day wouldn’t it.

    Kathy Ozanne ~ I agree. You said it all so well.

    “I am beginning to wonder how many of ‘us’ are left, really?”

    Not one person in my office spoke of it at all.
    It was just another day.

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